Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: Leading Up To This Chapter 4

Kim Possible Porn Story: Leading Up To This Chapter 4

Within the first day I had already gotten more than I bargained for. There was no way I could have possibly known how easily Id get tangled up in Drakkens affairs. The first morning was almost pleasant. When I made it to the kitchen for breakfast, Drakken was there humming contentedly to himself while he cooked for both of us. Sitting at the kitchen table eating pancakes and hashbrowns was a little more awkward than it probably should have been. We sat there in tense silence while we ate the most delicious pancakes Ive ever eaten. I didn’t mind the silence too much, but it seemed to bother him. Because it was the tactless blue fool I was accompanied by, that simple silence simply couldnt last.

You know, Shego, weve hit it off really well he started conversationally in the middle of the heavy quiet, almost like an evil family. “An evil family, was that like the alternative version of a heroic family?” I pondered in confusion. The thought made me shudder slightly.

From my past experiences I have never recalled villains being so easily attached to other people. The only response I could give to that was a look of horror. His face slowly fell as he read the expression on my face.

Be that way if you must. Ive dealt with sworn enemies who werent half as hostile as you. With that he grabbed both of our empty plates and exited the dining room.

Not a minute later, the doorbell rang. Drakken came back in the room tense with anxiety. Shego, are you expecting company?

No. I smirked. Let me guess; you owe money to somebody else as well.

His eyes glazed over for a moment and he responded by making a noise that means Im not really listening right now because Im too busy freaking out. Who is it? I asked him.

He ignored my question and ran to the main chamber. I followed right behind, my curiosity spiked. He led me to a wall-sized computer screen that had uploaded image of an older, weird-looking lady on the other side of the door.

Oh, come on. She looks harmless I said to a now terrified Dr. Drakken. He was nowhere near as afraid of me even when I was beating him up. I think I was a little offended by it.

You dont understand he said with wide eyes.

Who is it? No response. What does she want?

Instead of answering my questions he grabbed by arm and dragged me into the nearest hiding place. Lockdown initiated came a mechanical voice from the computer.

Its too late! Shes already in the lair. Drakken said despairingly.

“Who is it!?!” I asked again having lost my patience.

His eyes were wild with fear. “My mother!!!”

Well that explains a lot. I really should have guessed it.

DREWBIE called out the monstrosity that is Drakkens mother. Drakken looked at me pleadingly as I tried to stifle a giggle.

She found us easily enough. Oh Drew, is this your girlfriend? Her voice was a mere headache in the making.

I think Ill get going. There is an individual who Ive needed to get in contact with for the longest time. I said before quickly made my way to exit.

“I think I should go with you just to make sure you don’t get into any trouble.” With that, he pushed his mother out the door while saying his goodbye. All the while she was saying to herself how much of a gentleman her little Drewbie was.

I gave Drakken a meaningful look but chose not to say anything. “Let’s go Shego, you don’t want to be late for your meeting” he said, choosing to ignore my fiery glare and my glowing hands. I came reluctantly. He won the battle but I already claimed victory in the war. He was a Momma’s Boy; such knowledge is a perfect tool for torture.

“We need to get out of here so we don’t look suspicious.” he told me as we watched her leave.

I rolled my eyes. “Drewbie” I snickered. He silently fumed while he took my elbow and led me to the hovercraft. I didn’t resist because I was too busy making fun of him.

We got in the hovercraft and we floated around Middleton. He showed me the general layout of the city and some specific places. All the while he ranted and raved passionately about world domination partly to prove to these people that he could. He was as weird and pathetic as he always seemed but I didn’t feel like teasing him then. It was kinda cool to be in a villain’s confidence instead of the subject of their fury. I found something so invigorating in the passion and grandiose nature of his aspirations. I did not show enthusiasm or scorn; I listened politely just for that one time.

He took us back to the lair two or three hours later. I didn’t really do anything else for the rest of the day. I put on my favorite MC Honey CD, gave myself a manicure, and flipped through some magazines. I thought about the little trip I took with Drakken. His wild words stuck in my head. He did not seem to hold much potential but his aspirations seemed like so much fun.

I went to bed that night a little early. A good night’s rest sounded good but it’s not what I got. 10 soon became 11:30. I couldn’t sleep because of all the crazy ideas that were placed in my head. After that I just may have fallen asleep if Drakken hadn’t started making a racket. I endured it with grace for about twenty minutes before I lost all patience. There was no reason he should be so loud that I can hear him from across the lair. I stormed out of my room and to his lab with the full intention of teaching the blue weirdo some manners.

He banged on his latest invention and begged it to work. He did not see me yet so I decided I wouldn’t alert him to my presence just yet. As long as I was here I might as well enjoy myself. I watched as he walked out of sight. For a moment all was quiet. It was so peaceful that I barely had the will to keep my eyes open. After those few fleeting moments slipped away the sound of cascading metallic items rushed to my ears. It was closely followed by a loud scowl from Dr. Drakken. He soon returned to where I could see him, carrying a toolbox in one hand and a wrench in the other.

I continued to spy on him as he put the toolbox down and used the wrench to repair whatever was wrong with the machine. He spent about ten minutes working on it before he lost patience. He grounded his teeth as he glared at the uncooperative machine. He was so distracted by the futility of his efforts that he let the wrench slip out of his hand and fall on his foot. He yelped then kicked the wrench with the same foot he had just hurt. By the look on his face the action brought on a second wave pain. I couldnt believe he was dumb enough to do that. Despite my miserable exhaustion, I felt myself smile a little. More than anything, I was surprised by how solid and unyielding his determination was. I sort of admired him for it. Sort of.

Stubborn fool I muttered.

He turned around suddenly to face me. As he did so, his arm swung around and hit a button on the side of the device. The machine came to life but Drakken did not become aware of it. Following the current trend, a week could pass before he noticed it. Oh, hello Shego he said in a voice perfect for a mid-afternoon chat. But this wasnt the middle of the afternoon.

What do you think youre doing? I chastised.

Fixing the Jukebox of Doom he answered in innocent confusion.

Just then, Drakkens evil invention started playing Love Shack. I shook my head and looked at him in exasperation. He clapped his hands and hooted gleefully. Without further comment I turned around and went back to bed. I decided that I was done for day. I would set him straight in the morning.



Please tell me if this turned out all right, if not I can try revising it. I also truly appreciate the reviews I’ve gotten thus far. Thanks.