Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: Queen Bonnie Chapter 7

Kim Possible Porn Story: Queen Bonnie Chapter 7

Disclaimer: I do not own Ole Miss, Mississippi State, or Georgia. They are all schools of the Southeastern Conference and owned by said conference.

I also do not own the Ole Miss cheer, “Hotty Toddy”, either.

Time: 8:00am, Saturday

Place: An VIP Elegant Limosine.

Bonnie adjusted her diamond tiara with pride. She was wearing the most elegant strapless dress that was worth around $5,000 and adorned with bracelets and rings of the finest kind. It was all capped off with her $2,000 four-inch high heels.

But she had another prized trophy with her in the limo: Ron Stoppable, her rival’s boyfriend, was all hers for the taking.

She was to be a guest of honor at the Ole Miss – Georgia game in Oxford, Mississippi.

Bonnie jumped for joy with the fact that she was a diehard Rebel fan, but she hasn’t been to an Ole Miss football game before. She has heard a great deal about the beauty of the Grove, the most beautiful and elegant place for tailgating anywhere in the world of college football.

The 24-karat golden throne was in the back of a royal trailer, waiting to carry the Queen and her King to the most elegant press box in Ole Miss’ football stadium.

Yet, she was trying to figure out what to do with him. Then, an idea came across her head

‘Hmm, maybe I can kiss Stoppable right in front of Kim!! And for the fact that she is a Mississippi State Bulldog fan and that I am an Ole Miss fan, it would be instantly priceless. Hee-hee!!!’

She smirked at her primary prize that she got that Friday night and continued to adjust her tiara to the most perfect setting.

Ron, meanwhile, felt trapped in this hell. It was even worse than his issues with Cabin 13 at Camp Wannaweep.

“Here I am, limo traveling on Interstate 55, no KP or Rufus, and only Bonnie is in the backseat with me!!!! What could be worse??”

Bonnie motioned with her right finger and made a single kissing noise as if she was trying to seduce him, “Come here, Stoppable!!!” she tantalized him in a seducing manner.

Ron immediately coiled back in fear and realized that Bonnie was indeed trying to steal him away from Kim.


Time: 9:30am, Saturday

Place: The Grove Ole Miss, Oxford, Mississippi.

As the golden thone paraded its way through the Ole Miss campus by four bodyguards, Bonnie was resting comfortably on the lush cushions when she came upon the very entrance of the Grove. Ron was right behind her.

The Middleton Queen was overwhelmed at the sheer beauty of the Grove. It was around 10 acres. Oak, elm, and magnolia trees dotted the landscape. But what really drew her attention was the thousands of red and blue tents surrounding the entireity of the Grove. She marveled at the fine lace and doilies, the finest china that each family had to offer, the sterling silver that glimmered in the sun, and the silver-plated candlebras that glanced at every single laced table.

She was even more impressed with the dress of the fans that were present for the game. The young men were dressed in their Sunday-best: nicely-pressed black slacks, ties, coats, the finest-starched button-downed shirts and loafers.

The young ladies were also nicely dressed in the designer cocktail dresses that cost around $800. Designer handbags graced the lawn-chairs. They were all wearing very impressive jewelry, bracelets and necklaces that were often worn by the celebrities. And to top it all off, the beautiful girls were wearing high heels that cost around $1,000.

“Wow! This is such a beautiful Saturday in my first time at the Grove! No K around and I have Stoppable all to myself!” Bonnie smirked as she turned her head to Ron. Then she tantalizingly asked him “Isn’t that right, my Homecoming King?”

Ron, sitting right behind her, nervously stuttered “Yea-Yeah …….. right …….. my-my-my ……. Queen!!!” He was getting even more nervous by the minute.

However, by far the most beautiful aspect of the Grove on that day was the Queen Bee with the $90,000 diamond tiara on her head. The carefully-cut diamonds on the crown showed their beautiful glare from the sun on the clear and crisp October Saturday. She, by far, was the sexiest homecoming Queen ever to grace the beauty of the Grove.

The four bodyguards laid the throne down to the most elegant tent that Bonnie could spot. The brunette cheerleader walked down from the throne to an elegant chair. She was served with the finest hors d’oeuvres that the Grove had to offer. She also tasted the Southern cusine as well with a couple of pieces of fried chicken and pork.

To her, it was a meal fit for a Queen.

Meanwhile, Ron nervously ate the emergency Nacoes that he carried along. He cannot bear the sitch that he was in right now. Even this is worse than Wannaweep!!

Bonnie then turned her head to spot Ron and his Nacoes. Heh, Stoppable, enjoy your Naco meal now. I just can’t wait to kiss you right when Kim realizes that you’re all the way up in Ole Miss!!!


Then, a male student led the way in the traditional “Hotty Toddy” through a very loud loudspeaker.

“Are you READY????????” he yelled out in the crowd through the loudspeaker.

Bonnie stood up from the chair and came to the site where the sound originated from.

“HELLLLL YES!!! DAMNNNN RIGHT!!!!” Bonnie joined in the unison of hundreds of Rebel fans yelling.

Then the Queen Bee joined in the chorus of the Ole Miss faithful: students, fans and alumni alike and repeated the Hotty Toddy cheer.

“Hotty Toddy, Gosh almighty

Who in the hell are we, Hey!

Flim Flam, Bim Bam


She absolutely loved the experience of being pumped up for a college football game for her Rebels.


After that brief excitement to cheer on her favorite team, she then prepared to initiate the next phase of her plan: lure Kim on over to Vaught-Hemingway Stadium where she planned to kiss Ron on the lips and take her boyfriend away.

“Wow! I am actually enjoying myself here! The food, the tailgating, I love it here! Maybe I want to go to Ole Miss one day!” Bonnie announced before the crowd. Then, she turned to Ron. “And don’t worry, Stoppable! I am saving the best aspect of today for last!” She motioned to her lips in a sensual and tempting manner, ready to kiss Ron whenever she wanted.

Kim was, fortunately, well aware of the sitch befalling upon Ron.