Kim Possible Porn

Kim Possible Porn Story: Kims Nightmare Chapter 3

Kim Possible Porn Story: Kims Nightmare Chapter 3

Ever since Kim witnessed the ‘little get together’ Tara and Ron had yesterday at the Cow ‘n’ Chow, she couldn’t stop thinking about what she’d seen; her mind had been pushed into a serious meltdown, and although she had made a hurried ex filtration from the ventilation system a few minutes after Tara had arrived, she still couldn’t just erase the memories or the knowledge of what had taken place.

She’d tried to ring Ron a few hours after his ‘date’, but he didn’t pick up; Kim rationalized that he was probably still out with her somewhere.

She went to bed mulling over -and reviewing- the whole sitch over and over in her minds eye, and had the same equally repetitive thoughts immediately smack themselves back into her skull when she awoke the following morning.

Even her dreams during the night hadn’t brought her any peace from the situation, as she either dreamed of Ron with his arms wrapped around Tara in the school hallways with Kim staring dejectedly from a distance or twisted variations of precious memories which involved both herself and him with herself forced out, replaced by Tara.

She was still upset that he hadn’t told her of the plans he and Tara had made…but, why was this affecting her so much? Was she just angry that Ron had held out from her, or was there another reason? Was she worried that Tara might take him away from her? Was she jealous because of that, or because of something else? More importantly, she found herself wondering -and feeling more and more guiltily as she did so- that if this is how Ron would feel when someone catches her eye at school.

Hoping to be both cheered up and reassured by Ron himself that morning (and secretly hoping to covertly weasel the truth out from him without revealing her previous detective work), she instead just found more irritation and concern; for the first time in memorable history, Ron Stoppable wasn’t there to meet her at her home before school.

Feeling dejected, she sat down at the breakfast table with her bag and miserably munched on a bit of toast her mother had made for her. While her father was more interested in the paper, (or perhaps more likely, he knew it wouldn’t be wise to bring the up the issue bothering her at the moment seeing how volatile his ‘Kimmie-Cub’ could be) it was instead her mother, Doctor Anne Possible who tried to talk to her about why she was in such deep, contemplative thought this morning instead of her usual cheery and sparkling self.

Honey, she asked gently as she poured herself a cup of coffee, is something the matter?

Kim slowly looked up at her with her emerald green eyes for a moment before nervously looking back to the half heartedly munched on piece of toast in her hand; she began to twiddle the said piece of toast around slightly between her fingers.

It’s…Ron… she mumbled quietly.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could of sworn she’d seen her fathers hand twitch slightly as he held the paper.

It’s…well…he’s…got a…girlfriend… she continued sullenly.

I see… her mother replied delicately, I would of thought you would be happy for him though?

Oh, I am! Kim gibbered just a little bit too quickly, It’s just…well…

She raised an eyebrow as she noticed the hesitation in her daughters voice…

I don’t trust her. Kim finished rather flatly.

Her mother just sighed to herself gently…she and her husband knew how overprotective Kim was of Ron; it had always been this way as they both grew up together, and while they were both fiercely dedicated to each other like how close siblings would be, it was Kim who took the overly aggressive, jealous and out right suspicious approach to any possible threat. Ron, in stark contrast, usually took the more delicate and sublime supportive role in return.

If there was any possible threat to Ron in Kim’s perspective, Kim could be both very erratic and unpredictable.

She was broken out of her musings however when Kim got up from the table, her half eaten piece of toast heedlessly left abandoned on the table top.

Maybe he’s at Bueno Nacho, Kim mumbled to herself under her breath (although to her mother it seemed more like an attempt to reassure herself), wouldn’t be surprised if he was there…

After saying a quick goodbye to both her parents, she skittered out of the door at top speed.

Where is he? Kim mumbled to herself impatiently, he’s usually here by now!

Slumped beside her long opened locker and looking exceptionally miserable, Kimberly Anne Possible found herself staring down the locker flanked hallway to the schools main entrance with such an enraged glare it would send even Shego diving for cover.

She’d quickly made her way to Bueno Nacho after leaving her house to see if he’d been sidetracked, only to discover with bitter disappointment that he wasn’t there. She also would of checked the Mall, but quickly realized she wouldn’t of had the time to make both the detour and get to school on time.

Ron, you got some ‘s’plaining to do!

Upon her arrival at school, she’d flung her locker open with such an excessive force that the old door hinges had horrifically creaked under the strain. She’d been angrily waiting for Ron like a hungry and savage beast would for its next unsuspecting meal for about twenty or so minutes now, but as more and more time passed she was beginning to panic; Ron had yet to show either his trademark mop of messy blond hair or his relaxed and childlike grin.

The white knuckled grip she had on the anger that she’d been so fervently building up all morning began to rapidly relax itself, and the anger itself began to dissipate back into the oblivion of her growing anguish.

She was about to dial up and ask Wade if he could track him via a certain chip he’d surreptitiously implanted into Ron, when she heard both a familiar and effeminate giggle echo itself upwards from the nearby stairwell.


With her heart suddenly bungee jumping itself up and down her throat and her growing curiosity overriding both her other concerns and anxiety, she gently pushed herself up against the wall and then covertly poked her head around the corner. What she saw made her both blush furiously and pull back her head so quickly she’d almost pulled a muscle.

Ron and Tara had been gently whispering to each other on the deserted stairway, with both of them staring…no, captivating each others eyes; her crystal blue sapphires seemed to have been gently and lovingly drinking in his soft chocolaty brown while his own had been mesmerized by the fantastic shade of pure azure gazing ever so sweetly and lovingly back at him – through him– down to his core and his heart. Her arms were gently and tenderly hooked around his neck while his own were delicately caressing her lower back.

Kim quickly thought about rushing around the corner and interrupting them both with an overwhelmingly titanic wave of her pent up worry and anxiety, but a guilt laden granite roadblock from her conscience had quickly smashed its way into her train of thought; if the roles were reversed and it was her kissing Josh or another boy she liked, would Ron kamikaze or bulldoze straight in to break it up?

No, he’d leave me and try to talk to me later… she thought guiltily.

Quickly realizing that it was roughly five minutes before they had to get to their mutual home room and that the majority of their classes for the day were both together and side by side, her tense body and mind relaxed a little bit; she had an entire day to think upon just what action she would and could take to tackle this issue. She also had cheer leading practice for a potential opening to talk to both him and Tara.