Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: Souls Connected Chapter 7

Kim Possible Porn Story: Souls Connected Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Wades Room

The two Duashari left as quickly as they had come, and silently as well. Wade edged out into the main lab and frowned at the smoking remains of his machine. It didnt really matter, he had a back up computer downstairs, hidden in the basement, but he didnt like to be out maneuvered by anyone, especially a group that he had never even heard of.

The black boy made his way into the basement and went to his computer. It was slightly slower than his main rig, but that was not to be helped at the moment. He plugged in his hard drive and waited a moment while the computer booted up. He smiled grimly as he began to make sure his hard drive worked and then opened his contacts folder.

He set in Shegos number and while it was ringing began another search on the Duashari, this time with some new search parameters, including the names and appearances of the two men who had invaded his home.

Shegos hovercraft

Shego and Kim were in the hovercraft twenty minutes when Shego received a call from Wade. She reached down and clicked open her phone and said What do you want?

Shego, I was just attacked Wades face was serious and a tad paler than was healthy.

What! Shego exclaimed by who?

I can only assume it was the Duashari he said seriously, his brow furrowed with worry They destroyed my main lab, and did their best to erase my computers. If I wasnt as fast to act as I was, they probably would of killed me

Kim was now alerted to the call, and her own ethereal brow was creased with concern for her Tech guru and long-time friend.

Shego shook her head in anger Yeah, those bastards dont really seem to care about who lives or who dies. Hell, they dont care if they die

Wade nodded yeah, makes sense. My searches so far have only come across a couple obscure references to a religious group centered around Egyptian mythology the boy shrugged They seemed to be a little high tech to be a religious cult

Shego frowned, her encounter with Duashari flashing in her memory. Yeah she muttered and some other weird shit besides. Wade. she paused and cleared her throat :Be careful okay?

Wade nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude Thanks he cut the call and went back to work. Shego didnt have to say that, he knew, and it was probably against her character but he appreciated it anyway.

Shego threw the phone onto the seat next to her, so that the phone flew straight through Kim, who shivered.

Sorry Shego said, to which the transparent red head simply waved her hand No big

A silence fell between them, until Kim cleared her throat You know, that was a really nice thing to do

Shego raised an ebony eyebrow What was?

What you said to Wade Kim smiled It was almost sweet of you I-

She was cut off by both their annoyance by Shegos phone ringing again. The pale woman turned and grabbed the phone, slamming the receive button What!? she snarled.

Wade answered I just saw on the news. Middleton General Hospital has been attacked

Shego paled slightly. Hospitals had usually been off-limits for her as a general rule, but she knew that certain groups, like the Duashari, had less morals than even her. She could only wonder at what horrors a group like them could inflict at a place of healing like that.

and? her voice was strained, and she braced herself internally for the casualties.

Wades voice was hesitant The building hasn’t been fully searched but at least 34 confirmed dead, mostly patients and nursing staff. At least nineteen missing including the body of teen hero Kim Possible and her mother

Middleton General, Earlier

Dr. Ann Possible leaned against the wall and sighed. Dr. Porter was supposed to meet her here but nobody could get in contact with her. There was no response from the Space Center either, which wasn’t really surprising considering it was the middle of the night. That said, Vivian had promised to be there. She had even called Global Justice to see if the younger expert was with them, since they occasionally needed her for “special operations” that was most likely above her “clearance level”, as she was a civilian.

But when she had reached global Justice, a machine had put her on hold for over twenty minutes, which lead the red-headed doctor to believe that, as usual, the crime fighting organization was busy.

That knowledge did nothing to comfort her as she stood by her comatose daughter. This idea of using cybernetics to bring back coma patients was as revolutionary as the consequences could be horrifying. That is why Dr. Porter had enlisted both Wade, perhaps the smartest person in the country and herself for her knowledge of the brain and skill as a surgeon. With a team as prestigious and intelligent as that, the group had believed that their goal was well within reach. Project Awakening had already been started by the medical field when Kim had been injured, making Dr. Possible’s professional interest into something far more personal.

Both Dr. Porter and Wade had assured Mrs. Possible that they were nearing completion, and that tests on animals had shown that it was entirely possible to bring a comatose patient back.

Ann looked sadly at her silent daughter and passed her hand over her daughters face, brushing a lock of fiery hair from the teen’s face. “This will work” The Doctor whispered in a motherly tone, more for herself than for Kim “It must work”

Out in the hall, a security guard passed the ward and shook his head sadly at the sight of the Possible’s. Al Frankin, the guard, kept walking until he ran into one of his peers, a younger man named Tim Gane. The older man sidled up and nodded “What’s happening Tim”

“Just making’ my rounds” Tim chuckled, then looked past Al “Aren’t those lights supposed to be mostly off Al?”

The older guard shook his head and sighed “nah, Dr. Possible is in with her daughter, asked me special to keep the ward open for her”

Tim looked at Al suspiciously “Isn’t that against regulations, even for Doctors?”

Al put his hand companionly on the younger man’s arm “Look, your kinda new here so let me tell you a little secret. One, when a Doctor gives ya’ an order… follow it”

Tim nodded “Fine, and two?”

Al winked “Never get in the way of a Doctor who could take a knife to your brain and make you dance like trained Chimp”

Tim went a little pale and gulped audibly “Got it”

“Good now we-” he was cut off by a scream from the ward behind them. The two looked but couldn’t see anything from their position in the hall. Al and Tim exchanged glances and then ran for the door. Al made it there first and threw open the door and exclaimed “Dr. Possible what’s…” but he shut up when it became apparent what was wrong. A man in a long black cloak had the Doctor by the neck and had her suspended at least a foot of the ground. He turned slightly at the guards voice and his hood fell back. Covering the man’s face was an ornate golden mask of a Hyena, which grinned at him inanely.

Al pulled the gun from his holster in time for Tim to reach him, and for the tall man to wag a disapproving finger at him “No firearms please, you will wake the patient’ he gestured ironically at the silent form of the red-headed heroine on the bed. Ann gasped as she was choked by the clamp-like grip.

The older man pointed the gun at the black clothed man and spoke clearly and calmly, despite his obvious fear “Put down the lady sir, and put your hands on your head”

With a shrug, the man lowered Ann to the floor and turned, cloak swirling about him, revealing a glistening carapace of armor and the masked face cocked mockingly “There, no what do you plan to do with me”

Al stepped forwards and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. Tim was close behind, but neither of them was fast enough to anticipate what happened next. The intruders hand shot out and crushed Al’s hand, gun and all. The older man yowled with pain and tried to yank his arm out of the man’s grasp. The hyena mask was as unmovable as the man it hid, and moving his other arm grabbed the handcuffs, tossing them at the younger guard, the metal rings impacting with his nose. Then, with the two guards distracted, he tore Al up by his destroyed hand and brought him over his armored knee.

The old man screamed again as his spine broke and he was tossed aside as though he was a mere rag doll. The murderous man fell back a little as a bullet impacted his combat armor. Tim fired over and over, and each bullet drove the tall figure back. Suddenly a click was audible throughout the room as Tim’s gun ran out of ammo. Before the intruder could take fool advantage, an unexpected force yanked his foot out from under him. Dr. possible had grabbed his foot and pulled, hard. With a surprised yelp, the man fell face first onto the ground, a snap telling the doctor that his nose had been broken against the inside of the mask.

Tim jumped onto the downed man and tried to restrain him “Run Dr. Possible” he managed, but to quickly their tormentor had swung the new guard up and around as he stood. The man dangled Tim by an arm and looked into his eyes, blood dripping from his mask “Go away” he said simply and with a heave, threw the poor man out the window. The good news for Tim was the window was already open, presumably because that was where the masked attacker had snuck in. The bad news was, he was still quite a few floors above ground level. As his screams came to a abrupt halt, the masked man turned to Doctor Possible, who was standing over her daughter protectivly “admiral effort Doctor” he said cooly “But in vain.” a scream from a floor below made him pause “my fellows have begun their work. Come with me” he shook his head “Before the real screaming begins”

Out on the lawn of the hospital, Young Security guard Tim Gane was amazingly still conscious. This turned out to be a horrible curse, as minutes after his landing, a sound more painful than his broken bones cut through his agony. Inside the hospital people began to scream, and he could do nothing but watch as the black cloaked devils went room to room, and butchered as many people as they could. Tim blinked a tear from his eye as his coworkers and the patients were…. were… he couldn’t finish the thought. His world darkened as he knew true despair for the first time.

Middleton Hospital – Present

As the hovercraft landed near the hospital, Kim gasped in horror. The building was a wreck, still smoldering from some windows. Emergency vehicales and Police swarmed the area, along with the media. Shego had to make sure the craft was reasonably hidden before she set it down. Before Shego could say anything, Kim had run off, towards the wreckage. Shego raised a hand and shouted “Kim!” but the call had gone unheeded.

Shego wished she could go with the spirit, but she was still a wanted criminal, and the last thing she wanted was to be caught by a cop near a scene like this. The only reason she had landed in the first place was because Princess had begged her to. Now she was gone and she could do nothing about it.

Kim raced to the building and scampered up the side of the building, using the same way she had taken to follow Shego when she had first “risen”. Her room was dark, and the stench of smoke and blood was unbelievable. Her bed lay in ruins, a bullet hole marred the wall nearest the bed. She looked around the room, and asped when she found the body of a security guard, Al, bent in an aweful, unnatural way. She had always liked Al, he would always nod and say hello when she would visit her mother. She put a hand over her mouth and fought the urge to gag, as unbelievable as that could be. She jumped when she saw his chest rise jerkily.

He was alive! How that was possible was beyond her reckoning. She kneeled down and put a hand to his forhead. At her touch his eyes opened weakly and he looked at her “You were always a nice girl” he mumbled and then let out a rattle as his chest stopped moving. Kim burst into ears and fell over him.

Back at the hovercraft, Shego had received another call from Wade “Global Justice has been attacked” he told the pale woman.

That had gotten her attention “What? how do you know?”

“I have reports coming in all over from stranded agents and teams being attacked, or coming back to a empty base… wait here is a new transmission” the black boy hit play on his transceiver and the video began to play. It showed a young man, in a torn Global Justice uniform apparently fighting for his life.

“Code Sigma, code Sigma, Team Prime under attack from WEE forces, possibly assisted by” he looked over at a spirt of gun fire “Agent Radjoski, put down some covering fire!” he turned back to the camera “assisted by an unknown force. Simmons is down. This is Agent Du, calling for any support that can hear us”

He raised his hand and fired a weapon, the video went briefly hazy “Position is East Cafeteria of Middleton base, repeat the East Cafeteria. Is anybody there?”

The video cut off with a hiss and Wade’s face returned “That is the most recent one.”

Before Shego could respond, Kim did “We have to go help him”

The pale woman jumped, she had not even heard the other girl return, and she turned to the transparent heroine shaking with emotion, whether rage or sorrow she couldn’t tell. She stared for a moment into the eyes of the girl and saw the raw pain etched in her features. Shego sighed then nodded “I’ll punch in the course” she shook her head “We’ll need all the help we can get to find your body… and your mother”

Kim glared into space and nodded “We’ll get them, we always do”

A/N- I am so sorry it took this long, but school hit me hard, and it was tough to restart. Well… hope you like the chapter!