Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: Near Misses and Total Hits – Chapter 23

Kim Possible Porn Story: Near Misses and Total Hits – Chapter 23

Shego absently brushed off her uniform as Hego carted Avarious off to the waiting police car, mugging to the news cameras as he went. She suppressed the urge to gag.

As she waited for the hubbub to die down, she kicked around the half-destroyed lair. Stared contemplatively at the larger super weapons. Swiped a few small gadgets and stowed them in her pouch.

Hey, it wasnt stealing if you nicked stuff from the bad guys.

She unearthed a magazine. Ah, nothing better to pass the time than some glossy-paged light entertainment. Though, knowing Ave, it was probably Bird Fancy or something equally stupid.

…Nope. A villain magazine. Cool.

She leafed through it. Top Ten Laser Cannons, Perfecting Your Evil Monologue, Threatening Government: Get Them To Pay Big Time! She snickered to herself.

Then she got to the classifieds.

Fate rolled the dice and got a hit.

Prompt – “lottery”