Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: Fly Me to the Moon – Chapter 5

Kim Possible Porn Story: Fly Me to the Moon – Chapter 5

Thanks to campy, Mr. Wizard, sharper1988, JCS1966, Comet Moon, Boris Yeltsin, bigherb81, Eddy13, Quathis, Katsumara, screaming phoenix, noncynic, Shrike176, CajunBear73, daywalkr82, RonHeartbreaker, Joe Stoppinghem, Nutzkie, Molloy, Desslock3, and writerchic16 for reviewing and to everyone for reading.

As always, leave a review and Ill send a reply.

Special thanks to campy for proofreading this chapter.

KP Y Disney; All original characters Y the author.

The Lorwardian walker now gone thanks to Jim and Tim, the Possibles couldnt resist the temptation to begin sifting through the wreckage of their home even though it was the middle of the night.

Ann was gingerly clambering over the debris towards what she believed were the remains of her living room when she spied a reflection on a piece of glass. She knelt down, brushed away some dirt and wallpaper, and uncovered a favorite shot of a young Kim and Ron that had hung in the front stairway. Though the glass was cracked, the photograph was undamaged and a smile came to Anns face. As she was musing on how far Kim and Ron had traveled since that long ago day, she heard Jim call out. Score! he said to his brother with an enthusiasm that immediately aroused her maternal suspicions.

No way! Tim replied when he saw what his brother had found. This is going to be even better than when Kim signed that contract!

And why is that? Ann asked as she came up behind her sons, who were already disassembling a badly damaged piece of computer equipment.

Uh oh, Jim said nervously as he looked up to see his mother looming above.

Gotta go? Tim suggested weakly.

I dont think so, she said with motherly resolve.

Is that Kims computer? James asked as he joined his wife.

Apparently so, Ann replied. I think Jim and Tim were hoping to hack into Kims diary so they could blackmail her.

Its not like that! Jim said, desperately trying to salvage this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to secure the mother lode of intimate and embarrassing information about his big sister. We were, uh, just trying to help.

Like when you had your sister sign a piece of paper allowing you to call her a car monkey? Ann asked, her tone making it clear the jig was up.

Busted, Jim and Tim sighed in unison.


I so cannot believe him! Kim fumed as she stormed into their quarters. This isnt one of your teen adventures. This is a potentially dangerous military operation. I was already saving the world when he was sitting in some stupid classroom at the Naval Academy! Just who does he think he is?

World famous Slugboy AND Winner of this years Will Du Peppy People Person Award? Ron suggested, flashing Kim the goofiest grin he could and hoping that his quip would break the tension and help her relax.

Kim, her face impassive, looked at Ron for what to him was an uncomfortably long moment before the corner of her mouth quirked up. She then began giggling and was soon consumed by full-throated laughter, much to his manifest relief. And you wonder why I keep you around, she finally said as she wiped tears from her eyes.

Always happy to help my bon-diggity girlfriend, Ron said, which prompted Kim to drape her hands around his neck and pull him close to her.

Sorry for giving you the death stare when you agreed with Stark, Kim said as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Sha, Ron said as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Its been a long day. Sailor Dude just tweaked you.

Maybe, Kim said. But as flawed as he is, pairing us up with members of his team so they can draw on our experience does make sense.

But? Ron asked, sensing there was more.

I just wish I had more confidence in him, she said. Its like putting Bonnie in charge of the cheerleading squad.

Knows the moves but goons on the power? he asked.

Exactly, she replied.

You know, youd think a guy who doesnt even have an arch-foe would listen to the world expert on infiltrating lairs instead of dissing you. I was so not down with that.

Even though Im a Lowardian cyborg programmed to conquer the Earth? Kim asked impishly.

Okay, maybe the Rondos imagination can get kind of active, he admitted.

Understatement much? she replied before she brought her lips to his, pre-empting his response.

After the two teens engaged in some kissing that some would describe by invoking torrid clichs worthy of a very bad romance novel, Ron observed with satisfaction, KP, if youre an alien robot of destruction, you can conquer my lips anytime.

You give me the weirdest compliments, Kim said with a bemused, but appreciative, grin.

Hey, I do what I can, Ron replied with a disarming shrug.

Good, she said, giving him a buss on the cheek. Because I wouldnt have it any other way. She then turned from him to her bunk where two neatly stacked piles of gear, including wet suits sporting their names, awaited them. Time to get our heads in the game, she declared.

Fear not, he said as he grabbed a wet suit, Im ready for anything!

Spankin, Kim said with an affectionate smirk as she took the suit bearing her name from Ron and handed him his.


The object held position about 200 feet beneath the surface, enabling the four SLUGs and two teen heroes to deploy without using a submersible. Instead, they each rode self-propelled sleds equipped with high-powered lamps that illuminated their way and small on-board computers that allowed them to communicate with one another and the Enterprise.

All six members of the team were impressed by the immense size of the object, which had a smooth gray hull and appeared to be saucer-shaped. While sonar readings had told them the thing was huge, it was only by actually approaching it that they could fathom its scale.

Once they were about fifty feet off the objects beam they split up into three pairs and began searching for any clues as to the things origin or to how they might gain entry. No markings here, Stark keyed into the pad on his computer just in time for Ron to tap him on the shoulder and point upwards. Stark looked in the direction indicated and scowled. Belay that, the SLUG typed. Markings found. Rendezvous here.

Kim and King, and then Spruance and Nimitz, joined Stark and Ron near a symbol that was about four feet high and two feet wide. The unfamiliar design appeared to have faded, presumably, Kim thought, from exposure to the salt water, thus supporting her belief they were dealing with a lair and not a UFO, though she knew it was possible aliens could have left the object behind. At the very least, she was confident she knew one thing: Not Lorwardian, she typed into her pad.

We cant be sure of that, Stark countered.

Ron typed furiously into his computer. Dude! They put their logo on every golf course on Earth, not to mention Warhoks chest and their garbage bags and this isnt it!

Stark glared at Ron, then typed, Maybe they have more than one symbol.

This screams lair, Kim countered.

I disagree, Stark typed in reply. I think its alien te

The SLUG was interrupted when Rons sled began to jerk and swing around, the wildly dancing light of his headlamp providing a weird, eerie underwater show.

Ron! Stop fooling around! Kim typed furiously.

Sorry! Dealing with a rogue clown fish, he typed in response after he regained control of his sled.

Kim, though, didnt reply. Instead, as her boyfriend careened about, his lamp illuminated something high on the side of the object that caught her attention and so she went to investigate. Moments later she typed Most def lair. Look!

When the team joined her they found her pointing at a barely visible hatch and some lettering that even Stark had to concede indicated a human provenance for the object since it was highly unlikely aliens would be using the Cyrillic alphabet.


Hana! Be careful! Mrs. Stoppable called out as her toddler happily gamboled over the ruins of the Possibles home.

Shell be all right, Ann said, trying to reassure her neighbor. I thought Kimmie was sure-footed when she was little but little Han takes the cake.

Im sure that being a world-saving super-ninja baby helps, Mr. Stoppable said with paternal pride.

Shell be fine, James said before he added with a grin, Its when she starts dating boys that youll have to begin worrying.

Dear, Ann said in a warning tone.

Just kidding, James said. Though only if Hana is lucky enough to meet someone like Ronald.

Ronnie would be so pleased to hear you say that, Mrs. Stoppable said before her daughter reclaimed her attention. Whats Hana doing?

It appears that shes lifting up a wall, James observed. Toddlers sure didnt do that when I was a kid, he added with an appreciative chuckle.

Oh, look! Ronalds naked mole rat appears to have found something, Nana said.

Oh my gosh, Ann said when she realized what Rufus had discovered, Kim will be so pleased.

Proudly standing atop the debris was Rufus, holding aloft a battered, soiled, gouged, but still intact, Pandaroo.


It appears to be Russian, Stark informed Cochrane.

Navy? The captain inquired.

Unknown, Stark answered. No recognizable military or civilian Soviet or Russian Federation markings. Orders?

Investigate, but proceed with caution.

Aye, Stark replied.

After Cochrane signed off, the SLUG posed a question to his team. Suggestions on how to gain entry?

We could detonate a small explosive charge, Spruance offered.

Not a good idea, Kim said. That might trigger defensive measures.

What do you think we should do? Stark asked.

Kim paused, wishing she had her Kimmunicator so she could consult Wade; she was sure he would be able to get them inside in no time. Reluctantly, she began to type her reply. Im not

Stoppable, are you nuts? Nimitz demanded.

Kim turned her attention to her boyfriend, who was banging on a panel adjacent to the hatch.

Ron, what are you doing? she asked.

What does it look like? he replied. Im hitting it.

And youre doing that why? Kim asked, suspecting she already knew the answer and hoping the Ron Factor would come into play.

It works on Dads old TV, he answered, confirming her suspicions.

Stop. Now. This isnt an old TV! Stark demanded. Its a

The SLUG stopped typing his admonition when the hatch slid open, revealing a large airlock.

Smiling triumphantly, Ron asked, Can I have a booyah?

Nice work, Ron! Kim replied while Stark shook his head in disgust.

King, Possible, Stoppable, secure sleds. Stark ordered. Nimitz, Spruance, keep station here in case were trapped or cut off and need you to get help.

Four minutes later, two SLUGs and two teens were in the airlock, examining the space for clues as to how they could close the outer and open the inner door, when Ron lost his footing. While King was non-plussed and Stark was highly annoyed, Kim wasnt the least surprised when her boyfriend bumped against the wall and accidentally activated the airlock. And Rons dumb skills rock yet again, she mused as the large outer door slowly slid close. After the hatch had closed, the seawater slowly began to drain from the space.

As soon as he could, Stark pulled away his mask. Then, when the water was down to his knees he ordered, Weapons ready.

Kim had not been happy with Starks insistence that they all carry directed energy weapons. Shed been on enough missions where a gun would only have introduced a dangerous, unpredictable variable into a rapidly changing and challenging situation, and experience-driven instinct told her this time would be no different.

Added to that were her concerns about Ron being armed. While she trusted him with her life, she couldnt help but recall some of the mishaps hed had with the laser lipstick and other gadgets. As if sensing his girlfriends concern, Ron took that moment to whisper in her ear, I know what youre thinking, KP.

You do? she replied with a cocked eyebrow.

Yep. And dont worry. The Ronmans going to be super-duper careful with his ray gun. I wont blow anything up until you give me the A-Okay.

The expression on Kims face told Ron she was surprised, but pleasantly so, by what hed just said. With a smug yet endearingly goofy grin, he added, Like I told Bonnie in the fall, some of us learn from our adventures!

Kim squeezed his hand and smiled. Yet another reason I call you Potential Boy.

Are you two done? asked an exasperated Stark.

Dude, chill out, Ron said. KP and I are frosty and ready to roll.

Rons right. Were ready, Kim said with a sudden seriousness that caught Starks attention. Lets do this.

After the last of the water had drained away, the inner door slid open with a whoosh that would have pleased Senor Senior, Senior and revealed a cavernous space bathed in soft red light whose walls were lined with an impressive array of equipment.

Okay, people, its go time, Stark said, his weapon drawn and armed. He then stepped out of the lock, looked both ways, and beckoned for the others to follow.