Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: Near Misses and Total Hits Chapter 17

Kim Possible Porn Story: Near Misses and Total Hits Chapter 17

Wide picture windows in the upper levels of the lair offered a panoramic view off the cliff on which the building was precariously perched. The ocean below seethed and churned, heaving mighty waves against the natural stone wall. Lightning forked restlessly across the bellies of the low drifts of black clouds.

A lone figure, silhouetted against the glass, observed the chaos of nature.

Its not fair! Drakken whined. This is the perfect night for completing an evil scheme, but Im still planning mine! All this dramatic weather is totally wasted!

So stop complaining and get back to work, his sidekick suggested none-too-delicately.

Oh, you wouldnt understand. Youve got no sense of timing…

Trust me, Dr, D, you dont need a storm. You could take a sunny day at the park and make it all about the drama, she told him whilst leafing through a magazine.

He beamed. Why, Shego, Im touched…

Hm? Oh, you thought that was a compliment? She chuckled briefly. I was thinking more literally. Remember last years company picnic?

For the last time, I dont want to talk about that!

Why dont you do us both a favor and go back to the drawing board, Doc.

Ugh, fine. Thunder boomed in the distance. He scowled at the storm before turning away. What a waste…

Prompt – “maelstrom”