Kim Possible Porn Story: Baby 101 Chapter 14

Kim Possible Porn Story: Baby 101 Chapter 14

So here is an update of Baby 101thanks to everyone for reading this fan base fiction of mine.

Baby 101

Lesson 14

Global Justice

The time for change has arrived. The hands that will stop all evil will work its magic and soon this pathetic place you called earth will be free from woes, suffering

Is anyone tracing this?!

Forget about tracing this call Director because you cant. And guess what? Theres only one man who can trace me but still, he would find it difficult. Do you want me? Shego knows how to get me and I will not face anyone except her.

Dead line

Damn! Did you trace it?!

Sorry maam! We didnthe was using a secure linea very secured line.


Will Du!


I want you to get Wade Load immediately.

Should I inform Shego and

No. Well do this firstif we could spare Shego and the other villains sometime to prepare, then we must.


We have no other choice. This is now in the hands of the villains weve fought before.




So tell me, what are your plans Shego? Anne Possible asked the green skinned woman who was with them at their dinner table

Aside from stopping Dr. D? Shego asked flatly

Yes aside from that. What do you plan about Kish, her future, your lifewell when all these problems are taken care off of course? The oldest red head asked. She has her focus not on Shego and she was smiling at Kish who was trying her best to eat by herself. Her husband on the other tried to feed the little girl with her food which end up with James and Kish wrestling for the spoon

Kim and Shego looked at each other and then at the two oldest Possible on the table. Jim and Tim who were unusually quiet did the same, Ah I havent thought about that yet. Ive been taking care of all my crime records that it doesnt occur to me to think of a future for us. Shego replied honestly

James stopped what he was doing only for Anne to replace him, causing the youngest red head to squeal in joy, How about Kimmie? Where will Kim be in all of these? I meanwhat role will my Kimmie-cub play in yours and Kishs life?


Shego looked at Kim and took a deep breath, If you mean that I am going to deny princess here

Pwincess! Kish screamed and points to herself which made the adults in the room laughed

I mean pumpkin of her right on Kish, then no. If I intend to do that, I wouldnt have told Kish about Kim being her other mommy

Mowmy! Kish squealed and points at Shego, Mom! Teacher Mom too! Kish points at Kim and smiled cutely at her other mother

Sweet! Tim and Jim chorused then high fives into the air

James nodded his head, I am glad because I really am going to have a fit if you said otherwise

Dad! Kim called out her father with red face

Sodo you plan on settling in with Kim? Asked Anne who looked at Shego and snickered at Shegos sudden blushing

Whoa! Jim exclaimed and looked at Shego, I cant believe that your blush is also green!

Shego glared at Jim then at Tim who was about to add something to Jims jive. Tim raised both hands with his palms towards Shego, Im not saying anything Tim said shaking his head

Jim, Tim what did I say about things you shouldnt do? James scolded the two

Sorry! The two squeaked then they both jumped off the chair. They looked at Kish and said, Can we play with Kish? wherein James and Anne shook their head no before the two walked out of the dining area grumbling about their parents being uncool and all.

So? Anne returned her gaze on Shego

Thatha-ha Shego scratched her head, That washehthat direct hm?

Mom, youre embarrassing me. Kim said flatly

Barass! Kish squealed, More peas gammaw! Kish asked Anne who smiled and gave Kish more peas

Whats embarrassing with your mothers question? It is just right for the two of you to settle down in one place so the two of you could take care of Kish. James said

I agree with your dad. Anne concede

But mom, we still have lots of problem andShego and I havent talked about that, besides we are not loversor something Kim said, her last words almost whispered.

Shego looked at Kim whose eyes suddenly found her plate interesting


Kim pouted and looked at Shego, But Im right isnt it? Why talk about something ridiculous like moving together when we have no reason to

We already moved inShego was cut off

We are not sharing the same room, thats not moving in Shego.

So whats that phrase means to you? We are sharing the same roofanddo you even want to be with Kish? Shego asked a bit irritated

Of course! Kim huffed, she turned her body so that she was face to face with Shego, Besides, this is my parents housenot mine, not yours and absolutely not ours. We are here because of circumstances that are beyond our control hence we are sharing the same roof

Ah James pushed his chair and picked up Kish who has been watching her mothers battle out with their wits, I think we should leave the two of you so you can sort this thing out. He said, his face blushing

Anne looked at her daughter then at Shego before she shook her head, pushed her chair and stood up. She followed her husband out of the dining area but said before she finally disappeared, And please clean the table.


We were actually debating about moving in Shegodo you realize that? Kim said as she shook her head

Yeah. Shego sighed deeply, My mother would have agreed with your parents and would have probably initiate a moreahintimate subject? Shego said smiling

Kim blushed, Yeah? Shego nodded, I cant believe my parents actually tricked us into talking about this.

Yeahyour parents are cool. Shego said then she looked at the mess that was the dining table


So what are we now princess? Shego asked, I mean we cant be enemies anymore because I have already defunct from the villain community. Yes we are co-mothersbut will we be just that? Co-mothers to Kish?

You did say you love meor was that just a spur of the moment? Kim asked looking intently at Shegos emerald orbs

What do you think?

Im not expecting that answer

I do Kimmie. I am in love with you.


Sois moving in with me that bad if you do love me? Kim said, she stood up, stepped closer to Shego and leaned in, Will sharing a room with me thatawkward?

Shego wound her arms around Kims waist and pulled the red head closer to her. Shegos face now at the level of Kims chin and she has her head tilted up so her eyes met Kims own, Is that feeling mutual between us? Shego asked suddenly

Ive been looking for you for two yearsand was out of my head 8 months before Ive learned that you were pregnant Kim said as she caressed the older womans face with her thumbs, I cant do anything productive back then ShegoI need to find you, see you and fight you because I know that will make me feel better. Whats worst? Shego nodded for Kim to continue, That feeling doubled when Ive learned what Drakken did and that youre pregnantwith my child.

Soyou looked for me not because I was pregnant with Kish? Kim shook her head

I will look for you and will not stop even if you didnt get pregnant with Kish. Kim smiled and then she leaned forward, her lips getting closer with Shegos, I am willing to share my life with you and Kish, Ill make up for all the times I was not therefor you and our daughter Kim whispered before she finally closed the gap between their lips

Am I dreaming? My Kimmie is actually kissing mePumpkin Shego thought then she closed her eyes as her lips savored the feeling of Kims lips against hers

I love you too Shego. Kim whispered the moment their lips separated. Kim looked at Shego who has her eyes close still, My apartment has three bedrooms and I have no one

Shego opened her eyes and smiled at Kim, Are you asking me to move in with you? she asked in a teasing tone

Yes I am Shegoyou, me, Kishtogether?

Shego grinned, I dont knowmy mom is a bit strict She was interrupted by a soft slap on her shoulder, Im just kidding pumpkin. Yeah wed like to move in with you but maybe after all these bogus?

Kims face darkened


I dont want you to face Drakken alone Shego. Cant I come with you? Kim said sadly, she leaned more towards Shego, Please?

Shego shook her head when Kim started doing her famous pout again, Sorry pumpkin but Im not budging this time, because you need to do one very important thing in this chaos.


Protect Kish. Dr. D is also after her and my mother. He already shoot my mom and I am glad he didnt kill her yet, I dont think I could remain sane if Dr. D does anything bad to you or Kish. Shego explained


Then Kim leaned forward once more and captured Shegos lips once again. Then take Ron Kim insisted after their lips parted

Shego frowned, The other villains will be with me. The green skinned woman said

Then the more you should bring Ron with you to back you up. Kim said she started rubbing Shegos back with her hands, I cant trust any of those villains Shego. What if they decided to trick you? What if they planned to help you at first then abducts you after defeating Drakken and uses you to get to me?


Shego please? Kim begged, Im not letting anything bad happen to you. I dont think I could handle it if you the red head trailed off

Die? Shego sighed then she leaned her head on Kims chin, We all are going to anyway

But not nownot yet Shego, we still have lots of making up to do. We still have the future to look forward too with Kish, so please just this one Shego? If you really love me

Shego pushed away from Kim lightly, Thats unfairto use that line if you really love me, youre not giving me any choice.

Because Im not Shego. My coming with you can be negotiable, but Ron backing you up is not

How about you, who will back you up? Shego asked

Lots Shego. Your Aunt Betty and the whole GJ will be here to make sure your family is safeMe and Kish are safe.


If we want our life together to move further and to be stronger, we have to learn to compromise Shego.

Shego leaned against Kims chin once again, Im taking Stoppable in one condition.

OkayI did say we compromise.

You will take the rat with youleave the rat with Kish. That rat is a dependable pet.

Kim smiled, I think that could be arranged

And make sure that my Aunts underlings are here to back you up. That Will Du could be as stiff as a stone, but still, his skill is dependable.

Will do

Yeah thats the name.

Kim laughed, I think we better start cleaning the table

Thats a great thought honey! Weve kind a getting sticky here from too much sweets! Anne Possible could be heard from their living room shouting, it was followed by a giggling child, two voices that shouted Booshaw and a laughing father.

Shego and Kim had their own shades of blushes when they decided to start cleaning, but not after Kim hollering, YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO EAVESDROP!


The kimmunicator beeped causing two red heads to stretch their heads and look at it, while one raven haired woman remained on her pillow.

Whos going to get that? Shego asked

ME! Kish squealed, standing abruptly and dived for the blue colored device. How? She asked looking at Kim

Push the red button on the center. Kim instructed

Kish sat beside Kim with the device and points at the red button, This?

Yes that button.

Kish smiled and pushed it with one plump finger. The kids eyes widened when the screen glowed and Wades face emerged

Hi Kim He stopped his greeting when it was a very young red head who greeted him

Mom! Picture talking! Kish said still with wide eyes. That caught Shegos attention so she crawled towards the two red heads to see what it was all about

Hi Kish! Wade greeted

Ohits nerdlinger Shego said rolling her eyes

Ned-ned! Kish imitated

Oi! Wade whined but said nothing after that, And for you young lady, its Uncle Wade not ned-ned!

Kim laughed, Kish this is Uncle Wade.

Unca Wade? Kim nodded

So whats the sitch Wade? Kim asked

Kish frowned, Chich?

Shego laughed

Oh yeah, I need to talk to Shego. Shes there right?


Shego took the device from Kishs hands and look at Wade, So what?

Wade exhaled, Got hit from Electronique, she said she needs to lay out to you their plan and explain to you what they will be doing.

Kim and Shego looked at each other


Yes, she said shell meet you at the tower. Wade said as he typed on his computer

What tower?

I think she said it was the electrical tower that was so memorable for you and Kim.


Ohthat tower

Kim looked at Shego suspiciously, That could be a trap Shego.

Shego smiled, Goody-goody pumpkin being so pessimist hm?

Im just trying to take care of something important to me. Kim replied which caused Wades eyes to widened and to cough out the drink hed just swallowed

Shego smiled, looked at Wade and then leaned forward to kiss Kim on her lips

Wades soda spilled on his keyboard after witnessing the exchange. Shego smiled in the kiss as she heard the Afro-American boy cursed, Im done heredamn soda

Kim looked at Wade and frowned, No cursing in front of Kish Uncle Wade.

DAMN! Kish yelled

See? Kim chastised the boy with a glare

Sorry KimIm outand oh, Ill be out of the loop for two days. GJ needs me. Wade said then turned off his part of the communication


Shego then got up and prepared herself to leave, I better go there and meet Electronique.

Be careful? Kim said, she was hugging the little red head close to her

Ful mowmy!

Shego smiled, leaned forward and gave her two red heads good night kisses, Im sure this wont take long. Ill be back in a few. Shego said. She was about to turn around when Kim stopped her, Pumpkin?

Kim took something from her side table and handed it to Shego, Key to my car, it has a rocket engine so you could go faster?

Shego made a thinking pose, The purple carthe one you used to chase me and Motor Ed?

One and the same though this has more modifications now.

Soyoure not actually using it?

I retired from missions remember? Shego smiled then she gave Kim another dose of hot kiss on her lips, Go now before I change my mind and pull you back to bed. Kim said

Shego straightened herself and turn around, Ill be back. She said before walking out of the room

Bye mowmy!! Kish shouted then she lunged herself on Kim, Mom play with Kish!

Okayso what do you want to play?

Kiss Kish booboo? the toddler said smiling

Wheres Kish booboo? Kim asked and the toddler points to her imaginary wound on her knee. Kim smiled and pulled the knee up and kissed it

Kish squealed shouting, Booboo gone! Kiss Kish booboo!

And where is Kish booboo this time? Kish pointed on her other knee and Kim kissed it again, followed by another squeal of delight

And it became a cycle for the mother and daughter tandem

Until 10 minutes into the gamea very loud noise hit their earsthe noise that seemed to have come from their living room.

Kish jumps to her mom and Kim hugged the trembling toddler, Mom will keep you safe Kim chanted and Kish nodded


I am glad you came Zhego. Electronique greeted as she walked out of the shadows where she was hiding

Yeah and Im on a roll here, left my family alone so can we get on with whatever it is you want to talk about? Shego asked

Too impatient I zee. Electronique smiled, I am here to tell you of our plan

So spill, I dont have all the time in the world you know. Shego was standing closer now to Electronique. The older villain then handed Shego a blue print

Thiz iz the zitys floor plan where in Mizz Leon and Mizz Lyn will invade.

What city? And Invade? I thought we are together in defeating Dr. D? Shego asked irritated

Yezthat we are. The zity is Garokia, we need a ztone zere zat iz alzo from a meteor.


It could be uze az antidote to the power you got from your meteor.

Shego frowned, So youll bombard me with antidote when I needed my power the most?

Electronique shook her head, Ztop interrupting me and hear me out firzt. You zaid you dont have all ze time in ze world. Shego did not retort instead she focused her eyes on Electroniques body movement, Ze antidote will have to be injected to Drakken. We zuzpect that he will incorporate your brotherz powerz in hiz DNA and it will be irreverzible if we cant reverze the procezz. And a new development, it zeems that if your brotherz powerz are put together, along with yourz if hez that lucky could create another kind of power. To what we ztill have no idea and that iz what we have to prevent.

He could play God if he has all of those powers Shego said then sighed deeply

We will inject the antidote while you fight him. Electronique said flatly

Shego frowned, What? Im the bait? The older villain nodded

There iz no one that can faze Drakken. You know how he thinkz

When he wasnt insane doy! Shego huffed

I will be the one to try to injecttry to come near him. Electronique offered, The ztone could only make one antidote though and we cannot mizz.

Shego frowned, Why not take a lot of stone to make a lot of antidote?

Do you want everyone in that zecret zity to die from monzter attack?

Shego looked at Electronique intently, You mean

The ztone protects them, zatz why we will only take a porzion from the big one. We are villains but we dont kill. She said

Its a one shot deal then?


I just have to work Dr. D up and have him focused on me so you all could do your thing? Shego asked and Electronique nodded, Very well

And thats when Shegos mobile phone chimed

Hello Kimmie? Shego said with a bit worry in her voice

You got to go back now ShegoDr. Director is already here at home and

Youre making me nervous Kimmie, did something happened to you and Kish?

Nobut youre brothers are hereand it doesnt look good.

Shit! Shego flipped her phone close and looked at Electronique, I have to leave nowmy brothers are at the Possibles and

We heard what happened Zhego, Drakken succeeded in taking their powerz.

And the antidote?

Mizz Leon and Mizz Lyn iz on their way to Garokia az we zpeak.

Shego nodded and then tucked the phone away, Contact me when the antidote is ready, then Ill leave Dr. D the message.

YezI will do zat.

Electronique then moved back and disappeared to the shadows at the tower while Shego leaped off the building and to the ground beside the Slot damn Hego! He never listens! Her thought before she boarded the car and zoomed into the night

-end lesson 14-

Next: Adrena and Camilles mini adventure. What happened to Team Go. DNAmy wakes upwill she help create the antidote for Drakken? Nothe new power after combination will not be tackled on the next chapter. Lesson 16 will be Shego and Drakkens face off!

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