Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: Near Misses and Total Hits Chapter 26

Kim Possible Porn Story: Near Misses and Total Hits Chapter 26

This collection has been on hiatus forever, I know. I’ve just lost the D/S bug. It may randomly return someday, but as for now, I’ve other things to be getting on with. On the plus side, I do have one more drabble, then I’m finally closing this monster down. Mild hinted adult content, so avert your eyes if that bothers you.

There are certain things she always remembers from that first time, little sensations that stay vivid against the haze of time-blurred recollection.

The knots of half-healed scar tissue under her fingers, the sudden blend from skin to plant fiber.

The warmth of his hands on her, hesitant and intrusive.

The look on his face as she teased him lightly for his nervousness, somewhere between indignant and relieved.

The brush of vines on her skin, the smell of flowers.

But mostly she remembers the feeling of surrender, being adrift on the ocean of causality. Helplessness. Vulnerability.


She remembers laughing afterwards as they lay together, but she cant remember who made the joke, or even what it was.

Prompt – “vivid”