Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: To Bebe or not to Bebe – Chapter 5

Kim Possible Porn Story: To Bebe or not to Bebe – Chapter 5

Chapter 5 : A Clever
Imitation of Life

“Oh, come on ! Where
is casa de Rossum ?” Ron grumbled to himself as his scooter
tried to quit on him yet again. Wade had indeed known what Vina’s
home address is (1951 Barnhardt Way), but he didn’t mention how far
of a drive it was. In fact, it was just barely in Middleton, in a
housing development less than ten years old. Ron had driven past the
address three times already, but failed to notice it since there was
nothing obviously out of the ordinary about the Rossum’s dwelling.

After Rufus tugged on
Ron’s shirt and pointed the way, Ron drove up the short driveway and
stopped in front of the two car garage. After stowing his helmet in
the scooter’s basket, he followed the sidewalk to the front door,
noting the six foot wide tiled porch running along the front of the

“Well, time to get
this mission underway !” he stated flatly to Rufus as he checked
the Ronnunicator, still feeling a little guilty about spying on
anyone without a really good reason. Seeing that it was fully
functional, he hid it in one of his pockets before ringing the

A small camera box on a
telescoping post rose from a hidden trapdoor just to his right. “Who
is it ?” Vina’s voice requested.

“Oh, hi ! It’s me !
Ron ?” he replied to the talking box, “Am I early or
something ?”

“Not at all ! I’ll
be there in a minute !” Vina’s voice replied before the camera
box dropped back down, leaving no hint as to where it came from.

A few moments later the
front door opened. “I trust you didn’t have too much trouble
getting here, Ron ?” she asked.

“Well, not really.”
he began, “Well, okay, a bit. You know, they really should put
up more visible house numbers and street names out here !

And what’s with the
talking high tech jack-in-the-box ?”

“Oh, that. Part of
the security system Nina built.” Vina replied with a dismissive
gesture, “It’s just a fancy intercom. We can tell salesfolk to
get lost from any room in the house without needing to walk all the
way to the door.”

Ron started to reply
before Vina asked him how he got here.

“On my rambling road
machine over there !” he replied with a broad grin, gesturing
towards his scooter.

“On that poor little
thing ?” Vina asked, “What DID you do to it ? Drop it from
a helicopter a few times ?”

“Well, no !” Ron
replied huffily, “It IS a few years old, and, well, things kind
of happen …”

“Hmm. Indeed.”
she replied flatly as she retrieved a remote from her pocket and
pushed a button, “In any case, it’s probably best to keep it in
the garage until you head for home later. We’ve had a rash of
joyriders out here these last two weeks, so no vehicle is safe.”

“Really ? I haven’t
heard anything about it.”

“Well, it’s been very
small time stuff really.” Vina replied, “Probably far
beneath Kim’s notice. Just some kids ‘borrowing’ anything with
wheels, and running with it until it runs out of gas or they crash
into something. Why, just last Saturday someone swiped Mister
McKellow’s riding mower. If you look closely, you can still see the
strip of short grass they cut into everyone else’s lawn before they
ran into that mail box way over there.” she continued, pointing
to a dented mailbox several blocks away.

“Oh, yeah …”
Ron replied while squinting. It was difficult to see, but there was
a winding swath of shorter grass across several lawns.

Ron turned when he heard a
sound behind him – it was Vina pushing his scooter into the garage.
Although the garage was wide enough for two cars, half of it was
already taken up with cases of soda and boxes of crackers and other
bulk purchased items. And a pink, beyond pristine condition scooter
just like Ron’s !

“Wow ! You have a
scooter too ? When did you get that ?”

“It was mom’s. She
bought it new in nineteen sixty eight !”

“You mean that
scooter is …”

“… nearly forty
years old. And it still works just as well as it did when new,
thanks to Nina !”

Ron whistled. “She
does great work !”

“Yes, she does.”

Ron looked confused for a
moment. “Wait a minute – if you have your own transportation,
why do your sisters drive you everywhere ?”

“A car is faster and
can carry far more stuff.” Vina replied with a shrug, “And
I really like hanging with them !”

“Yeah, I guess that
makes sense.” Ron replied as Vina opened a door and they headed
into the kitchen.

“Since you are a
guest here,” Vina stated, “I prepared some snack trays.
This one has a selection of pretzels, chips, mini-corn dogs,
snicker-doodles, celery and carrot sticks and dip. While this other
one has different kinds of …”

“CHEESE !!!”
Rufus squealed as he popped out of Ron’s pocket like a manic prarie
dog and dove for the table.

Vina’s processors kicked
into overdrive as she attempted to figure out how to handle this
situation – none of the data on manners and polite behaviour that her
neural net had been trained with covered ‘what to do in case a manic
mole rat dives for a cheese platter’. As a Bebebot, she had the
combined memories of every Bebebot that had ever lived, and so
remembered what Rufus could do – and had done to her ‘aunts’ at the
Gulf Coast hive nearly a year ago; but since she was portraying a
human, she couldn’t act upon any of it even if it were of any
possible use in this situation.

– how WOULD the average human that had never seen a naked mole rat
before act in this situation ?
” she
mused as her random number generator produced an arbitrary number,
and her behavioural subroutines implemented the option.

IS that freakish thing ?!?!” she shrieked, “And WHY is it
eating all the cheese ?!?”

“Hey ! Don’t panic
!” Ron stated with his hands raised chest high in case Vina
picked up a broom or something, “That’s just Rufus. He’s not ‘a
freakish thing’, he’s a naked mole rat ! And a very close friend of
mine !”

“Well, you could have
TOLD me you were bringing him over !” Vina sniped back after a
few deep breaths for appearances, “It isn’t polite for guests to
bring guests of their own without asking the hostess first !”

“Eh heh, sorry about
that V !” Ron replied while rubbing the back of his head shyly,
“I just thought everybody in Middleton knew about me and Rufus.”

Vina glared at him for a
few tense moments. “So THAT’S how that
hairless freak got into the Gulf Coast hive ! Ron brought him in !”
she thought to herself while keeping her
expression neutral. “And since Ron has
never done anything against us, no one thought to check for such
things !”

“We just moved to
Middleton over the summer, and that subject has never come up before
!” Vina replied as she calmed down.

“But, since he’s
small, already here, and there has been no real harm done, I’ll let
it slide this time.” she finally stated, “That platter is
all yours, Rufus.”

Rufus sniffed at Vina for
a few seconds. She didn’t smell like any human he had ever met, but
she didn’t smell like any synthodrone or Bebebot he had ever met
either. And, since she was being so generous with the cheese, he
decided to give her the benefit of the doubt as he resumed snacking.

“Well, now that that
awkweird situation has been resolved, would either of you care for a
soda ?” Vina asked as politely as she could.

“Uh huh ! Root beer
!” Rufus squeaked, and Ron seconded.

“Oh frack ! We’re
out !” Vina replied after opening the fridge for show, “But
we have a whole case in the garage. Why don’t you two get started on
the project in the living room while I get the refreshments ? Make
yourselves comfortable, but don’t break anything !”

“No problem V !”
Ron replied as he picked up Rufus and headed into the next room.

not going to be easy to get comfortable in here !

Ron thought to himself as he sat down on the big leather padded
chair. “This place looks more like a
library than a living room
!” he fretted
to himself once he noted that the entire left wall was nothing but
stuffed full bookshelves, with the tomes covering everything from
astrophysics to zoology, arranged not only alphabetically but also by
date. The end table beside him was buried under organized piles of
Sherlock Holmes mysteries, science fiction compendiums, bound
journals, newpapers and magazines scattered over even more subjects
than the shelved books. The couch was currently covered by index
cards and poster boards of various sizes, and looked like the entire
music club had left their instruments there as well.

His mood lightened
immediately when he noticed the wide screen TV taking up most of the
wall opposite him, and the Z-Boy Game System.

“Is – is that a Z-Boy
Six ?!” he stammered to Rufus after Rufus scampered over for a
closer look.

“Nope. Z-Boy Seven
!” he replied.

“A Z-Boy SEVEN ?!”
Ron stated in the hushed tones of awestruck reverence, “But
that’s not supposed to be available in this country until Christmas

Ron quickly looked around
and, seeing that Vina still hadn’t returned yet, called Kim with his

“They have a Z-Boy
SEVEN !” he exclaimed as quietly as he could the moment Kim’s
face appeared on the screen.

“Focus, Ron !”
she replied, “You’re there to look for anything suspicious !”

“But the Z-Boy Seven
won’t be available here until Christmas !”

“Well, that could be
a little suspicious.” Kim replied after thinking for a bit,
“Anything else out of the ordinary ?”

“It looks like
someone does a lot of reading. I mean a LOT of reading !” he
answered as he scanned the bookshelf with the device to show Kim,
“Perhaps a little TOO much reading ? I mean there’s a LOT of
books here KP !”

“That’s hardly
suspicious Ron, but I’ll have to ask Wade about the subject matter

“Would a scan detect
a secret passageway ? Like the one at Mister North’s mansion ?”
Ron asked, looking around for a bust or a statue or something that
could be tilted or hide a button, since he knew from watching too
many old movies that secret stairwells were always hidden behind

“It could, but we’ll
have to wait for Wade to analyze all the data to tell.”

“Oh, right. Talk to
you later KP !” Ron whispered as he quickly shut off his
Ronnunicator the moment he heard Vina enter the kitchen.

“Oh, I see you found
the game system !” she stated before handing a can of root beer
to Ron, and setting another can with a straw in it on a coaster on
the endtable for Rufus.

“Uhm, yeah. How did
you manage to get one ? I thought they weren’t available in the U.S.

“Nina was on a
programming team for the company a few months back, so they gave her
one.” Vina replied with a gesture, “Her task was to give
the final bosses in ‘Crepuscular Knights of Tenebrae’ adaptive
artificial intelligence.”

“And that means what
?” Ron asked, not liking the sound of any of those last three
vaguely familiar words.

“The game system
analysed every tactic the players used, then devised appropriate
countermeasures. The more it was played, the more challenging it
became ! At least that’s what she said it did.”

– that’s kinda what those new Bebebots were doing !”
thought before diverting attention with “Uhm, I meant the words
‘Crepuscular’ and ‘Tenebrae’. What the heck do any of those words
mean ? Are they even English ?”

“Apparently the
pickings were a mite slim in the marketing department that week.”
Vina sighed as she shook her head, ” ‘Crepuscular’ means ‘of,
relating to, or like twilight’, while ‘tenebrae’ is Latin for
‘darkness’ or ‘night’.”

Ron thought for a moment.
“Twilight Knights of the Night ? Wow, that’s kind of redundant

“Not every title can
be a winner.” she shrugged in reply.

“That would explain
why I’ve never heard of that game before, and I’ve pretty much played
them all …”

“No one has ever
heard of that game before, Ron.” Vina replied, “Nor likely
ever will. The project was canned months before release.”

“Bummer ! But Nina
still got paid for working there, right ?” Ron asked, making a
mental note to ask Wade about it later.

“Of course !”
Vina replied, “It wasn’t her fault the project went nowhere. It
takes months, sometimes years, for a game to go from planning to
market, and tastes can change very quickly. So Nakasumi ended up
with a game that probably wouldn’t sell enough copies to break even.”

“That’s odd, though.”
Ron noted, “Nakasumi usually makes top-notch products.”

“Well, in the video
game business, for every game that makes it to market, there are
dozens more that don’t quite make the cut. It is a very risk
intensive undertaking. Which is why there is always a market for
highly-skilled ‘hired gun’ programmers somewhere !” Vina replied
in a cheerful tone.

“‘Hired gun
programmers’ ?” Ron asked with a quirked eyebrow, “Never
heard that term before.”

“Nina explained it to
me once,” Vina began, “Sometimes a company will need PhD
level programmers for a project for just a few months. It isn’t
worth hiring a full time PhD for such a short job, but temp workers
that could work short-term generally aren’t skilled enough.”

Ron thought for a moment.
“Ah ! So she fills in the gap by taking short-term contract
work ! I think Wade does that sort of thing every now and again. As
kind of a hobby. But it doesn’t sound like a steady line of work.”

“It wasn’t.”
Vina replied, beginning their cover story, “She had to move
several times a year just to stay employed. Sometimes the wait
between jobs was rather long. And since it was short-term work, her
name will probably never be listed on any project she worked on.
Leads to a very anemic resume. That’s one of the reasons she took
the job at the Space Center – challenging tasks, steady income and
credit for her work.”

A light flickered inside
Ron’s mind. “Maybe we could do our project on video games !
Not many people know the ins and outs of their production, so the
presentation would be informative ! The scientific principles would
be computer programming. Or advances in hardware.”

“But I already
prepared most of the project as ‘Music : Manipulation of Sound’ !”
Vina replied, using a wide gesture to indicate all the poster boards
and instruments in the room.

“Well, maybe we can
keep the video game idea as a ‘Plan B’. Just in case.” Ron
answered timidly, “So, let’s see what the project looks like so
far !”

Vina took that as her cue
to begin, and Rufus took that as his cue to start sneaking around the
house to look for anything unusual.

Although Ron is a very
polite and tolerant young man, after an hour, he simply had to say

“Uh, Vina ? You DO
know that the presentation is only supposed to last at most twenty
minutes, right ?”

She was about to answer
back with a snide comment before she realized that he was right. She
looked around the room, and figured that she was not even half way
through her presentation !

“Oh freck !” she
muttered, “I’m not even halfway done !”

“Er, yeah.” Ron
replied with a grimace, “Listen V, I think you know the subject
a little TOO well. I’m pretty sure Barkin just wanted a high school
level demonstration of a scientific principle, not a college level
presentation of musicology !”

Vina looked around the
room a few more times in despair, before beginning to gather up the
poster boards and cards. “I think I will be needing your help
after all Ron !” she finally stated, “I – have no idea of
how to condense all of this into the alloted time. Since you’re not
as deeply into music as I am, I think you’ll have a better chance of
finding just the critical parts for the assignment. So could you
look through what I have and pick out what you think are the
important parts ? We can fine tune the presentation later. Maybe
add a few things, take a few things out, whatever.”

“Sure, that sounds
more than fair to me !” Ron replied after glancing at a few of
the cards, “You sure you won’t get too mad if I cut too much out

“The presentation is
already at least six times longer than it’s supposed to be !”
Vina replied with a defeated sigh, “If I was going to be mad at
anyone, it would be at myself for letting it get so far out of hand

“Eh, don’t worry
about it V !” Ron replied, “I’ll see what I can do. After
all, finding the easiest way to do things is what slackers do best !

Say, you haven’t seen
Rufus around lately, have you ?” he asked, looking around.

“No. I thought he was
in here with us. You sure he didn’t get lost under all these poster
boards or something ?”

“Not likely, but he
could’ve gotten stuck somewhere.”

trying to come up with an excuse to search the house !”

Vina thought to herself, “Best to let him
think he succeeded !”

“Well, you can search
downstairs.” Vina finally stated, “I’ll look in the
bedrooms upstairs.”

“Thanks V !” Ron
replied with relief, thankful that he didn’t have to do an
embarrassing and uncomfortable search through the bedrooms of women
he didn’t know.

As he headed down the
stairs, he was confronted by shelves of bobble-head Three
brick-a-brack just in front of him.

now THAT’s more disturbing than suspicious !”
thought to himself as he examined the items closely; after that
“Granny trap” Dementor pulled, he wasn’t about to take any
more chances with figurines.

But after glancing to the
right, he had to remind himself he wasn’t at the Yamanouchi school
for ninja – most of the room was a home dojo, with mats on the floor,
that wooden trunk with several arm-length sticks projecting from it
(used as a practice dummy in Wing Chun kung fu), a punching bag
hanging from the ceiling, a wide selection of martial arts books on a
table, and a collection of martial arts DVD mixed in with comedy
DVDs. One wall had several different weapons hanging from it : a
staff, twin butterfly knives, a slim tai chi sword, and what looked
like a very long chain of four inch long thin metal rods connected by
rings – a chain whip. Standing nearby was what looked like a retired
crash test dummy with odd meridian lines and pencil-eraser sized dots
of various colors on it. Most of the dots were green, but a few were
yellow, fewer still were red, and about half a dozen were black.

now THAT’s more suspicious than disturbing !”
thought to himself as he began scanning the room with his
Ronnunicator, sure that he had seen something like that oddly
decorated dummy somewhere before, but unable to recall exactly where.

The sound of chittering
from Rufus drew Ron’s attention.

“What’d ya find Rufus
?” Ron asked before looking at the titles of the books.
“Applied Kinesiology ? Therapeutic Modalities ? Intermediate
Chinese ? What kind of subjects are these ?!” he asked before
scanning them as well. He even looked in the small cube-shaped
fridge next to the table – nothing but bottled water and lots of
chocolate bars in there.

Not wanting to overstay
his welcome or arouse Vina’s suspicions, Ron shoved the Ronnunicator
in a pocket before he and Rufus headed back upstairs.

“I found him !”
Ron stated as Vina walked down the stairs to the living room, “He
was checking out the contents of that small fridge downstairs.”

“Why ? Looking for
more cheese ?” Vina replied snippily.

“I guess. He does
have excellent senses for snackage.” Ron replied, not quite
looking at her while scratching his nose.

trying to be deceptive
. How
.” Vina noted to herself before
replying “Whatever. I suppose I’ll be seeing you at school
tomorrow then ?”

“Yeah. And I’ll see
if I can get our project down to fifteen minutes. The garage is out
this way, right ?”

“Huh ? Oh, right !
I put your scooter in the garage !” Vina replied before finding
the remote and pushing the button to open the door.

Scene : Kim and Ron’s
usual booth at Bueno Nacho

“The place looks
completely normal KP”, Ron began, “but the basement ! Man,
that was disturbing AND suspicious ! Although I must admit that Vina
was quite generous with the snackage !”

“Well, a martial
artist having a collection of martial arts weapons isn’t too weird,
Ron” Kim stated, “but you said she had a mannequin with
dots on it ? Why would anyone have something like that ?”

“I don’t know, but I
swear I’ve seen something like that before somewhere before …”
Ron stated while deep in thought, “but the bobble head dolls !
Creepy !” he continued with a shudder.

“I’ll take your word
for that, Ron !” Kim stated with a grimace before looking at the
Kimmunicator’s screen, “So, Wade, did anything show up on Ron’s
scans ?”

“No. But that is
suspicious.” Wade replied.

“Really ? How so ?”

“Their house was
built ten years ago in a style very popular at the time. So the
floorplans and such are readily available.” Wade replied, “Their
basement is ten feet narrower than it should be.”

“So you think they
could have some secret rooms in there ?” Kim asked with a grin.

“They could, since
there are no obvious doors going to it. And the scan didn’t detect
soil or usual rock.”

“I KNEW they were up
to something !” Kim replied with malevolent glee, “Now if
we could just get to those secret rooms !”

“Uh, right KP.”
Ron answered while looking a little weirded out, “So , Wade, did
you figure out what those books were ? What IS ‘kinesiology’ ? It
sounds dangerous and suspicious to me !”

“Kinesiology is just
the study of how humans move, Ron.” Wade replied, “It’s
studied by people going for a degree in physical therapy. Which
agrees with Tina Rossum’s transcript I retrieved from Middleton
Community College.”

“Wait – she’s
training to be a physical therapist ?” Ron asked, “Why ?
So she can heal people as easily as she can hurt them ?”

“Or hurt them more
effectively !” Kim noted, “What better way to learn how to
hurt humans than to study how their bodies work up close and personal
? In classes taught by people trying to teach that information !”

“Uh, right KP.”
Ron answered, “So, Wade, did you find out anything about that
video game ?”

“Well, I did some
rummaging through Nakasumi Corp’s databases. They WERE working on a
video game titled ‘Crepuscular Knights of Tenebrae’, and it was
canned back in May. Those databases were hacked into a month ago.”

“What ? A month ago
? How come nobody said anything ?” Kim asked.

“Nobody noticed.”
Wade replied with a shrug, “It was a skillful job, and there
isn’t much security on dead and abandoned projects.”

“And Vina said her
sister gave the game ‘adaptive artificial intelligence’. Isn’t that
what Doctor Porter was working on for your dad KP ?” stated Ron.

“Yeah. Computers
that think and adapt ! Like the ones at the Robot Rumble !” Kim
replied as a horrid idea formed in her mind, “Wait – the reason
the Bebes could have gotten so smart is because they are using
programming from a DEFUNCT VIDEO GAME ?! “

“The game may have
gone nowhere Kim,” Wade stated, “but the programming is
still useful. As far as the program is concerned, a detailed
simulation and reality are indistinguishable. So given enough
memory, data and time, the Bebebots should be able to use those
programs to devise strategies and counter-strategies against anything
the world could throw at them.”

“That is not a
comforting thought Wade !” Kim stated before asking “How
much better do you think the Bebebots could get ?”

“Technically, there
is no limit to how good they can get Kim.” Wade replied, “Every
time they lose a battle or fail, they can alter their strategy a bit
and try again, and keep trying until they find something that works.
Given enough trials and Bebebots …”

“… they can become
invincible !” Kim replied flatly, “Which means we have to
take all of them out now, once and for all !”

Scene : Rossum
household’s living room. Vina is freaking out to Nina and Tina

“… and he keeps
that hairless creature in his pocket AT. ALL. TIMES !!”

“I’m so sorry Vina !”
Nina stated in a very contrite tone before giving her a hug, “If
I had known, I would never have exposed you to such a stressful
situation !”

“It’s okay !”
Vina replied after a few deep breaths, “Just seeing that
creature so unexpectedly activated a few memory files is all. I was
able to maintain composure.”

“Then my trust in
your capabilities was well founded !” Nina replied with a gentle
smile, “Now then, I believe the security system logs may be
quite informative.”

“Wait a minute – the
security system was active ?” Vina asked.

“Of course it was.”
Nina responded, “Did you seriously believe we would leave you
unprotected for any reason ?”

Vina just smiled in reply.

“Well, this is odd –
Ronald appears to have some sort of transponder device somewhere on
his person.” Nina replied as the data displayed on the big
screen TV.

“What’s a
‘transponder device’ ?” Vina asked.

Nina thought for a few
moments as to how best explain. “It is a small device about
half the size of a grain of rice. Veterinarians use them to keep
data on their animals by implanting them under the skin. The variant
Ronald is using appears to be just a tracker.”

“Given what he and
Kim do in their spare time” Tina stated, “having such a
device makes sense. If one of them is kidnapped, the other can find
them easily.”

“So does this mean
that Kim has one too ?” Vina asked, “If we can find the
signature for that one, Kim will never be able to sneak up on us !”

“It would be logical
and to her advantage to have such a device,” Nina replied deep
in thought, “but she would probably feel that she doesn’t need
such an advantage, since she ‘can do anything’.”

“Too true.” Vina
replied as a display for all the hidden cameras in the house were
displayed on the screen.

Vina watched the video
replay of Ron the moment she left to get two cans of root beer from
the garage.

“Why did you go to
the garage ?” Tina asked, “We had plenty of sodas in the
kitchen fridge when I left.”

“I took them all out
earlier so I’d have an excuse to leave him alone for a few minutes.”
Vina replied, “And look at that ! He had to call Kim for
instructions less than TEN SECONDS after I left ! She must be
keeping that boy on a very short leash ! Not really surprising
though !”

Tina and Nina gave each
other a slightly worried look; Vina’s analysis of personalities and
talent for pure underhandedness could get Quite Scary sometimes.

“An amusing comm
device he was using.” Nina noted, “A variant of the
‘Kimmunicator’ device that Miss Possible carries.”

“Can you figure out
what frequency he was using ? Or what he and Kim were talking about
?” Vina asked.

“Yes to both.”
Nina replied with a satisfied smirk, “Since he took no
countermeasures, we now know what frequency his device works at, and
what they were saying. Hmm – he seems overly impressed by your game
system V.”

“Not available in
this country until Christmas.” Vina replied, “So I told him
about you taking short-term contracts.”

“Truth is a most
effective cover story.” Tina noted sagely.

“Uh, yeah.” Vina
noted as the recording of her presentation began. Nina fast
forwarded until something new happened.

“You were talking
about music for a whole hour ?” Nina noted with one eyebrow

“Sorry. My core
drive for perfection must’ve taken hold when I was working on the

“No harm done, since
he appears to have accepted your explanation.” Nina noted, “Oh
look – now he’s in the basement looking at Tina’s stuff. He seems
interested in that practice dummy I modified for you T.”

“Well, Curly IS a
rather unusual item !” Tina stated proudly.

Vina and Nina looked at
each other, trying to figure out what Tina was talking about until
Nina groaned “Oh for crying out loud ! You named that thing
after one of the stooges ?!”

“It has no hair, so I
couldn’t call it Larry or Mo !” Tina replied.

Nina blinked in confusion.
“Why ?!” she asked in a strained voice and lax gesture.

“I spend a lot of
time with that dummy on precision and speed drills. It just seemed
fitting to give it a name.”

Nina’s right eye twitched
a bit. “I don’t HOW your mind works Tina, nor am I certain that
I would ever want to !”

“As long as it DOES
work.” Vina noted. “He seems inordinately interested in
‘Curly’ though. Is there any chance he could figure out what it is

“Unlikely. Only
someone with intense training in classical martial arts – and not
just beating up thugs – would have any idea that those are Snake
points.” Tina replied, “It’s not like he’s been to Japan or
China where they teach such arts.”

Vina became very quiet and
very fidgety.

“Is there something
you need to say ?” Tina asked in a very polite tone.

“You might get upset
!” Vina squeaked timidly in reply.

“If it is important,
would I not be MORE upset that you did not tell me now ?” Tina
replied calmly, with no hint of anger in her voice, “And it is
not in my nature to be upset. Especially with you.”

“Very true. Now
SPILL !” Nina interjected.

“Welllll, Bonnie
mentioned that two years ago, Ron was an exchange student.” Vina
began, “He went to Japan for a week, while one quote ‘major
hottie !’ unquote Hirotaka came here. And given the moves that
Hirotaka used, Ron just might have had some experience with the
martial arts.”

“What kind of moves
are we talking about here ?” Tina asked, starting to feel a bit

“According to Bonnie,
he defeated the quarterback in a fight without actually touching him.
He just bobbed and weaved until Brick got tired and fell over with
just a push from Hirotaka’s finger.”

Tina thought for a moment.
“That sounds like Liang I Shaolin Shadow Butterfly system. Did
Bonnie mention what school Hirotaka attended ?”

“Uh, yeah. I think
it had a ‘Y’ in the name. Yoramoochi ? Yamamama ? Yamanouchi ?
Yes, that’s it ! Yamanouchi ! Have you heard of it ?”

“It does not sound
familiar to me.” Tina replied, “But I shall ask Sifu Xu
about it tomorrow.”

Nina looked confused and,
after adjusting her glasses, asked “The ‘Shadow Butterfly system
?’ Is that even a real art Tina ?”

“Yes, it is. It is a
combination of Snake and Crane, neither of which attacks first. The
idea is to tire your opponent out, and draw them into situations
where they can hurt themselves. No attacks. No blocks, parries, or
defenses. Just dodging and evasion.

But it takes someone very
skilled in the arts to use it as effectively as Bonnie stated.”
Tina finished still deep in thought, “Very few people have the
dedication to learn such an art, and few places teach it. This
situation deserves closer examination.”

“I suspect that it is
best that I do some research on the Yamanouchi school then.”
Nina noted, wondering just how common a name ‘Hirotaka’ is in Japan.
“I am starting to believe that stationing us in Middleton was
the best idea The Three has ever had ! This situation with Ronald is
a classic ‘Human Factor’ scenario ! What are the odds that the only
person we’d let in our house may know what Snake points are, and
possibly uncover our mission ?”

“About the same that
Vina would uncover a useful bit of information when she was not even
searching for one ?” Tina offered.

Nina actually computes the
odds. “That is approximately correct, within an order of

With that, Tina headed for
the basement to start the day’s training, while Vina headed up to her
room to practice her scales on guitar and violin.

With the living room
quiet, Nina used the tranquility (and her wireless laptop) to check
through her email accounts, and see if there were any intrusion
attempts, since Wade had been back online for hours now.

The first check at her
account at the Middleton Space Center revealed that someone had
accessed her accounts, but hadn’t changed any of the data. But
whoever it was had copied the ‘Hansel’ file.

Checking her home computer
revealed that someone had attempted to hack into it, but thanks to
the Simulacrum program she had running, the intruder had actually
hacked into a computer generated SIMULATION of her computer system !
Good thing too – they had installed a spybot program to record every
key she pressed, and every bit of data she accessed from that

She decided to leave the
spybot in place, since it was embedded in the Simulacrum instead of
the real system. She could use the real system all she wanted, and
the Simulacrum would report to its owner only what she permitted it

Nina started chuckling the
moment she noted the intruder had also made the fatal error of
copying the ‘Gretel’ file.

‘Hansel’ and ‘Gretel’, by
themselves, do nothing; but if they should ever be in the same
computer at the same time, they generate a rootkit virus that
replaces a key file used by nearly every other program in memory.

A side effect of Nina’s
genius is that any system infected with H & G is twelve percent
more efficient; the desired
effect is that any system infected with H & G is under Nina’s
direct and absolute control.

Nina quickly checked
through a dozen public messageboards, looking for the note H & G
sends the moment its job is done.

And there on the ‘Robots R
Cool !’ messageboard was a post from ‘Brother Grimm’, an innocent,
rambling missive about nothing and everything. By doing a simple
calculation on the first and last letter of every other word, Nina
quickly deciphered the encrypted message relaying the IP address of
the system now infected with H & G, and the password to get in.

Within a few seconds, Nina
had gone to the address and entered the password.

A malicious grin crossed
her face.

“Hello Wade !”
she said to herself once she noted whose computer she now controlled.
She cracked her knuckles and began rummaging through every file and
directory she could find.

“Oooo ! Quite a bit
on Yamanouchi ! How convenient !” she thought to herself, “But
who the frell is this Yori person Wade was doing research on ?”