Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: His Honor The Mayor Drew Lipsky Chapter 31

Kim Possible Porn Story: His Honor The Mayor Drew Lipsky Chapter 31

Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible, any of the other characters from that show, or those from any other media I may reference in my stories.


January Sixth

Doctor Drakken sat at his desk in the Mayor’s Office. Though there were many items on the desk for his attention, he was raptly watching the TV set mounted in the wall next to his desk. On the screen, he saw a visibly nervous Professor Dementor standing behind a small forest of microphones as he began a press conference. The words crawling across the bottom of the screen informed the viewers that public confidence in the integrity of Demenz Industrial Conglomerate(Someone cut the ‘of Koenigsberg’ part, Drakken mused) was in poor shape in the wake of the previous CEO’s resignation, and rumors of financial improprieties on her part.

As he read this with a faint smile on his face, Drakken was mildly annoyed when his intercom buzzed. Yes?

The professionally dry tones of his receptionist came through. Sir, you have a phone call from a Frau Demenz-Director.

Drakken’s eyebrows rose. Well, well! By all means, put her through, and make sure you have a fresh tape in your little eavesdropping device.

Mister Mayor, please, nothing is on tape anymore. She chided him.

Drakken nodded. True, true. Then he switched on his speaker phone and leaned back in his chair. Frau Demenz-Director, to what do I owe this pleasure?

Hildy replied in a businesslike manner. Well, Doctor Drakken, I felt the need to clear the air a bit between us. For one thing, I wish to make it clear I don’t bear you sufficient ill will over the matter of the Upperton base to pursue any sort of vendetta against you and yours. In fact, I would not have authorized the attack on you on New Year’s had I known that the base was already compromised, both by your actions, and those EWWE idiots playing their silly ‘prank’ with the paint.

Which was due to your forbidding them to engage in more lethal activities while you had a truce going with Alpha, of course. Drakken replied, Tell me, how did that work out?

Not well at all. Hildy replied in exasperated tones. It was of course a ploy to try and trap that impertinent traitor by pretending I was interested in a joint venture, both professional and personal.

Drakken blinked in shock. Personal? he asked, mildly incredulous.

Ja! Can you imagine? My poor Sheldon barely gone from me, and thatI won’t say the word, but he propositioned me! Mind you, it may also have been a ploy, but the man is a true chauvinist, so it may have been a real plan to seduce me!

Drakken shook his head, suppressing a chuckle, before becoming serious. But you did try and kill me, the third attempt by WWEE to kill me and Shego in the past few months.

There was a moment of silence before Hildy replied. Three attempts? I believe there were two, on Halloween by my dear Sheldon in person, and this last one that I ordered.

Drakken rolled his eyes as he replied with faint derision. Please, don’t tell me that you think it was just coincidence, and a very long coincidence, that Gemini’s new stealth aircraft just happened to be flying close enough to my hovercraft, over the whole wide Atlantic, for Shego to hit it with a plasma burst? While high on pollen? It wouldn’t surprise me If she actually saw it and fired the blast towards it intentionally, though without realizing it’s import. I’ve studied the recordings from that flight. My on board sensors indicate that the blasts she was throwing were colorful but had little destructive force, well short of her best. So, how could they have destroyed an aircraft? Unless they hit something that exploded, perhaps? Such as an air-to-air missile?

So, I also double-checked my source for the information concerning the shipment of the Quantum Synchronizer. And I found that the whole thing had been a little too convenient not to be suspicious. I believe your husband set me up to fight Dementor, hoping one or both of us would manage to kill each other. Despite the fact we’ve never managed it before, and as far as I know, neither of us had ever desired to. Perhaps Gemini had something planned that would have killed both of us while looking like it was our fault, who knows?

IN any event, having failed there, I believe he followed Shego and I on our flight back, meaning to dispose of us somewhere over the ocean, and let people think that perhaps damage from the fight caused the crash, or something else entirely. Why he waited so long to strike, I don’t know, perhaps because we were still in radar coverage from England? In any event, it didn’t take me long to get suspicious once I actually considered how long the odds had been of that shot being entirely accidental. I wasn’t very quick to take precautions against a follow-up attack, I’ll admit, but I wouldn’t have anticipated that attack at the Halloween party.

Hildy was silent for nearly a minute before responding. So, he turns it around and claims you attacked him first, justifying his personal involvement in your assassination, which I had expressly forbade, I see. Sheldon, my Sheldon, you are a naughty…ahem, sorry, I became distracted there for a moment. I knew nothing of this, I assure you. But why kill you, when it was his intent to bring all of you ‘independents’ under his thumb?

Drakken took a moment to frame his reply. Well, I would dearly like to say that he knew I would never knuckle under to him, but truthfully I think we were to be an example. He’d use subtle, or not so subtle hints that he was in fact responsible for our deaths when putting pressure on the others. Other then that, I have no idea why I was chosen as the example.

Well, I was never a supporter of that plan, I must tell you. I did not think any of you would be useful to us at all. Not only would you be considered what you call the ‘loose cannons’, but truthfully, and no offense intended, you all seemed to be ‘losers’, to be truthful, never able to triumph over Kim Possible. And Ja, I must include my own brother in that list. She paused. Look at him, I almost feel sorry to have left him with barely enough to remain solvent, if he’s very careful. But I was dedicated to my husband’s dream, you see, and that’s why I sacrificed all that dear father built and left us.

Drakken realized that she was watching the same program that he was, and a faint smile played on his lips. Just then, a second, and very familiar figure stepped into view on the screen.

Hildy obviously saw him, too. VatI mean what, is Senor Senior Senior doing there? she asked, clearly confused. Drakken reached over and turned the volume up with the remote.

Yes, Madam, Senior was responding to a question from a reporter, I began to obtain an interest in the Demenz Conglomerate back in late September, and had a majority share of the stock by late November. Drakken snorted at an outraged squawk from his speaker. And being a shareholder, I felt it my right to know how the finances of the Conglomerate were being handled. So, I had a look at the books, as it were. Dementor looked up at Senior in surprise, obviously not having heard any of this before.

II never authorized anyone to look at the books! Hildy exclaimed. Hello! Supervillain? Drakken thought in response, but kept silent.

..and I found many irregularities, all being carried out by the CEO! Secret accounts, hidden assets, all in her name, or under fictitious names or companies! Senior shrugged eloquently. Well, what could I do, but use my influence to have those funds transferred back to the Demenz Conglomerate, and ask for the removal of the CEO. Dementor blinked rapidly as if trying to awaken from a dream. His sister, however, was wide awake, and quite mad.

Vat! I mean..never mind! He never asked for my removal! And he could not have transferred those funds back! You! she shouted at someone on her end, Check the balance of the Singapore accounts! I’ll check the Bahamian and Cayman Island ones.

Meanwhile, Senior was still answering questions. The total? Ah, well, something over thirteen billion dollars, American. A dazed smile began to spread across Dementor’s face.

What do you mean, I personally arranged the transfer?! Hildy was bellowing now. I have not been at that bank since last March! It must have been an…impostor? Like…Nein, that little slip of a girl could never impersonate me! Then she paused, and Drakken sensed she was now addressing him, Could she?

Drakken steepled his fingers beneath his chin, nodding to himself, then replied. Well, not all of you, obviously! But with your fashion sense, she only had to duplicate your face, a suit would then have been all she needed.

But…no, she would have needed the access codes and passwords, and those are only in my head! And in a small locked box in a very secure room at a location known only to me, which only I can enter! And the ventilation shafts are only eight inches wide, so none of that sneaking in that way! Not even Shego could have gotten in that room, without leaving some trace.

Hmm. Drakken responded thoughtfully, ‘Have you ever heard of a ‘Naga-Ninja’? No, of course not, they’re brand new! A little creation of DNAmy’s, a cross of some form of serpent, one of the tree dwelling kind, and one of Monty’s Monkey Ninjas. Snake body, simian torso, had a devil of a time convincing Amy it had to be small, she likes to make her babies big, you know? Anyway, it was the best thing we could think of. We should be on the look-out for blue Naked Mole Rats with delusions of grandeur? his previous words popped into his head unbidden, and he shuddered. Came so close to letting that slip in front of Amy!

There was a lot of muffled talking on the other end of the line, before Hildy came back on. Do you realize what this means? I cannot send my little ones to Harvard, and EWWE will now be the dominant power!

Drakken blinked, then replied Er, not exactly, Alpha apparently was keeping track of all your financial arrangements, and made his own to tap into your funds to keep EWWE going until he could get some income of his own, or a line of credit somewhere. Then unable to contain his curiosity, Harvard?

Ja, she replied morosely, Business School. I didn’t want them to make the same mistakes as their father. Running an evil empire dedicated to taking over the world is difficult, but it does not excuse fiscal irresponsibility!

Quite. Drakken replied. By the way, someone with exceptional hacking skills has seen to it that all of your remaining bases have received the news that you won’t be able to make the payroll at the end of the month. EWWE’s bases, too. So, you might have to deal with some abrupt ‘downsizing’.

Hildy’s response was defiant. Nein! I will just get a loan! I’m sure Jack Hench will extend me some credit… She stopped as she heard Drakken ‘tsk-tsking’ her. What?

Jack Hench has the exclusive rights to build all villain lairs in this part of the United States, my dear Frau, rights negotiated and recognized by some very powerful people in the crime world. Using those other men to build the lair under Upperton was a serious affront to him, and he is not likely to forgive you that easily. Even for business.

That was Sheldon’s… she broke off, and Drakken waited patiently. Finally she spoke again. All of you worked together for this? I don’t understand…

Drakken drew a deep breath before responding. It’s actually quite simple. Myself and my associates may not have been the peak of human villainy, which I am not at all unhappy about. We may have a poor track record. We may never have managed, individually or collectively, to overcome a feisty teenage girl and her friends. But we know what to do when a larger predator comes around. We close ranks. Good Day, Frau Demenz-Director, I have work to get back to.

As he disconnected, Drakken opened a small console on his desk top and flipped a switch. The office was now soundproof. He then leaned back in his chair. A chuckle began in his chest, then began to build, until he was soon indulging in full-blown laughter, just as maniacal as when he’d first become a supervillain. But then again, some things just couldn’t be changed.

When he finally wound down, he sighed happily. That felt good…


January the Seventh

Good Morning, Shego. Bernadette Barr greeted the thief as she gingerly walked into the large dining room of Senor Senior Senior’s private residence. Bernie was halfway through a substantial breakfast, while reading a Spanish-language newspaper.

Oh, yeah, a fum, morning, Bernie. Shego moderated her response as she caught sight of their host standing by the window. She nodded as a servant pulled her chair out for her and helped her seat herself.

Can I ask if you’re feeling any better? Bernie asked politely.

Shego made a face before nodding. Sure you can, I’m sorry about my behavior after we arrived, I just hate being an invalid!

Bernie smiled tolerantly. No problem, I’m used to it. But you didn’t answer me, though the fact you’re upright at all shows how much faster you heal then normal. By the way, got that message off to my family, so they know the kidnapping wasn’t for ransom.

Shego’s eyes widened as she tried to keep the juice she was sipping from taking a detour from it’s desired path. When it was safely swallowed, she responded Did you actually call it a kidnapping?

Sure, I have a reputation for being reliable to uphold, couldn’t say I just decided to dump my responsibilities and take off now, could I? Bernie replied, then looked up as Senior approached and took his seat at the head of the table.

He smiled graciously at Shego. You didn’t answer Miss Barr’s question, my dear, how are you feeling today?

Shego returned the smile. I’m better, and Thank You again for letting me stay here, and apparently allowing yourself to become an accessory in a kidnapping. She looked pointedly at Bernie, who shrugged and continued eating. Another servant arrived with Shego’s plate, and she made another face, but refrained from any complaint as she began to eat.

Not at all, My Dear, I am pleased you thought of me in this matter. her host responded warmly. And I do not believe Miss Barr will be specifying any charges against either of us.

Not if Shego refrains from getting me naked in public again. Bernie commented with a faint grin.

Well, the beaches on this island are private, you can wear what you wish, Grandma. Shego responded with feigned asperity.

Bernie, who was currently wearing a rather elegant peignoir supplied to her the previous evening, snorted in amusement. Unless our host has a wide selection of female clothing available, my wardrobe choices are limited. Besides, I think I’ll stick to the pool for now.

Shego had to finish chewing and swallowing a mouthful of omelet before replying. If it’s just to keep me company, you don’t have to, Senior and I have a few old times to discuss, so I won’t lack for companionship. And as soon as I can manage, I intend to hit those beaches myself. The pool is more Junior’s area, anyway.

I was going to ask, why is Junior pretending to sulk? Bernie asked their host.

He beamed at her. Ah! So you’ve noticed? He was sulking for real for a brief period after learning that he had been fooled by Miss Leon. But the last two days, he has been pretending, while trying to covertly contact that young woman.

Shego’s eyebrows rose. Really? Has Junior realized the benefits of having a girlfriend who can be any woman?

Senior frowned. I sincerely hope not! But that brings up another subject that must be addressed by me. How to make my final arrangements. I have my attorneys coming to see me shortly to finalize my Last Will and Testament.

Now Shego scowled, and her appetite, already discouraged by her menu, now deserted her completely. Are you feeling okay? She asked a tad apprehensively.

Senior smiled and waved a dismissive hand. I feel quite well, Shego, but I’m no fool, there is too much at stake not to be prepared. He paused briefly before continuing with a sigh, It is obvious Junior has no head for business, and anyone I trust to run my empire for him would be able to rob him blind if they chose. So I have begun to liquidate my business holdings. I will leave just money and negotiable securities, as well as all the private real estate I own.

Shego shook her head, face grim. Yeah, well, as soon as the news gets out that you’re gone, Junior will be the target of every con artist and gold digger in the world who can afford the travel expenses to get here. They’ll do their damnedest to bilk him out of every Euro you leave him!

Senior nodded sadly. True, true! Then he brightened, Which is why I intend to appoint a trustee to handle all that money. They will be limited as to what they can do with it, and chiefly will just make sure Junior gets his regular allowance. He looked at the two women sternly. No more then 3 million a month! Except December, of course, for Christmas! They will also try and protect him from the aforementioned charlatans as much as possible.

Shego snorted. That’d be some job! Some cute blond would probably convince Junior to challenge your will in court, to get out of that, and then she’d take him to the cleaners! She then frowned, Or not. Having Junior as a husband would have it’s advantages as well. She mused aloud.

Senior nodded. Yes, he is a fine specimen of manhood, is he not?

Shego started. Well, yeah..not what I meant, but there’s that, too!

Senior nodded again. The trustee must be someone Junior likes, and can handle him properly. He observed.

What, a Mother figure? An authority figure? Both? Neither? Shego sighed in exasperation. She’d have to be a mother herself, or an experienced babysitter.

Senior smiled widely. Yes, yes! An expert babysitter, not to disparage my son too much, might have the skills necessary. Or rather, a former expert babysitter, Hmm? He met Shego’s gaze. Comprehension dawned in the thief’s eyes, and she looked across the table, where Bernie had frozen with her last forkful of food almost to her mouth. The nurse’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. What?

Senior continued to smile as he pushed back his chair and rose to his feet. I have many matters to attend to, concerning Wilhelm’s little problem, I intend to forcefully suggest he either take a partner to handle the business, or cease diverting his attention with a criminal career. Good Day to you, Ladies, Continue to enjoy your stay. As he left the room, Shego sat staring at Bernie with a calculating look on her face.

He’s not serious! Bernie hissed at her. How could he be, he’s only known me less then a day…I think…but anyway, it’s ridiculous! How could he trust me with billions of dollars, a nearly total stranger?

I don’t know, Shego replied thoughtfully, But it does make me wonder…

Wonder what? Bernie asked impatiently after a long moment’s silence.

How do you feel about Same-sex marriage?


OOo, lovely shade of red there, better cut back on the sodium! And don’t throw that, it’s probably worth a year’s salary!


So, you were in control of this ‘dream link’ of yours and Ron’s all the time? Monique asked her best friend as the two sat in the school cafeteria. Ron, Bonnie and Tara, their regular table mates, were still going through the line for food.

Kim shook her head. No, at first it was a side-effect of Drakken’s invention. Finding out about Professor Bortell’s invention later was just a coincidence. And I’m sorry I lied to you about it. Kim ended contritely.

Monique’s brow furrowed in puzzlement. When did you lie to me? Oh, you may have hidden things from me, but we don’t really need to know all each other’s secrets, Kim.

Kim shook her head. No, I’m pretty sure that somewhere along the line I lied to you. Remember when you asked me to concentrate, here, and see if I could see through Ron’s eyes? When we were talking just before that, I pretty much denied knowing what was going on.

Pfhhtt! You had your reasons, girlfriend! Pride chief among them, I’m thinking!

Kim seemed to cringe slightly. I didn’t want people to think I was using Ron as a crutch! She responded in a tight voice.

Or anything else as one? Monique responded with one eyebrow raised. As to Ronnie, he’s going to be your husband, and though I don’t believe ‘crutch’ is the word used normally, some duties he may have to perform for you, and vice versa, might just qualify either of you for the term.

Kim sighed, relaxing. Mon, I talk to you about problems all the time, the kind any girl has. I talk about things like that with a lot of people. But when it comes to problems I think stem from my missions, I rarely admit to them with anyone. You see, I’m fully aware how lucky I am to be allowed to do what I do, by my parents, and others. And I like doing it! So, I think I’ve always been afraid to admit that I had that kind problem, for fear they’d forbid me to continue.

Got you. Careful, here comes company. Monique warned her as Ron led the others to the table. Kim nodded and put a smile on her face as she turned to greet Ron. You receiving any feedback on ‘Mad Dogs and Aliens’ from the other students yet, Ron? Monique asked.

He shrugged as he sat and began to eat. Between mouthfuls, he managed some form of response. Reger went on for about ten minutes in History. Big Mike just about dislocated my shoulder with his ‘pat’, so I assume he liked it. Three or four others were divided as to whether I should have brought ‘Science Fiction’ into the series.

Like weather control machines and the like don’t constitute ‘science fiction’? Bonnie commented sarcastically.

Not really. Tara answered, I mean, they don’t call those spy movies with fantastic gadgets science fiction, do they? Bonnie blinked at the blond for a moment, then shrugged. Okay, you have a point. she conceded.

Anyway, it’s done! And all the stories to the finale are done, sort of. Ron announced through his napkin. Truthfully, I’m much more pumped about our first successful mission of the new year!

Kim sighed, drawing their eyes to her. She blushed slightly when she realized it. Sorry, just thinking there will be a slight drop in the missions, and a bit guilty thinking about the ones I can’t get to now. I mean, I was right when I decided to depend more on GJ for transport, there was a risk one of my regular rides could have been in endangered by helping me, and I couldn’t live with that possibility. So, we might not be going overseas, for one thing. Of course, that will make it easier for me to concentrate on graduating, and what comes after… She trailed off, not sounding all that convincing.

Well, girlfriend, the world will just have to struggle by with a little less of your attention, that’s all. Monique quipped. But she saw that Kim wasn’t amused.

Mon, I never thought I was all that important, it’s not what the world needs, it’s what I need, I… Then she stopped abruptly and turned bright red. I..I didn’t mean that to sound so selfish, I… She suddenly snapped her mouth shut and looked down at her hands.

Since Ron, the usual source of wisdom(?) in such matters had his mouth more then full, Bonnie filled in, with a slight smirk. That’s okay, Possible, you can slip a little towards the ‘Dark Side’. You just have to start worrying if you pass me going the other way.

Kim snorted and shook her head before concentrating on finishing her lunch. Then Tara suddenly asked. Oh, Kim, I never asked, where are you and your family living now?

Kim shrugged. Well, it’s nice to be on my own, even I fit makes Dad nervous. Still not sure he hasn’t had Uncle Slim have one of his ‘birds’ keeping watch over me. What’s weird is living in an apartment that used to be Dementor’s ‘secret’ hideout! I hear weird noises at night, I can’t ignore them! But, at least I’m Tweeb-free for now. My family if living in a condo Bernie’s Dad offered them. It’s nice, but again, it has this unsightly infestation… A loud raspberry blown in tandem by her brothers as they passed by and caught her comment made her grin. One good point about the apartment, though, there’s enough power there to leave everything on 24/7, and no bill!

How long until your house is habitable again? Bonnie asked as she checked the clock.

Kim made a face. Not until the end of February, the way they’re talking. We need ‘special’ contractors, you see, and they’re all busy right now building a base for some special intelligence outfit out in California.

Speaking of bases, did you hear Upperton’s temporary Mayor wants to turn the WWEE base into a tourist attraction, or maybe even some kind of underground theme park? Kim’s head snapped around to stare incredulously at Ron. Where did you hear that? And are you kidding? Answer in reverse order, please!

Ron grinned smugly. So not kidding! Mister Barkin mentioned it. I mean, after all the death traps are cleared out, and all the dangerous materials, of course. They may even want you and me to endorse it, wouldn’t that be cool!

Kim closed her eyes while frowning mightily. Uh, so not! I mean, a lair, turned into an amusement park? That is so wrongsick!

Ron’s face fell. So, you don’t think I should ask Mom to see if Drakken will rent Middleton his old lair, so we can compete?


So basically, I’m getting a watchdog for my operation? Betty Director kept her voice civil with an effort, if for no other reason then a disinclination to be rude to her old mentor. Who was, after all, only the messenger. She sat in her office looking at Frederick Lipsky’s face on one video screen. Abby Hogan sat across the desk from her, scowling.

No, you’re getting a watchdog for the remaining personnel who had knowledge of your former Deputy’s actions. Frederick corrected her.

I’d rather have them somewhere else, preferably unemployed by Global Justice! This time the venom leaked though into Betty’s voice.

As would I. Frederick responded with a candor that caught Betty by surprise. But firing all of them has a downside we don’t need right now. By the way, if you were at all concerned, that fool’s attempt to have a restraining order brought against you and I finally broke the Chief Executive Committee’s patience. As did anonymous photos of him frolicking on Ibiza and not looking the least bit ‘devastated’ by his brother’s betrayal. He’ll be in front of the Tribunal tomorrow morning. You wouldn’t know who managed to get those pictures, would you?

Betty shook her head. Honestly, No. Though I’d love to find out, and either promote them, shake their hand, or offer them a full pardon, or some combination of the above. Now, have you heard some rumors about WWEE having financial problems?

Frederick hesitated, then nodded. Sources inside say that their ‘Morning Message’, a little something your sister-in-law initiated, had been hacked, and contained a message saying they wouldn’t be paid for the foreseeable future, due to ‘financial reverses’. EWWE supposedly received a similar message. No clear indication how the rank and file are reacting to it, yet.

Hmm, be nice if they all up and quit, wouldn’t it? Betty mused.

Yes, wouldn’t it? Betty, not to change the subject, but you’re not being blamed for the whole situation with your Deputy. His tendency to undermine superiors and try to advance himself at their expense was known to some of his previous bosses. He managed to unseat one or two, and failed with others. They should have given you a heads-up on what to expect, and I mean to find out why they didn’t. He paused, considering his next words, And we didn’t help things by summoning you to Geneva so many times, and giving him a chance to operate freely. But, we were trying to interest you in a higher position, maybe a spot on the CEC.

Which I suspect is no longer likely after my latest embarrassment? Betty forged on before he could reply, And all my own fault, no less! If I hadn’t tried to get cute with Shego, Team Go wouldn’t even have been in Middleton, and gotten involved. Mind you, there was still Ron… She shook her head, Stupid of me to say that! He’s nowhere near as accident prone as he used to be, and he was there, and left the lair intact for a change! At least I had the good sense to duck into a smaller room before those little pests…and thankfully they didn’t get my patch! That had to be the worst moment in my career since my first undercover assignment!

Frederick nodded on the screen. Yes, I’m sure. By the way, I didn’t appreciate you calling me ‘Charlie’ behind my back after that one, Betty. Must go now, have to personally brief your watchdog. And he signed off, leaving Betty still gaping at the screen. Then she looked at Abby and suddenly snorted in amusement. Oh My God, I never knew he knew about that!

Abby grinned. We all had those kind of assignments, Betts. I’m sure you remember my most, ahem, ‘revealing’ moment on a case?

Betty nodded. Yes, And I’m still sorry I had to give you that job, Abby! Her smile faded, and she sat silently, fingers tapping on the desk top. I’d still like to know what Drakken got out of helping uncover that WWEE base, but no Feds are talking to me, right now. she shook her head, turning her chair to scan the monitors on the wall attentively. But then her shoulders slumped, and she let out a sad sigh.

Thinking about Kim Possible? Abby asked with a touch of sympathy in her voice.

Betty nodded. She was right, for all the right reasons, to do what she did. And I was going to try and tell her she was wrong, for all the wrong reasons. But I didn’t. Hardly tried to dissuade her at all, in fact.

Conscience, maybe?

Betty shrugged. Am I allowed to have one of those, these days? She shook her head. Enough of that, we have work to do. Have we gotten any reports to verify whether Killigan is applying his chemistry skills to some non-explosive means for committing crimes?


January Seventh

It had been no surprise to Shego to find that the Seniors had a fully equipped medical facility on their island estate, and a doctor on staff full time, But Bernie had been impressed. Shego’s morning exam, however, had left the thief in a sour mood.

I really, really, HATE THIS! Bellowing the last words actually caused Shego to wince. The pair were gingerly descending a flight of steps to one of several nice beaches on the island, all small, and if Shego was to be believed, mostly heavily mined. This one wasn’t. Again according to Shego, this was a bit of sportsmanship on Senior’s part, rewarding the well-prepared intruder. Not an arcane version of ‘Russian Roulette’.

Calm down! Bernie snapped at her, You should have known you’d get bad news, considering I had to help you to the bathroom this morning.

Thanks for reminding me! Shego snapped acidly, then grimaced, and continued in an apologetic tone, Sorry! And thanks again for staying the night with me, I know that chair wasn’t comfortable. They reached the sand and started towards a pair of beach loungers. Shego was wearing a voluminous caftan over a pair of shorts, while Bernie had a robe on over a swimsuit. A bra was out of the question with Shego’s ribs, of course.

No problem, I’ve slept in less comfortable places, believe me. Bernie replied. Reaching the loungers, she let Shego lower herself onto one, while being prepared to render assistance if necessary. I wonder if our host knows we shared the room? Pretty sure he knows better then to think we shared the bed in your condition.

Shego leaned all the way back and sighed wearily, closing her eyes. Unless he overheard that crack of mine at breakfast yesterday. She opened her eyes and snorted as Bernie took her robe off. To think, twelve young women in Brazil have been deprived of their bikinis so the material could be used to make that eyesore!

Bernie ignored the gibe at her very modest two-piece, preferring to deal with Shego’s previous allusion. I don’t know how you do it, I really don’t. She commented as she settled down on her own lounger. I mean, in the Navy I had to deal with doctors who thought they were up to speed when they were still ten knots short, ‘Inspectors’ who thought the title meant they could touch things labeled ‘Do Not Touch’, and all sorts of superiors who decided to share their bad days with me, and I never lost my cool. Then there’s my work at the school…I even babysat Kim Possible! And of course there was the other thing… She trailed off, and Shego nodded sympathetically. Yeah that must have been a horrible experience for you.

Bernie shrugged. Nah! Ron was just a kid, he couldn’t be held responsible… She trailed off with a smirk, and Shego colored slightly as she realized she’d been played. Oh, funny! she retorted.

Bernie shook her head. That’s a taste of your own medicine, and it’s what I mean, all those trying times while staying cool, and yet you can set me off with a single line, seemingly at will!

Meh! It’s a talent. Shego responded glibly, then became serious. And I’d never tease you about something really serious, I swear. II appreciate you being a friend and all, my first real one in a long time, I didn’t think I’d miss having one so much. I mean there’s Doctor D. Ssomewhere in that tangle, there’s friendship or something like it, but still… she seemed to run out of words.

Bernie smiled warmly in response. It’s not a problem, I like having you as a friend, too! Then a puzzled look came over her face. By the way, Senor Senior Senior told me he had a gift for you, but it wouldn’t be good for your health to receive it right now.

What, did he buy me a Jet-Ski? Shego cracked to hide her own interest.

Bernie shook her head. No, he said it’s a video taken back in the States, but you might hurt your ribs laughing at it. Something from a lair, believe it or not!

Really? Hope it’s not a HenchCo blooper reel, seen all of those. Been in too many of them, to be honest!

Speaking of which, when I was in his study with our host, I saw three HenchCo catalogs, and two from outfits called ‘MinionCo’, and ‘MaceCo’, all still in their wrappers, unopened.

Hmm… Was Shego’s only response as she grew thoughtful. Dropping the hobby to prepare for your departure, my friend? The sun emerged from the clouds overhead as she thought this. Suddenly emerging from her reverie, she looked down at herself. Help me get this off, will ya?

Sure. Bernie got up and helped her pull the caftan over her head. Her skin was unmarked, her bruises long dealt with by her healing factor. It was only beneath the skin that damage still existed. She lay back again and sighed in contentment at the feel of the sun on her skin. Then she opened one eye. And please, get rid of that eyesore! Or cover it with my caftan, anything!

Well, since you ask so nicely… Bernie, still standing, whipped off her suit…to reveal a second, smaller bikini underneath. This one stays, though.

Shego made a face. Oh, you sneaky… She broke off and was silent for several minutes as Bernie sat and began to apply sunblock to her own skin. It’s all changing, you know? The Princess, all us villains…Senior’s thinking of Junior, what he’s going to leave him…Doctor D is being Doctor D, which translates to:’I haven’t a clue which way he’s jumping next’…Monty’s changed his focus…guess I have to change, too! Just haven’t a clue what I want to do. My past isn’t going away, I have enemies on both sides of the law… Her eyelids began to droop halfway through her rambling, and finally closed as her voice trailed off.

Bernie sighed, got up and set up a beach umbrella to shield the thief, then resumed her own place and lay back, basking in the sun.

On the terrace of the house above, Senor Senior Senior regarded their distant forms, then nodded to himself, pleased at some thought, and went back inside to speak with his attorneys.


Drew Lipsky looked up from his desk as his office door opened, surreptitiously sliding the HenchCo catalog out of sight as Jean Stoppable walked in. Ah! I take it the vote is in? He asked her with one eyebrow raised.

Jean nodded. It is indeed, Drew. She sat down in an easy chair to one side of the desk, causing Drakken to nudge the catalog farther under the desk, hoping it wouldn’t topple off his knees.

And should I now address you as Madam Mayor?

Jean smiled slightly and shook her head. Not quite. Firstly, you would still have been Mayor even if the vote had gone against you, due to a ‘Grandfather Clause’, preventing you from being retroactively fired.

Now Drakken was puzzled. But…I never thought of…wait, you said if the vote had gone against me? You mean it didn’t?

The measure to strike the ordinance from the books was defeated by three votes, with two abstentions. So… she rose again and headed towards the door, ..unless you simply quit, and disappoint your mother, you’re still the Mayor, Drew Lipsky. Now get back to work, and stop reading whatever you’re hiding under the desk! At Drew’s guilty start, she grinned slyly, I do have a husband and a son, you know!

Drakken sat there mildly stunned for several minutes after she left. They still want me? They like me? No! He shook his head angrily, They like the job I’m doing, how I’m actually straightening things out, making things work, that’s all! He swiveled his chair to face the window, face sullen. But after a moment, a slow smile spread on his face, and he mused aloud, I can live with that.


So, the lasers themselves weren’t lethal, they would have just set off the alarm system? Bonnie was asking Kim as the quintet from lunch emerged from the school at final bell.

No, which was probably lucky, I probably would have froze up if I thought they’d kill me. Kim replied as she fished the keys for the Sloth out of one pocket. I just thought it’d release knockout gas or something if I tripped one, much less pressure.

But what Mister Paisley and his assistant didn’t tell us was, the guy who trapped them in the McHenry Laser Grid rigged the alarm system to a bunch of fire bombs he planted throughout the mansion! Ron put in, causing the three girls to regard him with shocked expressions. So, KP did save everyone in that sitch!

Kim looked a bit embarrassed. Well, as I said, Lucky I didn’t know that in advance, I might have freaked.

Monique had the next question. All five were now standing between the Sloth and Bonnie’s car. Did they catch the guy who set it all up?

Kim shook her head, face serious. No, after five years, we still don’t know who robbed Mister Paisley, and set up that death trap.


A short distance away, Brenda Core and Wallace Dill were watching and listening. Doctor Director was still concerned about retaliation by WWEE or EWWE, and had the pair keeping an eye on the teens.

Hmm, well, we know the answer to that now, don’t we? Dill asked rhetorically, Turns out it was Alpha’s ‘initiation’ into WWEE. And he only accomplished half the job, thanks to Kim.

And unwittingly brought Kim into the game. Brenda mused aloud. And to think, it was mostly to get his brother promoted inside GJ! And that guy could have been our boss?

Dill shrugged. Only until he found a chance to slime his way onto the CEC, I’m sure. He saw the teens part company to enter their respective cars. Do you think she’ll give up being a hero?

Brenda shook her head. Not as long as she thinks she can help people, it’s just the way she’s wired. And she’ll always have Ron at her back, God willing.


Okay, here’s the deal.. Kim addressed Ron after they had dropped Monique off. Before I turn the Dream Link on for a night, we will both sit and watch the same video together, hopefully preventing any unpleasant experiences.

Ron made a face. ‘The Memo Pad’?

Kim smiled fondly and shook her head. No, we’ll find something we both want to see. Something nice and simple, not like our lives. She paused and shook her head, Didn’t mean that quite the way it came out!

That’s okay, the Ronman got the message. A few minutes of silence followed before Ron asked another question. Has the therapy been good for you?

Yes. Kim replied without hesitation. She gave Ron a curious look. Ron, do you have me up on a pedestal?

He gave a goofy grin and shrugged. A short one, maybe.

And getting shorter every day? Kim quipped with a smile that might have been hiding anxiety. I mean, the first time you met me, I beat some boys up! How could you ever think of me as perfect?

I just thought of you as ‘perfectly Kim’, that’s all. He replied. They pulled into his driveway and Kim regarded him for a second in wonder. Then she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Thank You. She said simply but affectionately.

No prob! He replied, and began to open the door. Then he stopped and looked at her. KP, do you think I could use therapy?

Her smile didn’t waver as she shook her head. No, you’re perfect the way you are!

He positively beamed at her. Thanks, KP!

Now, when we’re married… Kim added thoughtfully, I’ll have to make a few changes… she trailed off, and Ron regarded her askance for a second, before his smile returned. I think I can live with that!

No, Kim corrected him, We’ll both be making changes, and We can live with that!


And so it ends, sort of. I know I missed resolving some issues, and I’ll write and epilogue if some things bother people. Or a summary, but only if I get a petition with a few hundred names on it, because I’d have to go back and re-read my own story!

There is a follow-up story in the works, My Fiance, the Supervillain Or something similar, have to think about it.

For now, please, Read and Review, both the last chapter and the story in general, if you feel like it.