Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: His Honor The Mayor Drew Lipsky – Chapter 22

Kim Possible Porn Story: His Honor The Mayor Drew Lipsky – Chapter 22

Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible, any of the other characters from that show, or those from any other media I may reference in my stories.


Kim cuddled up with Ron on the sofa in her living room. The house was quiet, though deceptively so. Kim’s parents and her brothers were all absent. The couple had been sitting there in companionable silence for nearly ten minutes, Kim trying not to think of what she intended to do when the others showed up.

Of course, even with the best will in the world, Ron could not stay silent forever. KP, do you think we have any control over this dream thing? And why do you think it was ‘off’ for so long?

Kim took a moment to emerge from her reverie and reply. I don’t think you can consciously control your subconscious, Ron. Why do you ask?

Well, no connection last night, I did wonder if you were blocking me out, that’s all. Kim pursed her lips in a frown for a moment, then shrugged slightly. Not consciously, Ron. But if it was subconscious, I understand why. By the way, I found out you talked to my doctor, and gave her the idea that I was ‘hiding’ from my own dreams in yours. Ron tensed a bit, but Kim squeezed his hand reassuringly, And you were right, I think. Not that all of your dreams were fun and games, I have to admit, but not many real nightmares.

Not when you’re in my dreams, KP. Kim sat up and turned to look at him, and he decided he needed elaboration. I mean, when we’re linked, no nightmares. I’m not afraid of anything when I’m with you. He told her solemnly. Kim continued to just study his face for a moment, then she leaned in and kissed him. It was only about a ‘six’ on the Kim/Ron scale, but it was good enough as far as Ron was concerned. And predictably, the doorbell rang in the middle of it. The two both snorted, an interesting experience, and separated, Kim rolling her eyes as she jumped to her feet and headed for the door. Ron rose in a more leisurely fashion and trailed after her.

Bonnie, Tara, and Monique were standing there when Kim opened the door. A very apprehensive Bonnie, who peered nervously past Kim. Kim for her part winced slightly. She hadn’t really meant to build up such a big audience for tonight’s little confession. But there was nothing to be done about it now. She stepped back and waved them in. Hi guys, come on in and make yourself comfortable, we have one other person to wait for. She finally noticed Bonnie’s nervousness when the brunette lagged behind the others, and guessed the reason. My parents aren’t here, Bonnie. They took the Tweebs over to the Regers, they’re all getting together with the Carsons as well as our minister, I think.

They’re organizing a lynch mob, aren’t they? Bonnie asked, quite seriously. Kim blinked in surprise at the notion, while Ron grinned. Well, He remarked, Mr Dr P did say something about taking his whittling knife, and maybe sharpening a stake or two. Monique smacked him on the arm, while suppressing a grin. Kim gave him a mild glare, before reassuring Bonnie, Don’t worry about what you and the girls did to them, the ‘rents were far more peeved at what they found on the website. Oh, anyone know who it was who anonymously sent my Mom the site address? She looked at all their faces, but everyone shrugged, and she detected no signs of deceit.

By the way, Bon-B…Bonnie, how did you get them all in one locker? Ron asked. The brunette’s eyes started to narrow at Ron’s little slip, but then she shrugged. Some of the lockers along that one hall aren’t flush with the wall. Take the back out, and there’s some extra space back there. But even so, a little lubrication was in order. Monique’s eyes bulged as she bit her knuckles, and Tara turned red. Kim gave Bonnie a look, started to speak, then looked at Ron and subsided.

Bonnie now had a question for Kim. What they found on the site? You mean the gossip they made up?

Kim shook her head. Didn’t you notice some of the advertising banners?

Bonnie scowled thoughtfully, then shook her head. Just the one for the ‘True Kim Possible’ site, I was a little too busy reading what they wrote about me. You should be mad, too! Remember when Brick hurt my ribs, and I was walking around a little stiffly? They sort of attributed that to you in the story.

Kim’s eyes widened. ‘Sort of’ attributed? What did they say I did, beat you up, or something?

They implied that we came to blows, yes. Noting the rising color in Kim’s face, Bonnie hastily added, But your brothers might not have had anything to do with that story, they weren’t even in our school then! Probably just Reger. Um, what other banners were there?

Kim glowered a moment before calming down. Not too sure, but Mom blushed when she clicked on one and saw where it linked to, according to Dad. And she wasn’t too happy he let that slip, either!

So! Desperate to change the subject, Monique cut in, We have the whole house to ourselves?

No! Ron intoned portentously, We are not alone! the three newcomers peered around the room, until Bonnie spotted Rufus sniffing around the sofa. Ah, your little creepy pet is here, I see. She had just taken her eyes off the Mole Rat when a startled squawk came from Ron’s pet. Bonnie’s eyes snapped back to the spot where he had been, but all she saw was the skirting of the sofa moving. Then a giggle emanated from beneath it.

Hana’s here, too. Kim explained, Playing hide-and-seek with Rufus right now. So far the score is Hana four, Rufus one. An agitated chattering came from beneath the sofa. Oops! Sorry, Hana four, Rufus two, my bad! A giggle then sounded in response, and all three newcomers’ heads snapped around to stare at Mister Possible’s easy chair. Wait a minute… Bonnie began, pointing at the sofa, then the chair, then back again, How could she…. The doorbell rang again, and Kim stifled a snort of amusement before going to answer it. The smile on her face disappeared as her jaw dropped when she saw who was standing there. Shego?

The pale thief had a sour look on her face.Yeah, yeah! Look, Doctor D made reservations for four, expecting it to be me, him, Mama Lipsky, and Mrs Stoppable. There was some kind of misunderstanding about whether Ron’s pop would be free, but he showed up, so I excused myself. Needed some kind of entertainment, decided hearing your dark secret might be good for a laugh, so here I am! Kim just stared at her for a moment, then stepped back and gestured for her to enter.

Shego drew stares from everyone in the living room, though only Ron’s was anything but surprised. His was wary, bordering on hostile. Shego was puzzled, considering recent events, then realized it was her presence in Kim’s home that probably disturbed him. More then it bothered him when I was in his home? Really too protective of Kimmie, he can drive her away if….like I care? Feh!

Kim followed Shego back into the living room, a thoughtful look on her face. Wonder what’s keeping Bernie? Then she looked around. Oh! Sorry, anyone want something to drink? Soda, that is. Or water, of course! Shego declined, as did Bonnie. Monique and Tara both took sodas. Bonnie peeked under the easy chair while Kim was in the kitchen, and stood up frowning. Okay, that little girl… she trailed off as she saw Hana sitting on the sofa, holding a sippy cup in her hands, watching the brunette curiously. …is freaking me out. Bonnie muttered under her breath.

Kim had hardly given her friends their sodas when the doorbell rang again. As Kim went to answer it, the others all moved into the entryway as well, save for Ron and Tara. As Kim swung open the door, Shego’s eyes bulged. D–Doctor Director? Kim stammered out, What brings you here?

Betty’s eye had locked onto Shego as soon as she had a clear line of sight to her. And she didn’t take it off her as she replied. I wanted to tell you a couple of things that might interest you, didn’t know you had company. I can come back later if you like. What’s wrong? Bonnie, Monique, and Shego’s eyes were suddenly looking down towards Betty’s feet, all wide with alarm. She froze instinctively. She felt nothing, but now Kim looked down as well, and gasped. Then, from the living room came Ron’s voice. Hana? Tara did you see where she went?

Then came a familiar voice from behind Betty, as all the eyes trained on he rfeet tracked upwards. Why hello there! You must be Hana, I’ve heard a great deal about you! Recognizing Bernadette Barr’s voice, Betty started to turn around. Now what have we here? Could you give that to me? Thank You so much, Hana, there’s a good girl! Doctor Director… Betty stopped turning, and her face blanched when she saw Bernie, with Hana cradled in one arm, and holding something out to her with the other, You might want to invest in a child-proof ankle holster in future.


Drakken’s choice of venue for his ‘victory’ dinner was based on his mother’s preference. Not that he objected to a buffet style restaurant at all, especially since it allowed his mother to ask all her questions about the contents of each dish away from the table, and didn’t require their server to have to go back and forth to interrogate the chefs regarding what brand of onions had been sauted for a particular dish, or the ratio of iceberg to romaine lettuce in a particular salad. He watched her bending the ear of a young man in a white chef’s jacket as he sat with the Stoppables at their table. At this distance, he couldn’t tell if the young man’s eyes were glazing over yet, though he suspected they were.

Dean Stoppable had not been very communicative, and Drakken suspected why, but wasn’t going to breach the subject first, if it was to be breached at all. Dean had been very polite to Mama Lipsky, but monosyllabic when it came to Drakken himself. Jean had been far more voluble, but had made no attempt to draw her husband out, which Drakken took as a sign that it was probably a lost cause to try and make the man speak before he chose to. But then, just after their server refreshed their drinks, and someone took a flash picture that left Drakken’s eyes dazzled, Dean spoke up. And spoke bluntly.

I find it difficult to sit with a man who tried to kill my son. He stated flatly, though in a tone low enough not to carry to nearby tables. Jean looked up sharply from her plate, eyes switching back and forth between the two men.

I wondered when you were going to get around to saying it. Drakken responded, And for the record, I haven’t tried to kill him in over a year. In fact, I’ve had to take the ‘death’ part out of my deathtraps, because neither he nor Kimberly will just sit quietly in them and let me do my evil business! He grinned faintly, But don’t tell them, the traps still look lethal enough!

Really? Dean responded with barely concealed sarcasm, And why did you ‘suddenly’ decide not to kill them, after trying so many times? Why deescalate, rather then escalate?

Drakken chewed his lip for a moment, then took a drink before replying. Two things changed me, Mr Stoppable. The first, which I’ve often acknowledged, was reading your son’s own depiction of me, which was far too close to the truth for my own comfort. Mind you, as I’ve become more effective in real life, though still flawed, my portrayal in his stories has become more comedic, an odd contradiction to say the least.

Interested despite himself, Dean queried, What was the second thing?

Drakken looked towards his mother. The first young man she had been talking to had been relieved by another. Face thoughtful, Drakken replied, Mother asked me to accompany her on a trip to Washington DC. And while there we visited the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. I can truthfully say that visit altered my attitude towards death and the taking of life, Mr Stoppable.

Dean’s jaw dropped in surprise, and it took him a moment to regain his composure. Jean watched him with a touch of concern in her eyes. II intended toum, intended to take Ronald there one day, when he was old enough toum, old enough to understand it, but I never got around to it. he stammered out, And nowwell, he hasn’t seen worse, of course, butbut he is past old enough now, isn’t he? he ended plaintively, looking to his wife.

Drakken nodded solemnly. Yes, and I apologize for whatever contribution I may have made to him being mature enough, though that was inevitable, wasn’t it? Both Stoppables nodded in acknowledgment, and the table fell silent until Emma Lipsky returned with a plateful of food. What nice young people they have working here, so helpful! She commented happily as Drew held her chair for her as she sat down.

Yes they are! Jean responded. Trying to get the conversation restarted, and definitely redirected, she asked a question that had been hanging in the back of her mind for a while, which before she had been too polite to ask. Drew, I apologize if this is not a happy subject, but where did you get that scar under your eye?

As Drakken involuntarily reached up to touch the scar, his mother nudged him with an elbow. You can tell them the true story, I know all about it!

Drakken gaped at her, then asked warily, Really? Emma nodded, swallowed her next mouthful, then leaned over and whispered in his ear. A momentary expression of shock appeared on Drakken’s face, then he cleared his throat and looked across at the Stoppables. Well! It seems that keeping secrets from my Mother is just as hard now as it was when I was a child! He smiled at Mama Lipsky to show no offense was meant, or taken. Well, it’s simple, really! Have you read all of your son’s stories?

Dean nodded as he took a sip of his iced tea. I have, Jean has trouble with some, because she imagines the real events they might have been inspired by. His wife nodded in agreement with his statement.

Ah, good! Remember one he entitled ‘Queen BeBe’? After a moment’s thought, Dean nodded. Well, I really tried to make a supersonic robot, but found that the stresses involved when using legs instead of wheels were insurmountable. At least up until the point I tabled the experiment! He touched the scar again. This is from my ‘successful’ test, where one of my BeBes actually broke the sound barrier. And basically disintegrated! I also found out, as those gentlemen on Mythbusters did, that not all ‘safety’ glass is proof against high-velocity penetration! This was done by a fragment of the robot. And I’m lucky all I got was a scar, and not a lost eye! Wouldn’t want to be mistaken for Gemini, after all!

A horrible, horrible man! Mrs Lipsky opined, I’m so glad he’s locked away now!

Drakken favored her with a puzzled look. How do you know about Gemini, Mother? The whole WWEE versus Global Justice thing was Top Secret, of course, so no press mention of Gemini’s arrest had been made.

Emma froze with her fork to her mouth, then shrugged as she chewed. Must have read it somewhere. She remarked when her mouth was empty.

But her son wasn’t going to let it drop. It hasn’t exactly been announced on the evening news, Mother, and it’s supposedly quite a secret, so where could you have read it? To himself, Drakken conceded that with the many witnesses at the Barr Halloween party, someone might have identified the villain and talked about it, but he suspected that wasn’t the source of his mother’s information. She was being evasive, in a manner wholly familiar to him. Mother, where did you read about it?

She wet her lips nervously, then picked up her glass and started to drink. She managed half the glass in one go before she apparently decided he wasn’t buying the stall. She set the glass down and looked around the room. Where’s our server? I’d like a refill!

Mother. Drakken repeated, You’re trying a bit too hard to avoid this question, so I’ll have to assume you’ve done something I wouldn’t approve of.

At this statement, Emma put on a look of feigned outrage. That you wouldn’t approve of? She looked at the Stoppables. Did you hear him? My son, saying I need to get his approval to do anything? She noticed that both of them were unsuccessfully trying to hide grins. So, she decided to surrender gracefully. Okay, okay, so I’ve been looking at a couple of websites on line, is that a crime? she folded her arms across her chest and pouted. Though he had only seen Kim’s Puppy Dog Pout once, Drakken had to admit his mother couldn’t hold a candle to the teenager.

No, Mother, He replied reasonably, Though I might be alarmed if you’re studying sites about crime!

Mama Lipsky hesitated, then unfolded her arms and nodded. She addressed the Stoppables, I’m just trying to follow my son’s career, he never tells me anything! Jean snorted explosively, then began to cough as her husband patted her on the back. She waved him off and took a swallow from her drink. I’m okay! she gasped out, Just went down the wrong way, that’s all.


The main thing I wanted to tell you about concerns WWEE. Betty Director began. She was trying and failing not to notice the smile flickering around Shego’s lips, but at least she wasn’t blushing in response anymore. As of today, the organization has split into at least two separate groups. The new group is calling itself the Evil World Wide Empire, E.W.W.E..

That actually made the smile vanish from Shego’s face, as she loosed a derisive snort. Lacking a little imagination there, aren’t they?” She commented sarcastically.

Actually, it’s because of something my brother did with their new uniforms. Betty replied, He had the initials of the organization affixed individually to the uniforms with Velcro. That way, as he was berating some poor fool who was probably about to take the plunge, he could rip them off the man’s uniform one at a time.

Man? Kim asked curiously, What about his female agents?

Oh, he never dropped them in the pit. Betty answered. In fact, he never spoke to them, unless absolutely necessary. He’s very reticent around women, believe it or not. Present company excepted, of course.

So you’re saying.. Monique spoke up, That to avoid buying new unis, they just rearranged the letters on the old ones? Betty shrugged, just as Ron chuckled.

When he saw he’d drawn everyone’s attention, he explained, Sorry, was just imaging what the next group will be. ‘Extraordinary Evil, World Wide’? E.E.W.W.?

Or ‘Wicked Empire of World Evil’! Bonnie put in, grinning.

How about ‘Empire of Worldly Evil’? Monique suggested. “No reason for them to use all the letters, is there?”

Or ‘Western Evil Empire’! Tara chimed in. Kim closed her mouth. She’s been about to suggest ‘Evil Empire of the West’.

All very nice suggestions, but seriously, we’ve got our hands full trying to keep their internecine conflict from injuring civilians. And trying to take advantage of it, to do as much damage to their infrastructure as possible. I’d also like to inform you that Alpha is at large again.

What? Shego spat out, How the hell did that happen? No, wait! His brother had something to do with it, didn’t he?

Betty blinked rapidly in surprise. How do you know about his brother?

I saw the family resemblance. Shego snapped in reply, Now how did he get free?

Wait! Who’s who’s brother? Ron stammered, I mean, who’s brother is who? I mean… He stopped when Kim put her hand on his arm. Betty had also held up a hand to try and arrest his babbling. Kim then turned to Betty, “I just recently heard that he’d been found?”

“You got that news a little late, Kim, sorry.” Betty responded apologetically, He’s the brother of my former Deputy, Ron, the man who got Kim involved in that affair last year. And that’s the main reason he’s free now. Betty’s expression soured considerably. His brother claimed that he had him infiltrate WWEE, and further claimed that the infiltration was a great success! Got him moved to a safe house, with the blessing of the Chief Executive Committee of GJ. And for a while, he gave us some good info on WWEE. But earlier today, just after his brother went to visit him personally for the first time, we lost contact with the house.

When a response team got there, they found the guards knocked out, and his brother buried up to his neck in a compost heap, with a small sign taped to his forehead. It said ‘I never liked you anyway, big brother’. There was of course no sign of Alpha.

He’ll turn up in command of one of the surviving fragments of WWEE. Shego commented disgustedly. Probably the one least damaged by the info he gave you!

Betty sighed and nodded. Much as I hate to agree with you, I’m afraid you’re right. She turned to Kim, And that’s my wonderful news! Now, what were you going to tell us?

Kim grimaced, as Ron took her hand and squeezed it. She smiled at him, then addressed the others. Was actually thinking that I was going to do this once, and get it over with! She smiled wanly. Wasn’t really thinking it through. Have to tell it to Doctor Cardien at my next session, and tell my parents some time, too. So, this might just be a rehearsal for the harder one, please excuse me if it’s confusing.

Tell it in your own way, Kim. Bernie told the girl. Bernie was holding a now-sleeping Hana in her lap. And only as much as you’re comfortable with.”

Kim nodded gratefully, squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, and began. Ron made my memory come back last night just by saying ‘Ron Says’. It brought back a dream I had…I’m not sure when. Kim described the dream about the game show, humorous bits included, ending with the strange man with the dog in his arms. Now I remember clearly where I saw him like that in real life. It was just at the moment that everything went to hell. That choice of phrase brought a few frowns to her audience.

Kim recounted the events that led to her being asked to go on the mission for the benefit of those who hadn’t heard them before, sticking to the ‘official’ version as she did, though it was almost the complete truth. I didn’t take any mission gear, just my Kimmunicator. Global Justice was supposed to supply some, and Will Du was supposed to go pick it up. But when he heard the mission was just a pick-up, he said special gear was probably unnecessary. We had a minor argument about it, with no result. Then we had the shower incident, and a little shouting match. Then he said he was going to get the gear, come back and get me, and then we’d go make the pick-up. Kim looked at Betty Director, But I didn’t believe him. I don’t know how good he is at fooling other people, but he’s never had much success with me.

So, I followed him. He went to the pick-up, found a package, took it, and a block away was suddenly snatched off the street by some men in an old van. I couldn’t think of how to follow them, when my luck, or a little inherited Ron Factor, She smiled at Ron, Kicked in, and a cab driver recognized me. And turned out to be an expert at trailing people, said he used to do it often in the ‘old days’. He looked about fifty, but said he’d been a cab driver since he was eighteen, so he might have meant some real old days when he said that. She looked at Betty again, almost apologetically. So you complementing me on trailing Will through a strange city was a bit misplaced, I just hung on and went along for the ride.

When we reached the building where the prisoners were being kept, he helped me get hold of a disguise. But he also advised me to call for help, in case something happened to me. I had those orders not to, but right then, that cab driver seemed a whole lot smarter then Betty’s Deputy. Betty nodded grimly at that. So I called Wade, who called Betty, then called me back and told me that help was coming, to try and wait until it arrived. At that point, I still didn’t know the bad guys had the six Navy people inside as well. But something told me I should take a look… She paused, grinning wryly, Or, I was just being me! In any event, I snuck closer. I spotted two lookouts, but I didn’t really hide from them, I just pretended I was being sneaky in general. And then the little dog took an interest in me. I guess I smelled different then anyone he usually ran across.

At first I was tempted to shoo him away, but then I thought: ‘What’s more innocent looking then a boy and his dog?’ She paused for reactions, but all she got was Ron muttering That was one weird movie. She blinked and looked at him, as did the others. What, Ron?

Oh! What? Sorry! Um, just saying that was a really weird movie, ‘A Boy and his Dog.’, that’s all! And I sure hope I don’t have a dream based on that one if Kim’s linked up to me!

Shego hid a smirk as she nodded. Sure was. But it’s not what we’re here to hear, is it?

Kim scowled, wondering what she was missing, but nodded and continued. When I was out of sight of the lookouts, who were both on the upper floor, I crept up close along the wall below them, until I found a gap in some corrugated iron that made up part of the wall. And I heard someone yelling at Will, though I didn’t know that at the time, though the fact he was speaking English suggested it. She paused, closing her eyes. Her lips moved briefly, then she began to speak aloud. He said: ‘Do you take me seriously? These people did not give me what I wanted, probably because they really don’t have it! They are now useless to me, except to show you how serious I am! Then I heard someone crying out in pain, and the man shouted again, ‘I will prove how serious I am by cutting this man’s throat, and then we will start to cut you up, and see if you know what we want!’ Kim was looking at Bernie, who’s expression was far-away. Then she became aware of Kim’s scrutiny, gave a faint smile, and nodded. It’s Okay, Kim, go ahead.

So, that had me trying to think of some way to stop what was happening, or a way of distracting the men inside. Luckily I didn’t try a head-on attack, there were sixteen men, and they had guns, though their leader didn’t want them firing them off unnecessarily. Then, my little furry companion solved the problem, by dashing inside. So, I ‘chased’ after him. He began dodging through all the junk, and I chased him. The head bad guy started screaming for his men to catch me, but no shooting. So most of his men started chasing me around. Some of them seemed to be enjoying the chase, others not so much!

Then I made a wrong turn, and trapped myself. And that one man caught the dog. He was standing there, with a big smile on his face, talking to me. But in real life, unlike in the dream, I couldn’t understand a word he was saying. Kim paused here, as if trying to decide how to proceed. While this was going on, the Counter-Terrorist teams arrived. The chase had distracted the lookouts, I heard one or two of them calling down to their friends, maybe with advice on how to cut me off, or cheering them on, teasing, who knows? But it gave some of the CTs a chance to slip inside.

Now Kim took a deep breath before continuing. Meanwhile, I was wondering how long it would be before the bad guys saw through my disguise. And then…explosions, shooting, death! No warning, no demands to surrender, just shooting! The man was hit in the back, one bullet came clear through him, I think it went right past my head, I’m not sure. He dropped the dog, which ran for cover. And then he fell. He had four or five holes in his back, there was a lot of blood….I saw two more of them die. Before the shooting started, one had been trying to calm his friend down, I think, the friend was one of the ones angry at having to chase me around. There were explosions too, from the doors being blown, but I couldn’t see them from where I was.

Kim’s eyes had widened, as if she was looking at the scene as she sat there. Then one of the CTs was right in front of me, pointing his gun at me and screaming! I didn’t understand a word, and I couldn’t move anyway, I was just sort of numb. Then a man ran up and pushed his weapon up, and began talking to him rapidly, trying to calm him, I guess. Then the second man looked at me and asked if I was Kim Possible. He had a Welsh accent, but his face was covered. I started to nod, and then the dog came running out of his hiding place and ran for the hole in the wall. And the CT fired at him! He wasn’t hit, I don’t think, he didn’t slow down or anything, just yelped and ran out. And something happened then, something inside me…. She trailed off, and Ron moved closer and wrapped an arm around her. She was silent for nearly a minute before resuming.

The Welshman grabbed the CT and actually shook him, shouting in his face. Probably not about what he shot at, just that he was trigger-happy. The CT shook him off and stalked away, and I followed him. The Welshman was still talking to me, but I ignored him, I kept my eyes on the back of the CT, thinking of what I was about to do to him. Betty exchanged a worried glance with Bernie, and saw Shego was also scowling deeply. Tara, Bonnie, and Monique were tense with anticipation more then anything else, while Ron’s eyes seemed suddenly moist.

I wasn’t thinking about it in terms of killing him, actually. Kim resumed quietly, I was just thinking of using a particular blow, without concern for the consequences. My teachers taught them to me, so I’d recognize them, and know the best counters, but never to use on a human being. In fact, I felt ill practicing them on a dummy! But right then, I felt…nothing. At least, I don’t recognize any feeling in my memory. I was just going to do it, that was all. I mean, when I get mad…well, you’ve all seen me mad, you know what I’m like. And that wasn’t it. She paused again, and three people tried to talk at once.

Kim, that’s awful! From Tara.

KP, you never could have gone through with it! You were just… from Ron, of course.

But you didn’t do it, did you, Kim… from Betty Director.

Kim interrupted the latter two by holding up her hand. I DON’T KNOW! She snapped, color rising in her face, I was distracted before I could! I don’t know what would have happened, if I hadn’t seen Bernie, and none of you know, either! She put her hand over Ron’s mouth to stifle the angry retort rising to his lips. Let me finish, Ron, I need to tell it all, before we fight over it! Ron scowled at the word ‘fight’, but subsided.

Kim took a moment to regain her composure before continuing. We had reached the area where the prisoners had been held. Walking angrily, he’d opened some distance between us. I didn’t hurry, but I’m not sure why, truthfully. I hadn’t actually seen the prisoners up until then. And I didn’t look now, I was focused on the CT, still ignoring the Welsh guy, who I think was figuring out that I wasn’t myself. But then a stretcher team crossed my path, and briefly, my eyes followed it. And I saw Melinda Hunter being loaded on another stretcher, her arm…. Kim swallowed and shook her head, But, it didn’t really get through whatever was in my head! I started to turn back to the CT, but then I saw Bernie. I didn’t immediately recognize her, it took a moment, but when I did, I forgot the CT and ran over to her.

Bernie now spoke up. My own memories aren’t as clear about that part, one of the CTs accidentally landed a stun grenade too close to us, and I was in a lot of pain at the time from my foot as well. I think I told your Mom that the leader threatened to shoot one of my shipmates, but that’s wrong, he didn’t want any shots fired unnecessarily. And I thought I was already on the stretcher being carried out, but that’s wrong, too! Memories of a traumatic event can be very confusing, but… She shrugged, Sorry, just continue please, Kim.

Kim nodded slowly. There was sort of this surreal…no, that’s wrong! It’s just that, seeing my old babysitter there, just like that, made no sense! I was kind of thinking that maybe it was a dream, you know? And I remember asking you what were you doing there, and you tried to reply, then you went limp, and suddenly, it was all real to me! And I lost it, big time!

Did you hurt anybody? Bonnie asked warily.

Kim shook her head. No, I sort of charged a couple of people, but when they backed up, I switched targets. I was just screaming at them, some words Mom wouldn’t approve of, but I don’t think I was very coherent. Then someone, probably the Welshman, knocked me out. Which was probably a good thing.

I woke up in a bed in the British Ambassador’s residence, wearing a set of his daughter’s pajamas. That was more then a day later. But, until yesterday, my only memory was of a woman saying goodbye to me at the airport, and me thanking her for her trouble. But I didn’t remember who she was until yesterday, the Ambassador’s wife. Some of my memories of what happened after the shooting are still missing, maybe they’ll never come back, and I’ll never know it all for sure. Betty Director suddenly felt apprehensive, and looked around to see Shego studying her speculatively. Keeping her face blank with an effort, she turned her attention back to Kim.

Everything for the next week or so is kinda blurred, but I remember being distraught most of the time, partly over Bernie, but there was more that I can’t remember. Then Will came to see me, maybe with good intentions, but he made things worse, I think. Ron rolled his eyes heavenwards, but before he could express his opinion of the usual result of Will being ‘helpful’, Betty spoke up.

I’m afraid I asked him to visit you, and try and evaluate your mental state, Kim. Sorry if that backfired.

Kim shrugged. No Big, he was just being Will. You see, he suggested I might seek psychiatric help, and I had my usual reaction to something like that. But only momentarily. Then I began to think, maybe…but he couldn’t leave well enough alone.” she hesitated, then continued grudgingly, “Well, I did ask if he had sought such help, and he sort of puffed up and said of course not, because he was a professional! He also implied that gender was involved in his not requiring aid. Ron, Shego and Betty all winced as they imagined Kim’s reaction to such patronizing behavior.

So, I decided right then that I did not have any problems at all! And me being me, I seem to have taken that too far, subconsciously! Maybe I already wanted to forget some things, but now…pride joined in, and I buried it all deep, and didn’t deal with it. And I became less careful, and got hurt more often. Maybe I felt guilty after visiting Melinda Hunter. Maybe I was feeling guilty for avoiding Bernie! I don’t know for sure, I’ll have to let Doctor Cardien try and help me sort it all out. She trailed off and leaned into Ron as if hoping his body would absorb hers into it.

Kim… Bernie looked at Doctor Director as if giving her the option to speak first. But Betty gave her a ‘go ahead’ gesture. Kim, you had a sequence of traumatic events occur that were outside any of your previous experiences. You can’t blame yourself for your reactions!

I don’t think you’d have hurt the man, Kim, Tara put in, It would have probably been like when you run up behind your brothers, all mad and all, with your hands up ready to strangle them, but then you turn away at the last moment, because you know it’s wrong to hurt them.

Kim blinked, then smiled faintly. That would be far more reassuring if I hadn’t turned Bonnie loose on my brothers today, Tara, but thanks for the vote of confidence.

Oh, you’re welcome, but that’s an entirely different thing, Kim. Turning Bonnie loose on your brothers…well, you know she’d never really… she grimaced slightly, Well, I mean… she noticed Bonnie’s scowl, Shutting up now.

Bonnie slowly shook her head, then looked at Kim. Listen, if you came close to killing someone, Thank God it wasn’t me! In your place, I mean! I’m fairly sure I’d have leapt on his back and tried to break his neck! At least, I think so, considering my temper. You know, I still wonder if I’ll wake up some morning and think, ‘Okay, I’ve been nice long enough to pay Kim back for saving my life, time to go back to making her life miserable!’ She looked at Kim. I don’t think you have to worry, if something like that happens again, God Forbid, you should handle it better.

Kim seemed dubious, but nodded gratefully. Thanks, Bonnie! And if you decide to revert to ‘Queen B’…actually, I have nothing to say about that! Bonnie snorted, while Monique took her turn.

Girlfriend, you have been through some weird shit, pardon my French. Some of the things you’ve told me about? I’m surprised you didn’t go loco a whole lot sooner! She grimaced, and held up both hands in a ‘stop’ gesture, Wait! I’m not saying you went loco there, just that you’re one of the strongest-willed people I know, if clothing sales and calls for help are not involved. Kim grinned faintly, But even you have to have a breaking point. You just found it, the point beyond which you couldn’t be yourself and still deal with the sitch. So your….self went away, and left behind….okay, psychiatry is not a career option for this girl, sorry! She shrugged apologetically.

Now Betty spoke her piece.Kimberly, I’ve had to deal with a large number of agents who have suffered some kind of breakdown or other problems in the line of duty. This may or actually may not qualify me as a sort of expert. Emotional shutdown is not uncommon when traumatized, and often someone will follow through on their last emotional impulse when that happens. Yours was anger, if not rage, at the man who shot at the dog. And you nearly followed through on that impulse, before your concern for Bernie, or the incongruity of her presence, snapped you out of it. Ron scowled at Betty, while Kim just nodded.

So, you think I would have killed that man? She asked in a tone of resignation.

Betty shook her head. Not definitely, Kim, you may have paused in the very act. I knew an agent who walked up behind another agent he was mad at, knife in hand, and stabbed him. But not fatally, and the attacking agent knew how to do it, and had the perfect chance. But he knew it was wrong, and subconsciously altered his blow. You’re dead set against killing, Kim, so it’s possible, maybe probable, that you’d have done the same thing. The problem now is, you’ll never be convinced of that, will you?

A tear leaked out of the corner of Kim’s eye as she shook her head. Ron, still obviously upset with Betty, kissed her lightly on the forehead. You wouldn’t have done it KP, I know you better than that! She turned to look at his face, expression sad. Better then I know myself? You know, that may just be true, Ron. But, you’ve never seen me in that kind of sitch before. It had gotten so out of hand…so out of my control…it’s true, it was nothing like I’d seen before. But I had seen dead people, just not…just nothing like that. Her eyes were suddenly drawn to Shego as the woman stood up.

Gotta go. Shego said flatly, not making eye contact, Later, Princess. And she walked out without a glance left or right.

Ron stared after her. That…was very un-Shegolike. Kim and Betty Director both nodded agreement.


When Drakken saw Shego enter the lair two hours later, he was quite happy that his mother had retired for the night, because Shego was clearly drunk. Not because she was staggering, but the exact opposite. She was walking stiffly, holding herself to a steady pace by sheer force of will. She handled the crossing of the central chamber well enough, but Drakken moved to intercept her before she attempted the first step up towards her quarters.

She didn’t actually attempt it, but stopped and stared at it, as if willing her foot to rise up and step forward. But her foot was smarter then her pickled brain. It stayed firmly on the ground. She muttered something vaguely profane, as Drakken took her arm. She looked at him owlishly. Shego, what’s the matter? You look like you’ve been crying?

Shego looked down at her feet, then back up at Drakken again. Ya know, Doctor D, I don’t have a clue! Her eyes rolled up into her head, and she collapsed into Drakken’s arms. The scientist caught her, but dropped to his knees in the process. I’m getting too old for this, Shego! He protested, but his words fell on deaf, or drunk, ears. Drakken fumbled in one pocket and found a small remote. He used his thumb to press several buttons.

After a few minutes, a quiet clanking announced the arrival of a tall humanoid robot. It was the last of the ‘real’ Diablos, at it’s full size, just under eight feet. It stopped short of Drakken and waited. With a grunt of effort, Drakken managed to get Shego up in his arms, and her out towards the robot. Having this routine programmed into it, the robot promptly took the woman from Drakken, then turned and ascended the steps to the passage leading to the living quarters.

Drakken flexed a sore arm muscle as he watched the robot disappear from view. After all that, and there’s the best use I can put you to! He looked around the lair. I live in a cave. A nice cave, but a cave! And my mother follows my criminal career on the Internet, and probably checks out all the banners! He shook his head, clasped his hands behind his back, and walked towards his quarters.


Okay, there it is. Hope it ended up meeting expectations. If it didn’t, My own fault for making such a big deal out of it.

Next chapter: Politics, or City Management, Drakken style! (If things go according to plan.)

Please Read and Review.