Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: Jade mouse Chapter 11

Kim Possible Porn Story: Jade mouse Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Change in plans

Shego stormed into the throne room, anger and irritation framed her face. The queen seemed to shrink at the sight. Shego towered over her in her throne, a snarl slid over her lips. Do you have any idea what Ive been through with your sister? She demanded. The trip back to the palace took two days because Antiope refused to go any faster than a slow trot on her horse. She had made a game of annoying Shego as much as possible.

I wouldnt know what youre talking about Shego. The queen said cautiously. Shrinking as low into her throne as she could to escape the heat Shego was giving off.

Oh you know. It took two days to get back here because, she didnt want to rush. I had to threaten her just to get her on the horse in the first place. Shego said leaning closer to the queen to make her point.

Oh if you were in a rush why didnt you say so? I would have urged my horse to a full gallop. A voice called from behind. Shego looked over her shoulder in disgust. Antiope stood in the doorway of the doorway, long curly hair tied back, except for the few stands that never seemed to cooperate. She strolled in with the same blank expression as she had when Shego met her. Baby sister, its been far too long.

The queen peered over the arm of her throne and smiled. I hear you were giving my guard a difficult trip. She said. Shego scoffed at the statement and left the room. She was too tired to deal with the woman now.

Antiope shrugged aside as Shego stormed past. Ill be seeing you soon enough. She said before turning her attention to the queen. Dont I get a warm greeting from my dear sister? She asked folding her arms over her chest.

The queen stood and approached her carefully before hugging her. She flinched when Antiope wrapped her arms around her waist. The hug was short lived as the queen hurried to part from her sister.

So, when is our fair Melanippe arriving? I have yet to see her. Antiope asked in a devilish tone.

A few days time. Until then please rest, when she arrives we will have much to discuss. The queen said dismissingly. Aptiope sighed and turned on a heel.

We can only hope she arrives soon.


Shego stomped through the palace, still annoyed after her long trip. She found herself yanked out of her path after she stormed around a corner. Before she could turn her anger on the one foolish enough to disrupt her, she saw a pair of familiar eyes bearing down on her. Ariel pressed a finger to her lips to silence her; she pushed Shego into the shadows and pointed to the hall Shego had been pulled from. Antiope strolled past moments later, Ariel pulled her back into the light and smiled.

You want to avoid her. Im sure youve already had your fill of her to last you a lifetime. She commented. Come. I think I know what will make you feel more at ease.

Ariel led Shego out of the palace to an open training field. Soldiers held a mock battle at one end of the field, at the other end, targets were set up. This side of the field was empty now. They made their way toward the targets; Ariel placed a bow in Shegos hand.

How are you with a bow and arrow? She asked as she strung her own bow.

Id assume not very good. I never had to archery. Shego said.

Ariel looked at her puzzled. Well if you are going to be a part of the queens circle you need to be an expert with most if not all forms of weapons and fighting. She handed Shego an arrow. Now shoot the target. I want to see how much you know.

Shego shrugged and prepared to fire the arrow. She hoped she wouldnt make a fool of herself as she took aim and pulled the arrow back. She was fully aware of the womans gaze on her; she knew she was being judged. She released the arrow and much to her dismay missed the target all together. Ariel looked as though she were trying her best to suppress a fit of laughter.

Id like to see you do any better. Shego snapped.

Ariel smiled. With lightning speed she fired three arrows at the target. Shego watched with embarrassment as the arrows priced the target in a tight group. She turned to Shego with a wide grin.

Dont gloat. I told you I wouldnt be any good. Shego snarled. How the hell is this supposed to help me relax?

Well if you can hit the target youll feel less frustrated and your mind will be clearer. Ariel replied calmly.

Shego growled and hurled a plasma charged blast at the target. It exploded on contact and Shego smiled mercilessly. Your right, I feel so much better now. Ariel stared in wide eyed shock at what had just happened then turned her attention to Shego.

That isvery intriguing.

Who needs arrows when you have an unlimited supply of that?

Ariel handed Shego another arrow. Its better to be well rounded then only rely on one weapon.

She went about showing Shego how to shoot, every so often she would make snide comments about her aim or stance and Shego would reply with a witty retort. They went about doing this for hours until the sun began to set.

Looks like this season is over. Care to join me for dinner? I get bored eating with the same pack of women. Ariel asked as she began putting up the weapons. Shego shrugged in response, she couldnt see any reason not to.

As they made their way to the kitchen Shego felt the ring on her finger begin to warm up. She glanced down and saw it giving off a faint glow, the ruby perched on the top seemed to grow brighter as well. Ariel stopped suddenly and Shego crashed into her.

What the hell? Shego barked. Ariel pointed to the group of women rushing down the corridor, something was happening. As they rushed past Shego snatched one woman out of the group and pulled her aside.

Whats going on?

The woman struggled frantically in Shegos grasp. The general has returned and she is under attack.

Shego released the woman and chased after the group with Ariel close behind. She easily sprinted past the group and made her way to the Kim riding as fast as she could; a woman sat in front of her on the horse. Far behind her a mass of hooded men chased her, firing arrows and slinging rocks to try and slow her down.

The gates were opened and Kim galloped through. She began shouting commands to the guards at the gates and on the wall. Suddenly the sky went black with arrows coming from the wall, moments later the hooded men fell from their horses. As they tried desperately to retreat they were shot down, within minutes the path leading to the gates was filled with a dark mass of bodies.

Get the healers, she needs medical attention now! Kim commanded as Shego pulled the woman slumped against Kim on the saddle. The woman shivered and groaned as Shego cradled in her arms. She could smell the blood seeping through the womans dress. Her black hair dripped with crimson as Shego passed her to the healers. She turned her attention to Kim who sat dazed on her horse.

Kimmie? She whispered. Kim fell to the ground, a broken arrow rested in the small of her back. Shego fell to her side and lifted her off the ground. In all the commotion no one had noticed Kim fall to the dirt, nor could they hear Shegos cries for help. Shego cursed and lifted Kim off the ground.

She rushed into the palace and into Kims room. She laid her on the bed began washing her hands in the bowl of water on the table. What are you doing? Ariel asked. She hadnt noticed Ariel had stayed with her the entire time.

Im repaying a debt. Now are you going to help me or not?

Shego didnt wait for her answer before she began removing Kims top to get a better look. She cursed again when she saw the arrow was close to Kims spine. Ariel began wiping the blood away being careful not to move the arrow.

I need a knife. Shego told her when she finished. Ariel reached down and pulled a knife from her boot. Shego ignited her hand and heated the blade in an attempt to sterilize it, when it cooled she took a deep breath and slipped the knife into Kims back to slowly work out the arrow. She would wince and hiss whenever the arrow moved too much. After what seemed like an eternity she pulled the arrow out of Kims back and began the task of cauterizing her wound.

Ariel began to rip strips of the sheets off Kims bed. When they had finished Kim lay unconscious on the bed unaware of the bandage wrapped around her waist. Shego sat on the edge of the bed and hid her head in her hands. Ariel pulled up a chair and rested a gentle hand on her shoulder.

You did well. She offered an encouraging tone.

Shego shook her head. If I did my job in the first place she wouldnt even be here. This is all because of this damn ring. She head up her hand to show the Ruby Lion wrapped around her finger. Ariel shot back and stumbled off out of the chair.

Ithat ringdo you know what that ring is capable of? Do you know what that ring is responsible for? Ariel stammered.

Yeah I know; its what got us here. This is what put me in this damn situation in the first place.

Ariel climbed back onto the chair and cautiously stared at the ring. That ring can be a blessing or a curse. I can only pray that you never have to make that choice.

Hours past before Kim groaned in pain and made the attempt to open her eyes. She made a weak attempt to sit up but quickly lay back down when pain shot through her back.

Hey, Kimmie. Shego said wearily.

I guess I made it in time. Is Melanippe okay?

Ariel was the first to answer. She is fine. What happened?

Kim shook her head and made the attempt to sit up again. It was an ambush. We were riding through the forest and the next thing I know her horse is ahead of me but shes wasnt on him. I was taken down by one of them and had to fight just to retrieve her and escape. They followed us all the way here. The last thing I remember was calling for the healers. She winced at the pain in her back.

We had to pull an arrow out of your back. Any closer to your spine and you wouldnt be walking ever again. Shego said in a low tone.

Kim smiled. From the looks of it were going to be stuck here for a while Shego. I think a war is going to come from this.

(AN: Okay just want to tell you all thanks for the reviews, you guys are awesome. And before I post the next chapter just want to say this story is going to be my last Kim and Shego fanfic for some. I will however branch out into different characters and shows. Don’t worry I will finish the other stories before I go leaping into new ones. So sit back and enjoy the story.)