Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: His Honor The Mayor Drew Lipsky – Chapter 21

Kim Possible Porn Story: His Honor The Mayor Drew Lipsky – Chapter 21

Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible, any of the other characters from that show, or those from any other media I may reference in my stories.


Shego made an extra effort with her appearance before emerging from her room on the big day. A wasted effort as it turned out, as she found Drakken sitting alone like almost every other morning. Up all alone, Doctor D? Just how late did the bridge game go last night? She asked archly.

And Good Morning to you, too, Shego. Drakken replied sourly. Mother turned in at eleven, and Amy left just afterwards! He added with a bit of a snap in his tone, And how was the second segment of your night out?

Shego cocked an eyebrow at him. Nursed one drink for nearly an hour, told two wannabe studs to back off, and took my time driving home. She replied politely. After a moment of studying him curiously, she suddenly nodded. Cold Feet?

Frigid! Drakken snapped in reply. Then he winced, and waved his hand dismissively. Sorry, but that’s it exactly, Cold Feet! He sat back and regarded her, a sheepish smile crossing his face. Situation Normal, I guess! He shook his head. It’s probably because I’ve already got it all pretty well planned out, and the plan looks so good! Whenever that happens, I guess I get nervous… He trailed off at the smile spreading on Shego’s face, and began to frown momentarily, before his own smile came back. Well, it’s not like Middleton will blow up if the ‘inevitable’ happens, right?

Shego snorted. Doctor D, if you think I’m going to predict the outcome of anything you’re involved in based on the normal Laws of Probability, you’ve got another think coming!

Drakken chuckled, A wise attitude, Shego. . He sipped at his cocoa, frowned when he realized he’d let it cool off too much, then shrugged. Did you ever wonder why I ever tried to ‘Take over the World’, Shego?

She thought about it for a moment, then shrugged. No offense, Doc, but one of the reasons I signed on with you was because I thought you were kinda nuts, but a well-paying nut, never gave your motives much honest thought.

Drakken didn’t seem offended at all. I’d have to forgive that assessment, if I’m honest with myself. It was the challenge, Shego, I loved challenges, but for a long time I set myself unreasonable goals to achieve, and reacted poorly to my failures, even as I actually aimed higher! He got up and walked over to his microwave. As he placed his coco-moo in it and set the time, he looked back at Shego, Would you believe that I never actually thought about the probable reactions of the world to being taken over? Or rather someone seriously trying to do so? I really was a fool, maybe the biggest fool I could be. Then, an enemy of mine showed me just what I was. Or at least made me recognize something my subconscious may have been trying to tell me. That I could be the success I so wanted to be, I just needed to adjust my goals.

The microwave chimed, and he removed his drink and sipped at it, and nodded in satisfaction. The role of Mayor didn’t appeal to me at first, but then I studied some of the problems the community has, and the obstacles that need to be surmounted to solve those problems, and it appealed to me as a challenge. That’s the only reason I’ve gone through with it! I mean, how hard would it have been for me to ruin any chance of my winning? Riding a DestructoBot down Main Street wearing cowboy boots and polka-dot shorts would have just about done it, I think!

Shego winced. Overkill, Doctor D, definite overkill, there! And thanks for that image!

Drakken chuckled as he resumed his seat. Actually, for this election, even that might not have been enough! Anyway, I don’t see myself remaining in office very long. I might actually make a success of it, and someone would want me running for Governor next! He said with a slight grin, then sobered. I could make a success of it, though the temptation to remove obstacles through ‘evil’ means would be great. But, the challenge would fade sooner or later, and leave me unhappy again. And as you full well know, I don’t deal with unhappiness very well! He sat back and sipped his drink as Shego rose to get her coffee started.

Once that was done, he posed a question to her. And where will you be while I’m being sworn in? We did agree you might dampen things a bit by attending, or do you think that was the wrong choice?

Shego shook her head. No, I have an appointment at the local spa, to meet someone. She shook her head at Drakken’s inquiring look. Not a date, or anything personal, this is business, and I’ll talk about it to you later if you want. But right now you should concentrate on your speech, if you haven’t already written and re-written it seven times already!

Drakken rolled his eyes and sat back in his chair. I actually entertained the thought of having Ronald write it, He mused aloud, And then Hank Perkins offered to, while trying to get a job with my new administration. He scowled slightly, As did Vincent Wheeler, as if I was that foolish! Of course, he probably misinterprets my motives in taking the job, like so many others! He paused to collect his thoughts, And of course, that’s another obstacle to my staying in office too long, the people who will never trust me, because they’re paid not to. Global Justice, et al, will be double-checking every project for some illegal aspect, delaying aid for the City from the State and Federal Governments…basically the same thing you said about being Chief of Police, Shego! Something resembling the sounds that might be made by a steam locomotive falling suddenly apart emanated from Shego’s coffee machine, and Drakken manged a slight grin. I think your coffee is ready, Shego!

Shego rolled her eyes and went to fill her cup as Drakken continued to speak. All in all, this has been a weird, but rather enjoyable experience. I think I’ve done more ‘new’ things in the past three months then in the past three years! And I don’t mean finding new ways to ruin my own plots, or allow Kim Possible to. By the way, how did your little rendezvous with Possible and Stoppable go yesterday?

Shego shrugged as she sipped her coffee. Some good, some bad. Kimmie had a breakthrough, though, she might be on her way to straightening out. She paused thoughtfully, She won’t be the same old Princess, though. But she might try to be, and that’ll cause problems for her.

Drakken nodded sagely, Which of us are going to be the same, Shego? You’ve got new problems of your own, if my theory is correct. I’m beginning to recognize that I don’t really have much of a long-term plan, need to start thinking about that, seriously!

Don’t steal my line, Cuz! Motor Ed rumbled as he wandered in. He sniffed the air, then looked at Shego’s mug. That straight black brew, She-Babe? Can I have some? Shego blinked, then gestured for him to help himself. He took a large mug and filled it to the brim, then took in a long draught before smiling. Yeah, that’s the stuff! He looked at Drakken, Listen Cuz, I’m thinking of hitting the road to someplace warmer. Don’t want to harsh your game with this political stuff, whatever it is! Also need to plan on springing my boys come…well, spring! If you don’t need any more help getting the Green Magic back, I think I’ll leave today.

Drakken took a moment to let this sink in, then nodded. Of course, If you feel that way. And no, I don’t need any more help, your assistance in Go City was more than satisfactory.

Ed looked a little uncomfortable at the last part. Listen, Cu—Drew, you’re not going to talk about that a lot, right? I mean the acting like…the acting I did, the undercover stuff? Don’t want that to get around too much, some people might think I’m all about acting, that this isn’t the real me, you dig? Behind Ed, Shego’s eyes were wide in astonishment.

Of course not, Eddie, I agreed before that that whole trip needn’t be discussed, ever! Drakken replied smoothly. Ed studied his cousin’s face for a moment, then nodded. Good enough, Cuz! Listen, since Aunt Emma doesn’t let me keep decent food here to cook, I’m heading out to grab some breakfast, see you all later! He drank the rest of his coffee in one gulp, then headed out.

Shego returned to her seat. Now I’m really curious! What exactly did you two do to get my brothers to let you scan them?

Drakken gave her an admonishing look. Shego, really! You just heard me say I wouldn’t discuss it, and I intend to keep my word! If you want the answers that badly however, why not go back to Go City and try and find out from your brothers? The grin that followed didn’t even waver at the dirty look Shego gave him.

Then the thief nodded and leaned back in her seat. I have to go make plans for the Orphanage’s Christmas party with them, anyway! Bah, Humbug! Then she smiled slightly.

Drakken regarded her curiously. And Hego will be Santa, I would assume?

Shego shook her head. Hard to play Santa when you still believe in him! Then she waved her hands dismissively. Seriously, though, no, Hego will be Hego, Hero of Go City! Duff’s going to be Santa this year.

Drakken now showed frank astonishment. Shego how do you get them all to do it? Supervillains playing werewolves and witches, and now Santa Claus?

Shego smiled evilly. That’s my secret, Doc. And wait until you see the Seniors playing the ‘Old’ and the ‘New’ Years at that party this year! She chuckled at the glazed look that came over Drakken’s eyes.


Doctor Director didn’t often get to talk shop with old friends outside GJ. This morning she was having a breakfast chat with one Bill Laury, A senior member of the FBI Organized Crime Task Force.

So, basically, ‘organized’ crime in the Tri-Cities is now in the hands of local talent again? Betty was asking while watching critically as her colleague tucking into a large, and probably very unhealthy breakfast.

He nodded, washed down a mouthful with orange juice, and elaborated. Just the way it was four years ago when those two came here from the East Coast, to ‘straighten out’ things here.

Why the East Coast, though? Surely there were people closer to handle the job? Betty asked as she nibbled on a danish. Not that she didn’t sometimes indulge in large meals, but her choice of food was far better thought out. Yet, Laury showed no signs of ill-health or lack of fitness. He’s just one of those lucky ones, I guess! Would hate him for it, but the possibility that it will all catch up to him one day…

I can’t state this as fact, but there’s a rumor that their boss back East ‘volunteered’ them when he heard there was an ‘opening’. ‘Grimm’ by the way…don’t you love his originality? Anyway, Grimm is married to the daughter of a fairly big wheel back there, but apparently his father-in-law can’t stand him, and frankly can live with not seeing his daughter on a daily basis either, if you get my drift! So, the guys out here accepted the two volunteers as a favor. Now, we just have to see if the locals learned anything new from them, or will go back to their old style of business.

Which would you prefer? Betty asked, while signaling their server for a coffee refill.

Laury shrugged. Well, opinions are mixed. Personally, I hope they go back to the old ways completely. They kept everything low-key, didn’t upset the community too much, and weren’t all that greedy, as Mob operations go. On the other hand, keeping track of the players was harder, and prosecutions fewer. With the Eastern boys in town, we managed a couple of big raids we couldn’t have before. The only solid racket they had left after that was their fledgling construction racket.

And look who we have to thank for that running aground. Betty commented with a touch of asperity. Of course, if someone would just charge Drakken Federally…

Laury rolled his eyes, washed down another mouthful of food and wiped his mouth with a napkin before replying. Betty, I’ve talked personally to all four prosecutors who still have a case pending against Doctor Drakken, and none of them feel they can take what they’ve got to court! Incomplete evidence, hard to believe charges, and mostly having to put Kim Possible on the stand as their key witness! I mean, even before what happened on TV with that Dale woman, the idea of her as chief witness, with whatever sharks Drakken hired to defend him going after her testimony just seemed like a bad career risk for all of them.

Career risk! Betty almost snarled the words, That’s all they’re concerned about?

Laury shrugged. For the four who drew the cases, yes! There are some guys I know who would have gone ahead, but not many, and they either get the big cases that someone really wants prosecuted, or they’re the ones that worry their bosses, and get stuck with the ‘quiet’ cases. Drakken just got lucky, always got the wusses.

Betty didn’t respond, and Laury resumed eating for a couple of minutes, but the silence got to him. What are you thinking?

Betty seemed to come back from some place else mentally. What? Oh, sorry. It’s just that with Drakken, I never take his ‘luck’ for granted. I was just wondering if there was a way for him to have ‘arranged’ for those prosecutors. But then again, I’ve spent a few sleepless nights trying to decide if he arranged this whole Mayor thing somehow. I honestly don’t think he did, but that’s me, with some people I just don’t accept things at face value.

Laury nodded his understanding. That’s one of the things that makes you good at your job, Betty, always making sure someone isn’t slipping one past you! I don’t know how many times I’ve had superiors who accepted things at ‘face value’, often just to avoid having to worry. Then he looked at Betty curiously. And what is worrying you the most, other then one of your primary concerns becoming a legally elected official?

Betty stalled her answer by taking a sip from her coffee. Then she sighed slightly. I’m honestly not sure. It’s probably because after all this time, Drew Lipsky can still surprise me so thoroughly, I guess.


At lunchtime in the MHS cafeteria, Ron again found himself surrounded by quite a collection of beautiful girls. In fact, he was starting to draw scowls from some of the other male students. But despite having Bonnie, Tara and Monique seated around him, his eyes were on the soon to be occupant of the chair next to him. Kim was still in line for her food, and appeared preoccupied. Today was the first day since her injury that she hadn’t worn her sling, though of course it had been unnecessary for some time.

So, she had some sort of breakthrough, Ron? Monique was asking, trying to draw his attention. Did she tell you what it was?

Ron never took his eyes of Kim as he shook his head. Not yet. And no dream-link last night, first time in a week!

Though her face showed her concern, Monique tried to lighten things a bit. Sure she wasn’t just avoiding a repeat of ‘Planet of the Naked Mole Rats’?

Nah, she was cool about that after a couple of.. Ron began, then his head snapped around to stare wide-eyed at the girl, She told you about that one?!

Bonnie smirked slyly. Yep, the whole story! Ron’s mouth dropped open and his face began to turn red, but Bonnie resisted the temptation to add to his discomfiture. Did the Emperor Mole Rat really have Mister Barkin’s voice? Relieved a bit by the tame question, Ron nodded warily. At which point Monique blindsided him.

And his main human ‘trustee’ had a very familiar harem? She asked archly. As Ron colored again, she shook her head, What is it with you and harems, Ron? And especially putting Kim in harem clothes? Oops, hold on, here she comes! But before Kim really came close, Bonnie managed to stage-whisper, Better then some of the things Brick claimed he dreamed of me wearing! Monique gave her an arch look, then mouthed, ‘Details Later!’, just as Kim arrived and sat down.

And killed the chat, for nearly five minutes. Finally Kim herself finished chewing a mouthful, washed it down, and spoke. This is not the place to talk about it. Not in a High School cafeteria, and especially not with a surveillance drone hovering overhead. Then she returned to eating. Four sets of eyes blinked, then in unison four heads tilted back to look upwards. After a moment, Ron made an observation. Nice camouflage, even has fake mystery meat splatters painted on it!

Or… Monique countered, It’s been up there long enough to get some of the real thing! Then three sets of eyes(Tara continued to squint one-eyed at the dinner plate sized disk hovering near the ceiling) looked towards another table across the room, where four male students appeared to be abruptly sitting at attention. Buzz, your brothers, and…Reger? Monique observed, scowling.

They started their own website, ‘The Kim Possible Insider!’ a couple of weeks ago. Kim remarked in a matter-of-fact voice.

Bringing her gaze down from the ceiling, Tara saw a familiar glint appear in Bonnie’s eyes. Uh-Oh, she’s baaaack!

They’re the ones who ran that story about how I tried to usurp your position on the welcoming committee for Quinn, last year? The brunette practically growled.

Kim nodded, then added quietly, Bonnie, these are my brothers…

So you want me to go easy on them? Bonnie practically hissed.

Kim grimaced and shook her head. I was going to say, these are my brothers, and I can’t do any grievous bodily harm to them personally, so I wondered if you’d do a little extra on my behalf? Tara looked at Kim in unfeigned horror, as Bonnie’s face broke out in a predatory smile. No problemo, Possible! She rose to her feet and made some kind of complicated hand signal. All the other members of the cheer squad rose from wherever they were seated and converged on Bonnie, who was obviously in full ‘Queen B’ mode. Somehow the four targets of her ire managed to keep an eye on her while using the minimum of head movement.

Ron made a show of sniffing the air. You can practically smell the fear from here. He commented, then grinned at Kim, You sure you won’t regret this?

Kim scowled, then shook her head. I was an only child once, and I remember it as a happy time, I’m sure it will be again. Monique was threatening to asphyxiate from trying to hold in her laughter. Tara just shook her head. Kim, thou know not what thou hath unleashed! She then rose and headed for the cheerleader huddle, leaving the remaining table occupants blinking in shock. After a moment, Kim shook her head. By the way, if I’m going to unburden myself, it’s going to be just once, so let’s all meet at my house at five, unless I’m a fugitive from justice by that time, in which case we’ll have to reschedule on the fly.


Not exactly where I planned to be when we set up this meeting. Shego commented as she took a bite out of a lemon cream filled donut, taking care not to drop any of the filling on her dress.

I know, I was looking forward to that spa day too, but the volunteer rotation set up to cover for me fell apart, and since I reported myself fit to return to work… Bernadette Barr shrugged aplogetically before continuing her inventory of the nurse’s office. Wished they’d called me earlier, only two periods left until the day’s over.

Shego shrugged back affably. Not your fault, I guess. So, these are standard for the teacher’s lounge? She held up the donut, then gestured to three more on a plate sitting on Bernie’s desk.

Bernie shook her head. No, those are courtesy of Mister Bray. American History teacher. Only teacher Steve Barkin never fills in for, and you don’t know how badly Mister Barkin wants to expound on the subject of our Nation’s history! Anyway, Bray brings those in, and offers them to all the female faculty, then leaves the rejects behind for anyone to take. Mister Carmeck is usually waiting to pounce and devour four or five, but I beat him to it today. Besides… She grabbed a chocolate frosted donut, …missed my lunch, too!

Shego finished her donut, licked her fingers, then wiped her hands on a paper towel. Okay, shall we get down to business?

Bernie nodded, but continued to open cabinets and scan their contents while devouring her donut as she talked. I’ve found no sign my father hired those ninja to fix Kim’s arm. The idea was pretty thin to start with, motive-wise. If he had caught on to what Frank was up to, he’d have stopped it.

Unless he was in on it from the start, with Frank as front man. Shego countered.

Bernie shook her head. Frank’s plan was to end up Mayor himself, by finding a way to get Bennett Rockwaller out, once they were elected. If Dad wanted Frank in that office, or Joe Geary out, for that matter, he could have done either easily, trust me!

What if he found out, but let it go on, to see how far your brother would take it?

Still doesn’t explain healing Kim. Frank wasn’t responsible for her injury, so no ‘damage control’ there. Bernie frowned, Though if he knew, and wanted Kim in good shape if Frank went through with his plan…No, doesn’t really wash. Even if dad had guilty knowledge of Frank’s activities, I still can’t connect him to the Ninja Nurses. He simply had no reason, connected to Frank’s plan, to fix Kim up!

‘Connected to Frank’s plan’. Shego repeated slowly, Well, what if he just plain knew about the ninjas, and hired them to fix Kim, for altruistic reasons?

Bernie actually considered that seriously. That actually…he might, he thinks highly of Kim. But, realistically, these Ninjas are criminals, he’d need a better reason to become involved with them, so I’d have to reject that one, too. What about your main suspects, and who’s your third?

Shego smirked. Patience! Now, the Seniors are probably the best suspects. I’ve always wondered about Junior’s physique, compared to his father’s, and his uncle’s. His mother was very petite, he didn’t get that build from her. So, I thought he was a workout freak, until I crossed paths with an ex-servant of theirs, who in five years never saw Junior lift a weight, nor did he ever see him exercise in any way. The old man did, but not Junior. Oh, did you know Junior played Rugby?

Bernie closed the cabinet she was searching and turned with an incredulous frown on her face. You’re kidding! I thought he was all about protecting his looks, and didn’t care for getting hit?

Bit more complicated than that. He didn’t mind the violence while playing a ‘manly’ sport at all, but I hear he whined at length whenever he was fouled, or whatever you call it in rugby, or cheap-shotted. And he frequently responded to accusations of being a ‘crybaby’ by asking the other guy, who was usually a lot smaller, ‘Would you rather I simply retaliate, hmmm?’ I’m serious, that’s what he said! She waved her hand dismissively. Forget that, back to the subject. So, I began to suspect the old man was doing a little experimenting with genetics, or something similar.

Bernie now perched on a stool and reached for one of the remaining donuts, but Shego was faster, grabbing the one with strawberry frosting and sprinkles first, then sticking out her tongue at Bernie’s glare. The nurse then shrugged and grabbed the plain cake donut remaining. Sure it isn’t just steroids?

Shego snorted. Not likely, Senor Senior Senior wants another generation of Seniors, so no steroids in the future producer of his heirs. No, there’s something afoot there. I actually entertained an idea from some horror movie, that he was planning to transplant his own brain into Junior’s body. Then I sobered up. Bernie grinned as Shego shook her head wonderingly, Never drank that stuff again! Anyway, it’s not beyond reason that Triple-S might be interested in that sort of technology, maybe even to extend his own life. Another thing is a story I heard but can’t verify. According to this source, Junior tore a knee ligament when he was fifteen. But, though he had no surgery, he was seen by the source running along the beach three weeks later with no sign of the injury. Not conclusive, but…

Bernie nodded her understanding. Very suggestive. So it’s possible Senor Senior is involved in medical research that might be very beneficial to mankind, but he lets ninjas use it for good and evil purposes? Still a little confusing. Anyway, about time you revealed the third candidate?

Shego regarded her for a moment with a faint smile on her lips. Doctor Director.

Huh? Bernie gave her a suspicious look. Are you serious?

Well, I’m thinking deviously here, but yes, Betty Director. And on the subject of Global Justice, do you remember the story of how Kimmie got involved in the caper that gave her her demon? Betty’s deputy got her involved? Well, I found something interesting about him. Something extremely interesting. I saw a picture of him recently, never mind why, and saw a resemblance between him and someone else of my recent acquaintance. Specifically, Agent Alpha.

Bernie’s jaw dropped. Then she shook her head as if to clear it. Are you saying Betty Director isn’t the only GJ officer with family in the enemy’s ranks?

Shego shook her head. Not exactly. I think ‘Alpha’ is an attempt to penetrate WWEE, launched by that guy in an attempt to get back at Betty for putting his career on hold over Kimmie’s involvement in that mess. Alpha joined WWEE last February, and rose very quickly through the ranks. The only way he could have done that is to have impressed Gemini, and never failed an assignment.

Bernie was mildly aghast. But he was really going to kill you!

Shego shrugged. You think that proves me wrong? Not hard… she broke off as there came a knock at the office door. Bernie scowled over the interruption, but called Come in. The door opened, and Kim walked in, hesitating only briefly when she saw Shego. The thief on her part shifted uneasily in her seat.

Kim, is something wrong? Bernie’s attitude had shifted immediately to one of concern when she saw who it was. But Kim smiled and shook her head. No, I just wanted to invite you to my confession tonight. Five O’Clock sharp, my house. She looked at Shego speculatively for a moment. If you want, you can come too, Shego.

Shego hesitated, then sighed in disgust. Possible, you know it’s going to drive me crazy not knowing, but I can’t! I’ve got to be somewhere with the Doc tonight. Kim seemed to be momentarily trying to discern if Shego was being honest, then she nodded. Okay, you’ll probably hear it sooner or later anyway, so maybe I can tell you now.

Bernie shook her head. Not and make it to your next class on time, Kim. I’d like to hear the story too, but it’ll have to wait. Kim winced, then nodded. Shego rolled her eyes. Then the door burst open, and an out-of-breath student stood there. Miss Barr! Is nail polish permanent? He asked anxiously.

All three occupants blinked at the boy in surprise, before Bernie found her voice. What? No, what’s this about? You can take it off with nail polish remover!

Do you have a whole lot of it, like a gallon or two? Again struck dumb by the weirdness of the request, Bernie failed to see the blush rising in Kim’s cheeks, but Shego didn’t miss it.

Okay, is this a joke? Why would you need a gallon of it? Bernie queried the excited youngster.

Oh! The boy exclaimed, And Vaseline? You’ll need a lot of that, too! I mean, I didn’t know you could stack four students in one hall locker, I’d have sworn it was too small!

Bernie stood for a moment with jaw dropped, then looked at Shego. You wouldn’t happen to carry any high explosives? No? She opened a drawer and took out a long screwdriver. Then I hope I remember how to disassemble a hall locker with this. She smiled at Kim, And never mind why I learned to do it, don’t want to corrupt your mind. Then she frowned. Kim are you all right? You look a little flushed.

Kim’s response was barely a squeak. I’m fine! Then she cringed at a familiar suspicious look on Bernie’s face, one she hadn’t seen since she was ten. But the impatient boy at the door drew Bernie’s attention, and with one last glance at Kim, she followed him out the door. From somewhere in the distance, Steve Barkin’s unmistakable bellow could be heard. The words were indistinct, but the word ‘Possible’ definitely featured in whatever he was saying.

Shego continued to stare suspiciously at Kim, until the girl finally looked at her, and said in a quiet voice, I am so going to hell for this!


In contrast to that madness, Drakken’s swearing-in went as smoothly as could be hoped. It took place in the City Council’s chamber at City Hall. The oath of office was administered by Judge Aloysius Grogan, who looked like any criminal’s nightmare of a hanging judge when presiding over the courtroom, but who’s diminutive stature somewhat detracted from his menace on other occasions.

The whole City Council was in attendance, along with the press, the new Chief of Police, and those people Drakken had hired for his staff. Frugal Lucre’s bow tie was loud enough to set off fire alarms, and his mother sniffed throughout the ceremony as if it were a wedding. Mrs Lerman was also present, beaming proudly at her son. Jean Stoppable stood just behind Drew, Hana in her arms. (Ron would later have a fit when a foreign newspaper published a photo that labeled his Mom and Hana as Drakken’s wife and son!)

Emma Lipsky was still disappointed at the lack of more festivities, especially a parade, and had not been amused by Motor Ed’s remark that if all his gang wasn’t in jail, he’d have staged one, promising the additional participation of the State, County, and Middleton Police Forces.

One reporter, also disappointed at the lack of excitement, and influenced by a certain movie, mused aloud but quietly whether all of Drakken’s enemies were being murdered somewhere as they all stood there listening to the oath. One of his colleagues gave him a dark look, but Summer Gale perked up, slipped back into a corner, and made a cellphone call. And came back a few minutes later with a sour look on her face, glaring at the reporter who had been musing aloud.

Betty Director didn’t attend, but Will Du, Brenda Core and Wallace Dill from GJ were present to observe the attendees. They joined a group of Federal agents from various agencies at the back of the observer’s gallery, and eventually agreed not a single suspicious character, save the Mayor-Elect himself, and his new financial consultant, had shown up. Their reactions when a page approached them and announced that the new Mayor had set a up some donuts for their refreshment in a nearby room were mostly vituperative, though one or two stomachs did growl, and the donuts did all disappear within the hour.

When he had finished, Judge Grogan looked at Drakken with a look of relief on his face. I’m pleasantly surprised that went so smoothly.

Drakken nodded. As am I. In fact, things have gone so smoothly lately I’m almost beginning to worry about the wheel turning, as it were! He then heard Lucre whispering behind him. Is it over? Someone murmured back, and a sharp whistle promptly split the air. WooHoo! Three cheers for the new Mayor of Middleton! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip…ah come on! Isn’t anyone else going to cheer? Hip Hi…OW! Ma! Not the ear! Drakken looked at the Judge with a wan grin. Well, that makes me feel a little better, believe it or not!

Drakken made a very brief speech afterwards to the press.

I henceforth promise not to exceed 120 words per speech. After careful examination with the most precise of scientific methods, I have determined that at 130 words I go into a rant mode, and that’s never pretty. He paused and heard a mix of polite and sincere amusement from the assembly. Seriously, though, I do handle public speaking badly, so it’s just as well I won without really giving a speech. He looked thoughtful for a moment. Could I hopefully be setting a precedent for the future of politics? That received more sincere laughter then his previous witticism. Anyway, despite strong doubts in many circles, I will do my best for the interests of the citizens of Middleton as long as I’m in office. If I start to find myself straying from this promise, I’ll hand the office over to Mrs Stoppable and vacate the premises posthaste. Thank You very much for your votes, and your support, past, present, and future. Now, I’d better get to work proving that support was the right thing to do! Good Day, Ladies and Gentlemen!

And he beat a hasty retreat as a barrage of questions flew at him. Hmmm, the way Shego feels about Adrena Lynn, perhaps I should have hired her as my Press Secretary after all, and let her be my rearguard on these occasions!

In the gallery, Will shook his head. I cannot believe it. A supervillain has been elected Mayor of an American City!

Brenda Core nodded, and put an imaginary phone to her ear. Hello, Vegas? Whatever odds you’re giving on that snowball in hell, I’ll take them!

Wally Dill sighed. Well, if anyone wants me, I’ll be down at the Air Traffic Control Center, tracking pigs on the radar.


Yes, Kim will really tell her friends about what’s been bothering her, even though now she’s not scared of some unknown memory anymore, but what her friends will think of her afterwards. But that’s next time. Until then, Please Read and Review.