Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: Souls Connected – Chapter 5

Kim Possible Porn Story: Souls Connected – Chapter 5

Chapter 5- Rons Plight

Copyright- Kim Possible and friends belong to Disney. Assaim and the Duashari are mine!

The Past

Ron sat in the waiting room of the Middleton Hospital. Rufus popped out of his pocket and the naked mole rat patted Ron on his hand.

Oh Rufus buddy, what if shes not ok? The blond boy asked quietly

Mhmm-You no need ta worry The mole rat squeaked, surprising several nearby nurses. That made a small smile appear on Rons face, it was always a riot when people were startled by Rufuss intelligence.

The amount of times the little mole rat had saved him and Kim…Rons face fell again.

Oh Kim, If anything happens its all my fault the normally buffoonish and care-free boy had his face lined with worry and guilt.

Suddenly Mrs. Possible walked into the waiting room. She kneeled in front of Ron. Rons heart turned cold as he saw tears running in quiet streaks down her face.

Im sorry Ron, there was nothing we c-could do a quiet sob escaped her lips she was already too long gone.

She must of seen Rons face Oh Ron, I dont blame you- Its my fault, I-I should of stopped her in the beginning

May I Ron cleared his suddenly dry throat May I see her

Mrs. Possible looked up If you want to, Ron.

Ron got up slowly and walked to the door Mrs. Possible had exited from. In the room Kim was on her back attached to different machines.

He walked over and ran a shacking hand through his girlfriends fiery red hair. Now tears started to fall I cant take this Ron whispered.

At that point Ron came to a decision. Goodbye Kim and he leaned forwards and placed one final kiss on her lips.

Without another word her turned and strode from the room.

The next day he boarded a flight to Japan. He knew of a way that could help him come to grips with Kims accident. It involved a lot of meditation.

The Present

Damn it! Shego shouted as slammed her cell phone on the table. The outburst startled Kim so much that she fell through her chair.

Still cant find him she asked with a kind smile.

Fuck, its like he just disappeared Shego grumbled as she leaned back in her chair.

She had been trying to contact Dr. Drakken for hours. She had even went to the silly mans hideout and found the place deserted, all the henchmen on a leave of absence.

Well Shego, where did you last see him? Kim asked gently, mostly trying to forestall another outburst.

Hmph, it was when he was here to tell me he was taking a break from Villainy, we talked and then he flew away in…His hovercraft! Shego performed a face palm.

Of course, he has a tracker in that blasted machine Shego leapt up and rushed over to a nearby terminal. She executed a series of codes and suddenly a map filled the screen. Ok Ive found the hovercraft lets go find whats up.

Shego walked to the front of her lair, to the hanger, where her jet was kept, not to mention a spare hovercraft. She jumped in the hovercraft and began to run tests and pre-flight preparations.

Where is he Shego? Kim asked as she jumped up on to the hovercraft.

Shego turned to Kim and was about to answer when a sudden thought struck her. Why did Kim have to walk or jump at all, whenever she encountered an obstacle she could simply walk through it, so why did some of the laws of physics affect her when others didnt?

Kim waited for a couple of seconds and when Shego didnt say anything she clicked her finger near the green womans ear Hello Shego, I believe I asked you a rather simple question

Shegos eyes refocused Huh, What?

Where. Is. Drakken? Kim said slowly.

Oh, his transceiver is sending a signal from Shego turned to a nearby console In a Jungle somewhere in Nicaragua

Kim just raised an eyebrow before settling comfortably in her seat. Comfortable, wait a damn minute. Kim looked down and around. While she wasnt fully corporeal she realized that a couple of days ago, she couldnt feel anything at all.

She reached out carefully and placed a hand on Shegos shoulder, and for a moment it was like they were actually touching. Shego jumped slightly and half-turned to the red-headed apparition. Dont worry Shego, Well find him.

Kim had never had a great opinion of the good doctor, but the conversation that she had overheard gave him more respect in her eyes.

They looked into each others eyes for a moment, then the moment passed and Kims hand passed right through Shegos body.

Shego shivered as the comforting warm hand evaporated into cold water pouring through her shoulder. She smiled weakly You need to stop doing that Kimmie.


The two just looked at each other for a second, and then Shego cleared her throat, probably louder than necessary. Erm, anyway pumpkin, we gotta go see if Dr. D needs me ta save his blue ass.

Kim giggled as the green woman made a face, as if to say, once again. The hovercraft slowly lifted off the ground and zoomed off in Drakkens general direction.


Ron reached the gates to the secret Ninja academy, Yamanouchi, and took a deep breath. He had vowed to himself that he would never again come back, yet here he was. Though he really didnt want to accept his destiny to become the mystical monkey master- Yamanouchi was the only place he could think of, that could help him.

He needed Sensei for advice, He needed meditation for peace, and he needed Yori so he could have a sympathetic shoulder to cry on.

Then he blanched at the memory of his and Yoris last meeting, when he had told her that Kim and he were dating. He knew (well almost anyway) that she had some sort of feelings towards him, and talking about his girlfriend- he refused to say ex-girlfriend, would be beyond untactful.

Well Sensei and Meditation would help anyway.

Ron took a deep breath and walked into the academys courtyard. The nearby building, which was damged in thye attack of the evil Yono, was perfectly rebuilt. The first thing that caught his eye was the lack of students.

When he was there before it had been full of ninjas traing, and teaching. Oh, there was a couple still here, but compared to before, it was pitifully few.

He walked in and looked around closer- none of the faces were familier. Before he could do anymore looking a deep voice sounded out behind him.

Stoppable-San, I felt your approach the old man who Ron only knew as Sensei bowed What gives us the honor of your presence.

Ron looked at his feet then back at Sensei, then he bowed I wish to try yo gain peace through meditation Sensei.

I sense much trouble in your heart Stoppable-San, Come inside and tell me what has happended Sensei said wisely and turned to renter the building he had just left.

Ron followed, carefully taking off his sneakers as he entered Senseis home. As he followed the old man he reminised on another time he walked through these halls, it was right after graduation and he had come to tell Sensei he had enough of monkey kung fu.

You see, two giant aliens- Warmonga and Warhog were threatening the world and as usual Kim and he were out to save the world. The mission did have some quirks, notably the villains Drakken and Shego helping them, but the largest had come from Ron himself.

The aliens had threatened Kims life, and that had broken a dam inside Ron. He had let the Mystical Monkey Power flow through him. He had roundly kicked the bad guys gigantic alien rears, then had thrown them into the air.

The two had rocketed into their crashing space ship and it had exploded, vaporising both of them. Ron had not felt guilty immediately, to exhilhirated with his girlfriend and the win, and even graduating- but the guilt had come.

The weight of two lives, aliens or not, layed heavily on Rons shoulders. So, he had flown to Yamanouchi over two months ago and had told Sensei that he was done with this.

Sensei sat down crosslegged behind a short table. Ron also took a seat. Sensei poured himself a glass of tea Stoppable-San, would you care for some tea

Ron started to say no, but he changed his mind and nodded his head in assent. As he took the steaming cup and took a drink, its soothing taste eased some of his nervous tension.

Sensei waited and before long Ron started talking Sensei, how much have you heard from the US lately he asked quietly.

I admit news has been scarce of late Sensei said with a nod.

Well Sensei recently there was an accident and Kim Ron choked back a quiet sob K-Kim got hurt.

Sensei listened quietly while Ron told the story to him. He pondered the young man as Ron poured his heart out to him, including his perceived fault in Kims fall.

So that is why I am here Sensei, to find peace Ron finished.

Sensei sipped at his tea then spoke I see, well Ron-san peace may you find in Yamanouchi, but absolution you will not- eventually you must seek reality-no matter how hard that is

The blond boy nodded This may surprise you Sensei, but I believe I know that

Stoppable-San, you have ceased to surprise me Sensei responded with a small smile Let us hope you will find some measure of peace in Yamnouchi

Ron stood and bowed I do too


Shego looked around and shouted back over the wind Alright kimmie, weve reached the coordinates, hold on and before Kim could consider the irony of that staement they were landing.

They both quickly exited their vehicale and hurried over to the crash sight.

Shego stood and raised an eyebrow What the Fuck happened here!

She walked over and looked at the sides It looks like Dr. D was shot down by a god-damned missile.

Kim walked over and looked at the mechanical aircraft hmm, looks like air-to-air missiles at Shegos blank stare she shrugged Ive done a lot of work for the airforce:

Whatever, Princess, Im going to go check the flight log, maybe itll shed a little light on this. And without another word she leaned over and started to access the hovercrafts cpu.

Kim looked around when she found a indentation on the ground, she turned to tell Shego when she noticed something very wrong indeed. Shego watch out!

Shego, acting purely on instinct dodged to the side as a fist slammed into the computer screen, right where her head had just been.

She back flipped out of the hovercraft and saw a man clad in black leather pull his hand out of the computer screen. As he straightened, his black cloak fluttered behind him and she saw under his hood and a half-helm with a hyena visage covered the top half of his head.

I have heard of your skill Lady Shego his voice was deep, but almost friendly I had hoped of taking you alive, but I have strict orders- If you become aware of me you must be terminated.

If youre lost, the nearst renaissance fair is about a thousand miles north Shego said, falling into a fighting pose.

The man laughed Ah the famous rapier wit of yours Lady Shego, but I believe I need one more item to make my medieval look complete eh? with that he drew a strange sword, straight until a certain point, until it curved in the middle suddenly. Shego recognized it as a Khopesh she loved her video games alright!

He drew his hand across the sword and suddenly it glowed blue Before you die, you may know my name, I am Bazier of the Duashari.

Shego raised an eyebrow Dua- what but Bazier was already lunging.

Shego dodged the thrust and her hands lit up in green light. His next attack was parried by a quick parry by her claws. A quick riposte aimed at his helmeted head was knocked away by a gloved hand.

He suddenly kicked out, and Shego was knocked into a nearby tree. While she was stunned he swung horizontally. The green woman ducked underneath the glowing sword and rolled away, hoping that the sword might be caught in the tree.

Instead the blue blade cut right through the tree, and it was falling before it was even all the way through. Both Bazier and Shego had to dive out of the way of the falling trunk.

Shego reacted quicker, jumping over the tree she delivered a claw to the man helmed forehead, and Bazier was staggered. She kneed him in the stomach and he doubled over with a cough.

Before she could finish him he lashed out with his Khopesh, forcing Shego to jump back. He rushed up and raised the blue blade over his head.

Glowing blade cut down, fiery claws rushed up to meet it. Shego was a second faster. Bazier looked down to see Shegos hand buried wrist deep in his chest. His weapon clattered to the ground, and lost its glow.

Bazier sunk to his knees with a cough, and pulled himself off her hand. He looked up as blood leaked from his mouth, and a ghost of a smile flickered across his face I have heard of your skill, but I honestly didnt believe in all the tales- now my arrogance is my undoing

Shego grabbed his shoulders Who are you people!? Where is Dr. Drakken?

Bazier shook his head You cannot help him, Shego he grabbed her arm It was a good death and before Shego could react in anyway he bit down on something in his mouth I wish you as good of a death Lady Shego.

As Bazier died, Shego opened his mouth and saw one of his teeth had been crushed. A fake tooth she muttered In case of capture

Kim, who had been forced to watch and not help rushed over Shego, what in the world is going on.

Shego glanced at her hand in disgust, the blood still dripping from it I dont now Pumpkin, but Im sure as hell going to find out


It had been a week since he had first come to Yamanouchi, and his instructors were impressed. Unlike his first time at the secret ninja academy he had been throwing his all into his lessons in an attempt to divert his thoughts from Kim.

It was helping, but late at night, like it was now, all he could think about was her- her voice, her laugh.

Ron sighed and looked up at the stars. He was on a hill, under a tree near the school. He came up here every night to just take in the stars. Without all the light pollution it was a beautiful thing to look at.

Ron-San, could I perhaps, join you a quiet feminine voice sounded from behind him.

Ron jumped at the voice and looked back to see Yori standing shyly near the tree.

Yori, uh sure he cracked a grin Its not like I own the hill or anything like that.

Yori nodded and lay down next to the blond boy. She looked over and said I come out to this hill when I need to think, is that what you are doing Ron-San she asked in a low voice.

Ron heaved a sigh Yeah, I have a lot to think about nowadays

Yori nodded and was silent Ron, have I ever told you how much I admire you

Ron, who was alerted by the young ninjas lack of an honorific turned slowly to see Yori looking at him. He raised a blond eyebrow You admire me? Im nothing but a screw-up, a Ron searched for the right word a buffoon

Yori smiled gently Oh Ron your not a buffoon, youre a hero and she leaned forward.

Warning signals went off in Rons head, but he was so stunned he didnt move as she kissed him chastely on the lips.

Blushing a deep red, Yori stood and bowed clumsily Im sorry, that was inappropriate

Ron opened his mouth- to agree or disagree, well never know, because Yori was already disappearing into the darkness.

Ron put his head into his hands; oh what was he supposed to do! Yori quite obviously really liked him, but there were so many problems with that.

Although he liked Yori, he still wasnt over Kim. Yet, Kims last words were to be happy, and what better way to move on than to give into Yoris affections. Butwhat about Kim herself.

Argh he groaned and fell on his back, a quiet chittering made him look up Hey Rufus, did I wake ya up-sorry

Rufus smiled and shook his head like to say, Whatever Bro.

Rufus, what should I do? Ron asked, as if actually expecting an answer. Rufus shrugged as if he was saying, I really dont know.

Ron groaned again Yeah, you and me both little buddy

A/N- I feel the need to apologize for the long wait for this chapter. My muse is acting like Shego to Drakken. I come up with an idea and she shoots it down in a sarcastic- but not a specifically constructive fashion. Before you ask, no my muse is NOT a real person.

A/N2- SHould I increase the rating to M…Just in case, please review, importante!