Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: His Honor The Mayor Drew Lipsky Chapter 30

Kim Possible Porn Story: His Honor The Mayor Drew Lipsky Chapter 30

Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible, any of the other characters from that show, or those from any other media I may reference in my stories.


Betty Director sat frowning inside the GJ car, watching a screen concealed in the back seat of the vehicle as the image of one document switched places with another. Wade Load’s voice was coming from the speakers. …only forty-eight hours after nullifying her unconsummated marriage to Myron, Hildegarde Demenz married your brother, Sheldon Director. This was six years ago, now. She had both done in small villages near where she and Myron went on their supposed honeymoon, villages who’s records aren’t yet fully recorded on computers. That’s what me and Miss Barr suspected, so I sent someone to search the places in question for documentary evidence. They definitely wanted the marriage legal and aboveboard.

Of course they did. Betty responded sourly, They both wanted the children to be legitimate, especially Sheldon! What about birth certificates for the two of them? Don’t tell me she conveniently had them in small…wait, she did, I remember reading something on the subject, our European Director made a joke about her bad timing, being in the middle of nowhere when her time came both times! And worse, I should have known this already! There’s a picture that’s been bugging me, of Dementor playing with his nephews, but I couldn’t figure what about it was bothering me. It was the little boys’ faces, I’d seen them before, on my own brother!

When Wade’s response was an exclamation of Ouch! Betty scowled curiously at the screen, knowing Wade could see her face. What?

Just realized I had that picture, and one of Sheldon as a child, could have tried running a facial recognition program to look for the resemblance! Anyway, the marriage had an effect on WWEE, financially. At the time of the wedding, their credit rating with HenchCo basically translated to ‘All payments in advance’, but six months after the wedding, they’ve got a 5 million dollar line of credit with Hench, and it was a lot bigger before the recent break-up of WWEE. Don’t know what it is now, though.

Betty smiled grimly. Hench found out you were hacking his accounting records and cut you off?

Suddenly remembering who he was talking to, Wade waffled. Um, never said I was the original source of that info, did I?

No, you didn’t. Betty conceded. She sat back, her face grim as her brain raced. So, Hildegarde Director… She winced slightly as she said that, now running WWEE in place of her husband. And the fact that she’s CEO of D.I.C.K. Means we can launch an immediate investigation of the corporation, to see if it has any financial ties to WWEE! For money laundering purposes, for example.

Actually, an automated press release just announced her resignation, Doctor Director. She’s officially turning the family business over to her brother, the release says, so as to concentrate on her own family matters. Wade informed her. I don’t think Dementor knows who his brother-in-law really is, otherwise I think Myron would have had a lab ‘accident’ by now. But he must know now!

Why? Betty asked, puzzled.

Because in the press release, she used the name Hildegarde Demenz-Director, that’s why!

Betty’s temples began to throb…Wade, please send me copies of the Decree of Nullity and that Marriage Certificate, if you please, I need to find someone here to take a little frustration out on.


Bernadette Barr sat on the side of Shego’s bed, now wearing an ankle length flower print kimono in pale blue and white, listening as Shego finished a lengthy monologue. Anyway, that’s all Doctor D was able to cram into the cellphone’s message center, or all he had time for. Didn’t find the info until after I called for help evading my family, and probably GJ, I suspect Betty Director’s fine hand in things.

Hmph! So I was right about Myron, and Doctor Drakken figured it out, too! Bernie leaned back against the headboard, arms crossed. And you guys uncovered a lair being built under Upperton by WWEE? How long have they been working on it?

About 2 years, so it was started while Gemini was in control. They took their time to avoid attention. Not sure why that location, because of the GJ base under Middleton, or the Princess, or something entirely different. She tried to shift her position and groaned. I HATE THIS! Bernie reached over to help shift her pillows around, and Shego smiled in gratitude. I suppose it’s no surprise that bone knits slower then soft tissue, but with me, I’m used to the fast healing, only broke bones twice before, and certainly not this severely! She paused, a frown appearing on her face. And the Princess and the Buffoon rescued me! Man, those two make career choices hard for me! But…it was bad, wasn’t it? She asked cautiously.

Bernie looked away. I would have helped, but wasn’t sure of my footing, and the twins needed attention, they’re not quite as resilient as Kim when dealing with that kind of thing I’m afraid. She scowled at her own diversion. Yes, It was bad. To put it bluntly, you bled all over them, I thought for sure you’d bleed out once they worked you loose, and it was a very near thing, they pumped a lot of plasma and whole blood into you!

Shego grimaced before asking How did they get me down, with the ribs…you know?

Bernie grinned. By being resourceful! You know Kim has some of her old gadgets in the den at her house? Well, Wade’s first rocket pack design was there, and it had something to protect her back and ribs from too hard a landing. Nice rigid piece that Kim called the ‘Corset from Hell’. They used that to stabilize your ribs before lowering you down. Firemen came in just after I stopped the bleeding, or got it under control, anyway!

Shego shook her head in wonder, a smile in her face. Don’t you love irony? Two things I used to hate about the Princess, her resourcefulness and ability to think quick on her feet, and that’s what saved me! As she finished talking, she yawned mightily, enough to actually cause her some pain. Ouch! Guess I’m still kinda weak, huh?

Bernie smiled at her. Rhetorical, much? Just how long will this flight take? And when can I send a message to my family?

Shego’s eyelids fluttered, and Bernie suspected she might be going to ignore the question. But then she spoke, slurring her words slightly. Quite a while, we’re crossing the Atlantic. And probprobably not until (yawn) we arrive, sorry. Moments later, she was sound asleep. Bernie shook her head slowly. Having you for a friend will never be boring, I think. She whispered, then rose and hopped on one foot to her own bed, lying down without getting under the covers, determined to think things through. But within a few minutes, her eyelids began to droop, and she was soon asleep as well.

As soon as she was, the forward cabin door opened and one of the Ninja Nurses came in with another blanket, which she spread over the sleeping woman, before leaving again.


By the vay, I vould appreciate it if you addressed me properly, Fraulein Possible! My name is now Hildegarde Luise Demenz-Director, and I am currently head of the World Wide Evil Empire in the absence of my beloved husband, Sheldon.

Ron’s eyes bugged slightly, then he grinned. So, does that mean we can call you Frau Double-D? Now it was Kim’s turn for bulging eyes, before she snorted in amusement. She had started rummaging around in her backpack, and after coming up with first a rain slicker, and then a bathing suit, she found a T-shirt and pulled it on.

Nein! I haf not yet come up with an appropriate codename, so for the moment consider me to be Frau Hildy. The two teens blinked, giving each other mildly incredulous looks, as the voice continued. Now, I am Vundering, vy have you not done anything yet to escape the doom dat is slowly creeping up on you?

Kim grinned at a wary Ron before replying. Well, actually, with all this paint splashed around, and the lair never being quite finished, I wondered whether or not you actually have anything working in here, besides the traps, and the missiles?

Ah! Vell, you vill soon be finding out, von’t you? This was followed by an odd little titter that nearly made Kim laugh. Um, not to be offensive, but that won’t work as a sinister laugh, you should really drop it in future, if you want to be taken seriously. Ron called out.

Ron! Remember, no coaching the villains! Kim hissed at him, but then broke out in a grin.

Ja, you are correct, I vas never meant to be the front for the organization, after all! Came the response, followed by a deep sigh. If only poor Sheldon had not become obsessed vith killing dot Doctor Drakken!

Kim’s good humor vanished instantly. Well, you tried to kill him and Shego too, on New Year’s!

Vell, I vouldn’t have bothered, if I had just known that he had already told der Federal government about the lair! Und then that silly little man found my secret out, and escaped, and somehow defeated 36 of my men in the process! Und he applied for a job with us, once! I am tempted to hire him, just to find out how he manages such things! Also, I intend to change the hiring policies, there are just too many men in dis organization! Kim could almost envision her glaring at some toadies at that moment. However, in the interests of morale and der team spirit-building, I have sealed all the holes in the floors, no more dropping of der workers because of bad temper fits! There was another pause, and Kim got the odd notion the woman was now smiling benignly at her staff.

Sounds as if she should be in politics herself, Kim! Ron whispered. Kim returned a glare. Ron, zip it! Please?

But for now, I will sit here and watch your doom creep upon you, Kim Possible! The voice declared triumphantly.

Suit yourself. Kim replied. As she did, she took two small disc-shaped objects about two inches in diameter from a compartment on her belt. After fiddling with them and her Kimmunicator for a moment, she tossed one off each end of the platform. Ron nodded in understanding. The discs would detect any toxic fumes rising from the lower levels, or odd radiation, and relay an alarm through the Kimmunicator.

Kim then sat cross legged, and began speaking to Ron in sign language. At first Ron thought it was a message, then realized she was practicing the alphabet, something Ron had yet to master. Rolling his eyes, he began to respond in kind, as practice.

After about ten minutes of this, with no alarm from the Kimmunicator, the voice of Hildegarde came again. You really aren’t going to do anything but sit there, are you?

Nope! Kim responded cheerfully, We have help coming, and Ron brought enough snackage in his pack to feed us both for two or three days.

KP! Two or three days?!? There’s barely enough to last until dinnertime! Ron responded in horror.

Kim rolled her eyes. Rationing, Ron, rationing! She looked up towards the ceiling. So, I was right? Nothing else in here works that you can use on us?

After a moment’s silence Ja. Those idiots with the paint! Mind you, I suppose blasters and grenades vould have done even more damage, so it’s fortunate ve had the truce…Ach!

Don’t feel bad, I sort of figured that part out! Kim assured her, NO lethal weapons, but you should have told them to stay away from each other. I mean, this is like some kind of prank, sneak in and paint your enemy’s base your colors? Before ‘Frau Hildy’ could reply, Kim’s cellphone buzzed. Surprised, Kim pulled it out of a pouch on her belt. Glad I didn’t put it in my pants pocket! Bonnie? She wondered, seeing the caller ID.

The novelty of having her one-time social nemesis call her had not quite worn off, which was clearly displayed by her puzzled look as she answered. Bonnie? What’s the sitch?

There was an edge of anger in Bonnie’s tone. Is there any possible way you could arrange a little face-to-face between me and this shape-shifter girl, Camille Leon?

Now even more puzzled, Kim could only ask Why?

Well, I’ve found out why Junior came to Middleton to serenade me in that ridiculous outfit on New Year’s. He thought we were still having a relationship! Was the brunette’s testy reply.

Kim blinked, then made the connection. You mean, Camille has been impersonating you, and fooling around with Junior? The sound of someone clearing their throat came over the speaker system, but Kim ignored it.

And getting some serious ‘bling’ out of it, according to his father! Bonnie exclaimed, Junior has been showering her with gifts of all kinds, in fact! I guess I should have listened to him on New Year’s, but I was just too pissed off!

His father? Senor Senior Senior called you?

Oh, no! That would be too simple! Bonnie replied sarcastically, Remember that drone of his, the round thing? Well, I was going through the cafeteria line, and it was serving the mystery meat! Then it followed me and Mon and Tara to our table. Senior showed me some pictures from surveillance cameras from all over Europe, all seemingly of me and Junior. But they were dated, so I told him to check attendance records, I was in school those days. So he says ‘It is as I feared’. Her voice softened I feel kind of bad for him, and Junior. It was because of that Camille woman that he dressed that way for his ‘serenade’, there’s no telling how perverted she pretended to be as me, and I want…

EXCUSE ME, But can this not vait? Hildegarde bellowed over the speakers. Kim actually started violently, she’d almost forgotten…

Who the hell was that? Bonnie asked in her ear. Kim also thought she heard Monique’s voice Who was who? What’s going on?

It’s just the villainess du jour, I’m sort of in a lair sitch, at the moment! Kim replied. She heard something like a strangled squawk from the speakers.

Oh. Bonnie sounded stunned. So I called you at a bad time, right? Kim then heard what sounded like Bonnie, or someone, smacking their forehead.

Not so much. She replied, Me and Ron are just keeping our heads down until help gets here, or Wade disables the firing system for these missiles in here.

Missiles? Bonnie asked faintly, followed by a much louder repetition by Monique, followed by Give me the phone, let me talk to the girl!

I am afraid that vill not happen, Fraulein Possible, there is no remote access for der missile controls, some of us learn from our mistakes! Kim looked down at the Kimmunicator screen, and saw a small emoticon in one corner turn to a frown at those words.

Girlfriend, what the heck is going on? I thought you said you were just going to Upperton? Monique’s anxious voice came through the cell.

I am in Upperton, Mon, but really can’t talk now, I’ll call you as soon as I’m out of here and fill you in on the details. But right now, have to go, seriously!

Okay, but you had better call, you hear me? We may need you again later tonight, trying another double date, though this time, we’re only half-blind! Monique responded, trying to hide her concern.

Rather then hang up, Kim had to ask Really? Who’s going in blind, and who is the guy you know?

Bonnie, and Tad Rushton, and I know his rep, don’t remind me, just rest assured he won’t be able to throw any split-finger fastballs this year if his hands wander! But right now, take care, Kim, please?

I will, you take care, too, and tell Bonnie I’ll try and think of something to do concerning Camille. Kim closed her phone, then looked upwards. Excuse me, but I once saw a video clip of you addressing a women’s club in England, and your English had no trace of an accent, so why fake it?

After a brief silence, the exasperated reply came. Because my normal voice sounds about as sinister as an episode of ‘Pals’, so I added the accent to be more threatening!

Have you ever watched them during ‘Sweeps Weeks’… Ron began, but Kim shushed him before addressing Hildegarde, That’s sort of a generational thing, doesn’t really do anything for me.

Another period of silence, then As I said, I never expected to fill this role! I don’t have the disposition for it, I have to think of the children, which reminds me, I have to have them collected from Wilhelm. Also need to make sure Myron’s credit line has been discontinued. I’m sure the idiot’s little game with the names helped give my secret away. Not that it matters too much, the records were due to be computerized before summer, so the cat would have been out of the bag sooner or later!

Where’s Myron now? Kim asked curiously. Something was poking her left calf, and she looked down to see what before squashing it. Her eyes widened at the sight of a foot-tall purple figure. Ron had seen him, too.

He is currently at the Bermuda Triangle with two ‘guests’. You know, his popularity with the damen makes me wonder sometimes…Ach! Road not traveled, Ja? Anyway, I believe Herr Brotherson will have a full time dishwasher for some time to come because Myron is a big spender, and must have run up quite a bill by now.

Mego was gesturing for Kim to get under the consoles, and she complied, as did Ron. Meanwhile, Hildegarde continued to speak. You know, this wasn’t what I expected in a Hero-versus-Villain conversation at all. Where is the snappy talk, the defiant declarations, and all that?

Well, sometimes you’re in the mood, and sometimes… Kim broke off as she heard the sound of running feet. Lots of running feet, followed by the sound of multiple missiles launches. Hers wide eyes met Ron’s and they both opened their mouths and screamed as a series of blasts sent concussive force battering throughout the chamber.

After a time it died down, save for the ringing in Kim’s ears. And Ron still screaming. She had just started to dig for something to throw at him when he opened his eyes and stopped screaming. He worked his jaw and tilted his head back and forth as his ears popped.

..okay.. Kim looked down to see Mego reeling next to her, Maybe using the Wegos as decoys to expend all the missiles wasn’t such a bright idea. He spontaneously began to grow, reaching full size even as he flopped to the floor. Of course, that means we go back to Plan A…. he mumbled groggily.

Do I want to know? Kim asked just before a the voice of Hego rang through the room. Stand Back! I’ll handle this! She desperately began to rummage through her gear for her anti-concussion ear plugs, just as more missiles could be heard launching.


Betty Director, with Will alongside her, exited the elevator on the third level some twenty minutes later. A short hallway on this level led to a circular central room with several doors leading from it. Someone was yelling about finding the cut-off for the fire suppression system on level four, and something about the drains being closed on five and six, with six half full of water already.

Team Go was to her right, or three of them were, Mego, sulking, and the Wegos looking a little disoriented. She didn’t see Hego at all. Kim and Ron were sitting on a padded bench across from the elevator, wrapped in blankets and looking thoroughly bedraggled. Though she wanted to head straight to them, Betty paused to speak with the paramedic tending to Team Go. Are they all right?

The paramedic nodded. Mego and Hego are unhurt, basically, though Mego’s hearing is a bit off at the moment. The Wegos are suffering some kind of feedback from having their duplicates blown up. Doesn’t hurt them, but it does tend to make them a bit dizzy, I’m told.

What happened down below? I hear the Task Force leader lost contact with Team Go at some point. She actually addressed both Mego and the paramedic, and it was Mego who sourly responded. Yeah, Hego ‘broke’ contact because we had orders not to do anything until we had someone from the task force to supervise, but he…actually we thought Kim and Ron needed help immediately, so we tried two plans. Neither worked out quite the way we expected…

You started a fire? Betty asked.

Well, sort of. Hego was right that the missiles couldn’t hurt him, but enough of them hitting him at once could throw him around pretty good, and he smashed some electrical equipment, there was all that paint around, some of it I guess was still tacky underneath…and then the foam and water started falling. Good news is, all the missiles were used up!

Betty shook her head and started towards Kim and Ron. She saw Kim whisper to Ron, who nodded, rose, and walked to one side as Kim stood up and went to an open doorway. Agent Du, find where Hego is, I’m sure he’s assisting with the search of the level, don’t let him touch anything that looks the least bit dangerous, or fragile, got it? Will acknowledged the order and marched away, while Betty followed Kim into a small, empty storeroom.

The girl leaned on a set of shelves and regarded Betty neutrally. Betty wondered if it had anything to do with the discovery of her sister-in-law situation, though she couldn’t think why that would cause the girl to be unfriendly. Of course, maybe she was expecting what Betty was going to say.

I’m disappointed that you didn’t bring this business to me first, Kimberly. She began, and frowned inwardly when Kim didn’t look guilty, or uncomfortable. After all, even after learning the identity of WWEE’s new chief, I thought you trusted me enough personally not to think I would be ‘compromised’, as one charming gentleman upstairs actually said to my face! She had to struggle to keep the rancor she felt out of her voice.

I’m afraid that the disappointment goes both ways, Doctor Director. Kim responded in a steady voice, And as to trust, I can’t trust you right now, and that’s because you basically told me not to, in certain circumstances.

Betty blinked, began to speak, then shut her mouth, preferring to wait and see what inspired such words from the girl who had always previously looked up to her. Kim’s next words furnished a very big clue.

I went to see Professor Bortell. A small knot began to form in Betty’s gut at Kim’s words. He told me about the other technologies on the data module Drakken stole. The one who’s access had been cracked before I recovered it, and gave it to GJ to return to the Professor. When Betty didn’t comment, Kim continued. As soon as he got it back, he determined that the data had been copied. He didn’t say anything at the time, he thought Drakken had done it, and wanted to see if Drakken could complete the projects successfully.

But then, shortly after my bad experience, he received a lengthy message anonymously. It told how the technologies had been finished successfully, and then had been tested by having both ‘installed’ together into two test subjects, a teenage girl, and a middle aged man. The knot seemed to be expanding and tightening at the same time, and Betty had a hard time forcing down a number of responses she could have made.

It detailed two sets of circumstances where a malfunction in the ‘memory cache’ program was caused by the ’emotion suppression’ program, giving very complete details, up to a point. It went on to say that if Professor Bortell could overcome the compatibility problems, the results might be quite profitable, especially if an exclusive deal could be made for the results.

I am going to kill that man! Betty thought, referring to her former Deputy. Nothing showed on her face though as she replied. You said the message was anonymous, do you think Drakken sent it? As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Betty knew she’d made a mistake. Something closed a bit in Kim’s eyes, and the girl looked to one side before she replied.

Professor Bortell knew at once that it couldn’t be Drakken, because he wouldn’t have admitted to not being able to solve the problem himself, or talk about ‘profits’. And though the sender was supposedly trying to be anonymous, he had to leave a way for Bortell to contact him in case he resolved the problem, so he gave him such a means. The knot had gotten as big and tight as it could, but now Betty had an acidic taste at the back of her throat.

Professor Bortell contacted some people he knew in our government.. Those words caused Betty’s fists to clench, and she moved them behind her back as casually as possible. And they told him the that it was a contact channel established by Global Justice for undercover agents to send messages to Headquarters.

Betty’s head swam as conflicting emotions raged through her. Anger, directed at her former Deputy. Shock, that Bortell’s contacts knew of the channel. And deep concern that they could now link GJ to the theft of Bortell’s inventions, and their experimental use on human subjects.

I think I know when the stuff was put in me. Kim continued in a level voice. And I don’t remember seeing you on that visit. And with Doctor Drakken, they made a mistake. After the malfunction, the cache would ‘dump’ at the next scheduled point, then switch it’s default to ‘erase’. But they used a manual delete command on Doctor Drakken, and thought they’d erased everything that counted, and he’d just blame things on his concussion. But, there was a bit more then an hour between their ‘delete’ command and the next regular ‘dump or delete’ moment. And when that point came, the intervening memories were dumped into his regular memory, and he clearly heard some careless talk about an ‘experiment’ with him as the subject.

But he said nothing at the time. Betty stated flatly.

Well, what would have been the point? Kim asked reasonably. Who would have taken his word, then or later. Besides, he wanted to try and figure out exactly what had been done to him before acting, and he wasn’t sure until recently. Anyway, it didn’t take the two of us long to find out by comparing notes that the two events occurred around the same time, the visit where I think I had the stuff put in me, and when Drakken was being held at GJ, rather then a regular facility.

Now, neither of us remember seeing you there, and we could just decide you weren’t involved. Kim looked Betty in the eye. But I can’t. Not with something this major. And you can’t tell me someone else in your organization is responsible, because that’s GJ’s internal business, and something I’m not cleared to know, as you’ve informed me in the past. Just as you were candid about lying to me in a good cause, such as protecting the integrity of Global Justice. And even if you told me you were not responsible, II might accept your word for something minor, but not this, I just can’t. She tightened the blanket around herself. So…I can’t work with GJ right now. Maybe later, if you…maybe never.

That might limit your activities, Kim. Betty kept her voice level with an effort, We’ve taken over most of your travel to and from missions, since you became concerned that you were putting your ‘rides’ in danger on some.

Kim nodded. I know, I guess I’ll have to scale back my ‘activities’ in that area. She hesitated a moment, then continued, Maybe plan on giving them up altogether, leave the work for others. She was looking at the floor as she said this, and then began to walk towards the door, eyes still down.

A lot of emotions were warring in Betty. Some were being quashed, like a small sense of outrage at Kim ‘judging’ her and GJ. There was also a sense of relief coming from somewhere about the girl getting out of the business, living a normal life like she deserved. But the side of Betty that calculated wins and losses could only see losing Kim as a loss, something Betty never accepted without a fight.

Yet she didn’t say anything as the girl passed her, didn’t try and stop her or renew the conversation, and she didn’t know exactly why. Instead she just stood there for more then a minute before turning and leaving the room herself.

She saw Kim and Ron almost to the elevators, Ron’s arm around Kim’s shoulders, though Betty suspected that Ron was ignorant of what Kim and Drakken had found out. Drakken! He’s getting the credit for finding a nearly completed WWEE base, practically on my own doorstep! And worse, he apparently deserves it! She shook her head angrily as she began to circle the central room, looking through doors for Will Du. She wanted to leave, and could have just called him on her comm, but chose to walk off a little frustration. Then she thought she heard his voice from one room. And then Hego’s.

I believe this is stolen property, Agent Du. the blue hero declared with authority.

Really? Was Will’s sarcastic reply. We’re in a base built be an evil organization, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a lot of potentially stolen items in here!

Yes, but this is definitely stolen! You see this label: Property of H. Bor– can’t see the rest, let me turn it around a bit…

Betty came to a stop. Beyond the door, she heard Will again. Please be careful, you’re unscrewing the two halves.

H Bor–? Betty thought. Then her eye widened in alarm. H. BorTELL?! DU! Hego! Don’t touch that… Then a crash came from the room, followed by Hego’s OOP!


Kim and Ron exited the elevator in the rear of Kraaz Pizza, the cover for the main entrance to the base. There were a large number of Federal Agents and military personnel milling around, and Kim spotted Brenda Core, who shot the girl a smile, which became puzzled when Kim looked away.

Well KP, we have to chalk this one up as a win, don’t we? Ron said. He wasn’t looking at her as he said it, and missed the flinch and pained look that crossed her face. Before she could answer however, an alarm siren began to wail, and they both looked around in alarm.

ALERT, ALERT! Contamination detected on level three, all seals closing…all seals closed, floor isolated. A computerized voice announced, before repeating the message in three other languages.

Kim looked around. Where are the HAZMAT suits! She demanded.

Miss Possible! One of the senior feds admonished her, You’ve done enough today, let somebody who is rested handle this! Behind him, Brenda was opening a case of equipment frantically, and Kim shook her head and started towards her, setting her backpack down.

Contamination identified. The computer spoke again. Item A17204G. Designation:Nanomoths.

Kim froze for a moment, then turned, scooped up her pack, and took Ron by the arm. He’s right, I’m feeling a bit tired, and we have that school make-up work to do, and Bonnie and Monique might need a getaway car… Her babbling voice faded as she exited the building.

Agent Core. Brenda turned from the case of HAZMAT equipment to find Abby Hogan standing behind her, face solemn. Ma’am?

Would I be considered a complete coward if I took my four weeks’ accumulated vacation, effective immediately?


Couldn’t think of a better closing line, but I will, never fear!

Next chapter will be the last, but some things on the periphery will be left open for the sequel. The Camille Leon problem, for instance. Put that in so Junior’s bad taste on NY wouldn’t be entirely his fault.

Anyway, Please Read and Review.